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新ジャンル YouTube低速視聴!?

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Gerry Raffertyがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫29 Scroll to bottom for English translation


❝ YouTube低速視聴 ❞実はけっこうやっている人いるかも!?(^^♪

2023年6月25日 日曜日の朝は晴れて今日も気温が上がりそうです。湿度があり5階のマンションで70%近くなっております。







~Spotify からAmerica,George Martinが流れ始めました。




が、しかし~この時代に逆らうかのような❝ YouTube低速視聴 ❞ってご存じですか?


じっくり聞いた方が頭に入りやすい人とか、もともとのしゃべるスピードが早口でそれをゆっくり聞いて理解したい場合とかに使うものです。(たまごセ オリジナル )

❝ YouTube低速視聴 ❞ は誰かが言っていた言葉ではなく わたくしが名付けた新しいジャンルです。


言ってみれば みんなおじいさんが語り掛けるような感じになります(笑)。女性がしゃべっている動画はまだ試したことがないのですが、おそらくみんな おばあさん化されることは想像できます(´艸`*)



❝ YouTube低速視聴 ❞実はけっこうやっている人いるかも!?(^^♪


New genre YouTube slow viewing!

June 25, 2023 Sunday morning is sunny and the temperature is going to rise again today. There is humidity and it is almost 70% in my 5th floor apartment.

Yesterday I went shopping at the OK Store in Kickskater, and that store in front of the station was quite crowded due to its somewhat cramped space. I bought some powdered coffee and soy milk and went home. The sun was not so bright, but I was sweating a little and it was good exercise.

On the way home from shopping, I took a selfie of my kick-skater in a large parking lot and sent it to my kids.

I sent it to my child, who commented, “

Wow, you really know how to ride a kick-skater,”


I’m writing today with freshly brewed coffee and chocolate & peanuts by my side.

The price of many things have gone up, and coffee is one of them. I used to think that the price was too much. I used to drip coffee powder into a coffee filter, but now that the price is so high, I’m trying to consume more of the powder. If I want a thicker cup, I can control the amount of hot water. I think that too much of anything is a bad thing, and that moderation is necessary.

~I have started to listen to America, George Martin on Spotify.

My left wrist has been hurting since yesterday. It is not a serious pain, but I don’t want to carry heavy things. I believe there was a period last year when I had this kind of pain. I am not sure of the cause, but I will put a patch on it and see what happens. I was able to reconfirm how much I appreciate my dominant arm. I can feel that I am doing various things led by my left hand. Fortunately, writing is done with my right hand, so it does not interfere with my work. Well, in the first place, opportunities to write are quite rare. I work in a computer-centered office, and I express myself by typing on the keyboard even on my days off. I also use the right side of the mouse.

Now, to the main topic, I wonder if you are using fast-forward playback on YouTube. I think there are quite a few people who use 1.5 times fast-forward or even 2 times fastest speed to learn in a short time. Of course, I also routinely watch at 1.25x or 1.75x depending on the speaker’s original speed.

Some people find it easier to understand the material if they listen to it at a faster speed. Watching at twice the speed may lead to taking in more information, which is a good thing.

But – have you ever heard of “YouTube slow viewing,” which seems to go against the grain of the times?

It’s called watching YouTube at 0.75 or 0.5 times slower.

It is used for people who can get into their heads more easily if they listen slowly, or when the original speaking speed is too fast and they want to understand it by listening to it slowly. (Tamagose, original)

Slow YouTube viewing” is a new genre that I named, not a term that someone else used.

Of course, when you slow down the speed, the quality of the speaker’s voice changes. Even if it is a young man speaking, he will sound older.

In other words, it makes everyone sound like an old man talking to them (laughs). I have not yet tried videos of women speaking, but I can imagine that they will probably all be turned into grandmothers.

However, the music is ✖ both double speed and slow speed. Normal speed should be the most faithful reproduction of the world intended by the author. For what it is worth, lol.

Today’s polemic

” YouTube slow speed viewing” Actually, there might be quite a few people doing this!

