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USB Type‐CとThunderbolt4

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2023年1月9日 祝日 月曜日の朝は日が差し込み4度程度と比較的暖かいスタートです。朝のNEWSでは成人式の話題でした。18歳成人に伴い本日は❝ 二十歳の記念日 ❞としてお祝いをする自治体が増えているとか。18歳でお祝いの式典を検討している自治体も出てくる気配もあるようですが、18歳ではお祝いしてもお酒が飲めないという。。また受験や進路の落ち着いてない若者もいるので式典は20歳の方が良いのでは?と意見が分かれている感じですね。時代の変わり目、様子をウォッチしていきましょうか。

昨日ヤマダ電機でSSDとかHDD、USBケーブル類を店内ウォッチしてきたのですが、無数に選択肢がある感じですかね。とにかく種類が豊富です。HDDといってもテレビ録画用しかりパソコンのバックアップ用しかり、NAS用などなどそれぞれに数種類あってしっかりした知識がないとよい買い物ができないという。HDDやSSDをつなぐケーブル類も多彩でこの件を勉強し始めると半日くらい時間を要すのではと思う複雑さがあります。最近ではUSB4も出てきたようで、ひとえにUSB Type‐Cといってもその接続口の形がそれであるだけでそこを通るデータスピードを考慮するとまた複雑になり・・。PD(パワーデリバリー)なども絡みなんともカオスな世界かと。。

わたくしのサブパソコンはThunderbolt4対応なのですがデータ転送速度が4最大40Gbpsです!といってもUSB Type‐Cというつなぎ口は他のパソコンにもついていて同じなので理解していないと宝の持ち腐れになります。



USB Type-C and Thunderbolt4

January 9, 2023 A holiday Monday morning started off relatively warm, with the sun shining and the temperature around 4 degrees. The morning NEWS was about coming-of-age ceremonies, and with the coming of age of 18, more and more municipalities are celebrating today as “the 20th anniversary of the age of 20.” There are signs that some municipalities are considering holding ceremonies to celebrate at the age of 18, but even if you celebrate at the age of 18, you They are not allowed to drink alcohol. Also, there are young people who have not yet settled down for exams and career paths, so wouldn’t it be better to have the ceremony at age 20? I feel that opinions are divided. Let’s watch the change of the times, shall we?

Yesterday, I went to Yamada Denki to look at SSDs, HDDs, and USB cables in the store, and it seems like there are countless choices. There are so many different types of HDDs, including those for TV recording, PC backup, NAS, etc., that you can’t make a good purchase unless you have a good knowledge of them. There are also a variety of cables to connect HDDs and SSDs, and if you start learning about them, you may spend about half a day. Recently, USB4 has been introduced, and even though it is called USB Type-C, it is only the shape of the connection port, and it becomes more complicated when you consider the data speed through it… It is a chaotic world involving PD (power delivery) and other factors.

My sub-computer is Thunderbolt 4 compatible, and the data transfer rate is up to 40Gbps! However, the USB Type-C connector is the same as the one on other PCs, so if you don’t understand it, it will be a waste of your money.

Thunderbolt 4 has evolved in terms of video communication, doubling the number of 4K displays from one to two, and even allowing connection of 8K displays. If you don’t know this too, you really don’t have it.

It’s a field worth studying.
