♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Work of Artがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♫..♪37
2022年9月19日 祝日の月曜日、台風が九州を通過中で関東もその影響で晴れていたかと思えば突然激しい雨が降ったりと天候がかなり不安定の午前中です。
この週末は仕事のプロジェクトでいろいろありましたが、どうにかこうにか完遂し本日を迎えることができました。台風の影響で昨日なども時折激しい雷雨に見舞われずぶ濡れになりながらも外に出て案件をこなしました。やっているときは辛いだけでしたが数年経って思い出して「 こんなこともあったなぁ。。」と語る時が来るかもしれません。まずは穏やかな休日を本日迎えることができてホッとしております。
いくらか残っているポイントはこの際使ってしまおうという事で、かさばらない且つ期限が長いもので必ず消費するもの。で考えてみると「 海苔 」が頭に思い浮かびました。
Organizing Point Cards
Monday, September 19, 2022, a national holiday, a typhoon is passing through Kyushu, and the Kanto area seems to be under the influence of the typhoon. The weather was quite unstable this morning, with a typhoon passing through Kyushu, and suddenly heavy rain.
I had a lot of work projects this weekend, but somehow I was able to complete them and arrive at today’s date. Due to the typhoon, we had heavy thunderstorms yesterday and other times, and I got soaked but went outside to work on the projects. It was hard when we were doing it, but after a few years, we may look back on it and say, “This happened to me…” I am sure there will come a time when we will be able to talk about it. First of all, I am relieved to have a peaceful holiday today.
By the way, do you have a lot of loyalty cards? If you include not only cards but also apps on your smartphone, you have quite a few. It may be necessary to discard your loyalty cards at least once a year.
I reviewed the stores I no longer visit and the services I no longer use, and there they were…two supermarket loyalty cards!
I decided to use some of the points I had left over, so I decided to use them for something less bulky and with a longer expiration date, something that I would always consume. I thought of “nori” (dried seaweed).
I immediately went to a supermarket in my neighborhood (which I don’t seem to go to anymore) that was eligible for the points, and purchased seaweed using the points, making a total of 200 yen worth of points available.
This reduced the number of point cards, and my mind was somewhat refreshed.
I think it is necessary to review and delete unused applications periodically. If you live a normal life, the number of point cards will increase rapidly, just like point cards.