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2023年1月7日 土曜日の朝は移動後、初めての週末です。天候は晴れで洗濯物が程よく乾きそうな予想最高気温9度です。乾燥が続いてるようで関東各地で火事のNEWSが続いております。
2024年からの新NISA へ向けて各証券会社でNISA口座の新規開設が増えているそうです。わたくしの場合、いま運用中の証券口座をマネックス証券へ移行する手続き中です。もともとマネックス証券でNISAを始めたのですが、移行の理由は・・・IPOを意識して幹事会社となることの多いSMBC日興証券へ移行して4年ほど運用して一定の効果が確認できたためと手数料対策です。(SMBCはNISA口座でも株式購入と売却手数料がかかります。)
NISA口座を移管するには、現在開設している証券会社に届け出をし「 勘定廃止通知書 」を取り寄せ、新しく開設する証券口座へ他の書類とともに送付し1か月弱で手続き完了になるそうです。その間は新規に移管先+移管元NISA口座での買い付け取引はできません。また、現在開設しているNISA口座にある株などはそのままで新しい証券会社に移管は基本的にしません。保有していたNISA口座の株などは売却可能です。(わたくしの場合SMBCで現在保有しているNISA口座の株などは最大5年の期間内に売却のみできるという事です。)
To transfer your NISA account from SMBC Nikko Securities to Monex, Inc.
January 7, 2023 Saturday morning is the first weekend since the move. The weather is sunny and the expected high temperature is 9 degrees Celsius, which should dry out the laundry moderately. It seems to be continuing to dry out and we continue to get NEWS of fires all over the Kanto region.
Yesterday, the children’s research? I was relieved to receive a line informing me of the safe passage of my child’s research. I was relieved to receive a line informing me that my child’s research project had passed safely.
The first day of work was the 4th, but on the night of the 3rd, I had an unusually bad night? I slept poorly on the night of the 3rd, and I slept and cooled down repeatedly until the morning. And moreover, it’s my first New Year at my current job, and it’s a boring one? I found myself feeling nervous.
The year 2023 is the year of the rabbit, so we see key words like leap and leap. Especially in the stock market, there are relatively optimistic forecasts by analysts and individuals, such as the Nikkei average exceeding 30,000 yen. The exchange rate, especially the dollar-yen, has started to be volatile, hitting 129 yen for the first time in seven months and then bouncing back to 134 yen yesterday. Analysts are predicting that the yen will strengthen this year, but it may be difficult to predict what will happen.
Volatility is high for foreign index funds without currency hedging. When starting a new investment, it may be important to take currency risk into account. In the case of currency hedged funds, the volatility of returns will be narrower as well as the risk.
It is said that the number of new NISA accounts being opened at various securities companies is increasing in preparation for the new NISA starting in 2024. In my case, I am in the process of transferring my current securities account to Monex, Inc. I originally started my NISA account with Monex, but the reason for the move was… I moved to SMBC Nikko Securities, which is often used as a manager for IPOs, because I have confirmed a certain level of effectiveness after 4 years of operation, and also to avoid commissions. (SMBC charges commissions for purchase and sale of stocks even for NISA accounts.)
To transfer your NISA account, you need to report to your current securities company, request a “notice of account discontinuance”, and send it along with other documents to the new account you are opening. During this time, you will not be able to make any new purchases in the NISA account to which you are transferring or from which you are transferring. In addition, stocks and other assets in your current NISA account will not be transferred to the new securities company. You can sell the stocks in your NISA account. (In my case, I can only sell the shares in my current NISA account at SMBC within a maximum period of 5 years.)
Monex does not charge commissions for the purchase and sale of stocks in NISA accounts. Most of the online securities companies offer these commission-free accounts by default. Recently, I have the impression that many online securities offer no fees up to 1,000,000 yen even for specified accounts and general accounts (GMO, au, SBI, etc.). (GMO, au, SBI Neo, SBI, Okasan Online, etc…)
What kind of market will come in 2023?
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