===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICはStarship “ Set the night to music ” がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ===
本日は2022年4月16日土曜日 都内の天気は曇りで予想最高気温は17度。昨日より5度高くなり本来の気候に近くなりました。先週はいきなり28度の夏日を記録したかと思えば翌日急激に冷え込み最高気温が12度になってしまったりと目まぐるしい春の乱高下でした。台風の影響もありましたが今朝 小笠原付近で温帯低気圧に変わったとの事で本日午後は晴れ間ものぞき洗濯に適した土日となりそうです。
Natureスマート電気 サービス終了のお知らせ~引用は “ Natureスマート電気 サービス終了のお知らせ ” メールより
本サービスをご利用中のお客様におかれましては、大変ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、2022年5月11日(水)までに、お客様ご自身による他の電力会社への切替申し込みのお手続きを進めていただきますようお願い申し上げます。~引用は “ Natureスマート電気 サービス終了のお知らせ ” メールより
急ぎで他社に乗り換えの手続きを実施。検索の結果“ 株式会社アイ・グリッド・ソリューションズの スマ電 時間帯別料金(CO2ゼロホームプラン+(プラス))”に決まり申し込みを完了いたしました。(地方でもやってる新電力です。)やれやれといった感じでしょうか。このご時世ということで、キャッシュバックなどの特典はなく なおかつ今までよりも若干割高な料金プランですが、お得な選択肢がほぼほぼないので仕方なしです。(地方のディスアドバンテージもあります。)
実は、3月末に都内の新電力も切り替えたのですが そこも当面新規受付はしなくなりました。
~株式会社Looop のメールより引用
自分の申し込みがぎりぎりセーフで そのあと直ぐに申し込み停止になったようです。。
=== Today’s background music is Starship “Set the night to music” by Spotify === I am writing this while Starship “Set the night to music” is playing in the background.
Today is Saturday, April 16, 2022. The weather in Tokyo is cloudy with an expected high temperature of 1 7 degrees Celsius. This is 5 degrees higher than yesterday and closer to the normal climate. Last week, we suddenly recorded a summer day of 28 degrees Celsius, and the next day it suddenly cooled down to a high of 12 degrees Celsius. A typhoon hit Japan this morning, but it turned into an extratropical cyclone near the Ogasawara Islands this morning, so it looks like it will be a good day for washing clothes this afternoon.
Today’s topic is new electric power. We wrote about it in our blog at the end of March, but things seem to be changing rapidly.
Please be sure to read it.
Notice of Termination of Nature Smart Electricity Service
~ Quote from “Nature Smart Electricity Service Termination Notice” email
Yes, it is. On April 11, we received an e-mail notification from Nature Smart Electricity, one of the new electric power companies with which our family has a contract. The email continues…
Nature Corporation is pleased to announce that it has decided to terminate its Nature Smart Electricity service. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our customers and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this termination of service may cause.
In accordance with the termination of this service, all electricity supply will be discontinued as of June 30, 2022 (Thursday).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to customers currently using this service, and ask that customers proceed with the procedures for switching to another electric power company by May 11, 2022 (Wednesday).
~ Quote from “Nature Smart Electricity Service Termination Notice” email
What a surprise, not only Elpio Denki but also Nature Smart Electricity is ending its service.
We hurriedly carried out the procedure to switch to another company. As a result of our search, we decided on “Smadden Time Zone Rates (CO2 Zero Home Plan + (Plus))” from I Grid Solutions, Inc. and completed the application. (It is a new electric power company that also operates in rural areas.) I guess we’re done. In this day and age, there are no cash-back offers, and the rate plan is a little more expensive than before, but there are almost no economical options, so there is nothing we can do about it. (There is also the disadvantage of being in a rural area.)
(There is also a regional disadvantage.) Actually, we switched to a new power company in Tokyo at the end of March, but they too are no longer accepting new customers for the time being.
We are pleased to inform you that we have temporarily suspended applications for electricity supply contracts for low-voltage service that we supply as a retail electricity provider, due to the unprecedented surge in the electricity market caused by recent changes in social conditions and other factors, in order to modify our service.
(1) Applications that will no longer be accepted
New applications for switching and re-pointing for all low-voltage plans
(2) Period during which applications are suspended
New applications will be suspended at approximately 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 1, 2022
Schedule for resumption of new applications: To be determined
*We are planning to modify the service and will report separately as soon as the official resumption date is decided.
~Quoted from an email from Looop Co.
It seems that my application was just in time and was immediately suspended.
Switching to a new power company itself is becoming more and more difficult. And the cash back was going to disappear along with it. However, there are some companies that still offer some cash back.
But it’s okay to change gas companies. You just have to take action.