
LINE証券撤退 ボーナスシーズンですね。

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2023年6月17日 土曜日の朝は日差しが既に強く久々の晴れスタートの週末です。今日は30度を超えるとの予報なので外での活動は熱中症に気をつけて水分をとっての屋外活動ですね。今日も淹れたてのコーヒーとチョコレート&ピーナツを傍らに執筆です。


会社員の皆さんはボーナスシーズンですね。かくいうわたくしも会社員でありその恩恵にあずかっているのですが、売り上げはまずまず好調なのですが営業利益的に低迷期とありその影響をボーナスの価格にかなり反映がされておりといった感じでした。何年か勤めていればよいときもあるでしょうし その反対もあるのが普通なので、ボーナスをあてに住宅ローンを組んだりはなるべく避けるのが良いかもですね。


今週の話題は❝ LINE 証券業務撤退 ❞でしょうかね。なんでも7月には株式の買い付けができなくなり8月には移管手数料無料で最終的に野村証券へ業務を引き渡すそうです。



証券業界などは参入障壁もほどほどなので利益が出ないと判断したら さっと損切できるのも受け皿が豊富にあるからですね。我が家に関係のある証券会社をいくつか思い浮かべると







モーニングスター →SBI証券傘下に



LINE SECURITIES Withdrawal  It’s bonus season.

June 17, 2023 Saturday morning is the first sunny start to the weekend in a long time with the sun already shining strongly. The temperature is forecast to exceed 30 degrees Celsius today, so we’ll have to be careful of heat stroke and take water when doing outdoor activities. I’m writing again today with a cup of freshly brewed coffee and chocolate and peanuts by my side.

Recently, I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos by a spiritual counselor named Yoshikazu Namiki. This line of work had been on the back burner for a while, but recently I’ve been hooked.

It is the bonus season for company employees. I am also a company employee and have benefited from it, but although sales have been fairly strong, operating profit has been sluggish, and the effect of this is reflected in the price of bonuses. If you work for a company for a number of years, there will be good times and bad times, so it is best to avoid taking out a mortgage with your bonus as much as possible.

In our case, we are planning to use our bonus to repair the entire exterior of our house, and we are in the estimation stage, but it seems that the bonus alone will not be enough to cover the cost. We are now realizing that it is necessary to set aside a certain amount of money in the repair reserve fund, just like in a condominium, even for a single-family home. The replacement of siding costs a surprisingly large amount of money.

I guess the topic of the week is “LINE withdrawing from the securities business. Anything, they will no longer be able to buy stocks in July and will finally hand over their business to Nomura Securities in August with no transfer fees.

If you have shares in LINE Securities now, they will be transferred to Nomura Securities next year if you don’t do anything. If you don’t want to pay the increased fees, it would be better to transfer your shares for free after August or sell them before the transfer to Nomura Securities.

In the case of our family, we bought shares for ¥3,000 that were distributed at the time of the launch of LINE Securities, and now we are planning to sell the shares in the near future and withdraw the money from the bank, since the amount is slightly inflated.

The securities industry, for example, has moderate barriers to entry, so if you find that you cannot make a profit, you can quickly cut your losses because there are plenty of opportunities to do so. I can think of a few brokerage firms that are relevant to my family.

Livestar Securities → SBI Neotrade Securities to become part of SBI Securities and eventually integrate?

SBI Neo Mobile Securities → to be merged with SBI Securities in 2024

Okasan Securities → Became part of SBI Securities

At the bank.

Shinsei Bank → under the umbrella of SBI Securities


Morningstar →Affiliated with SBI Securities

Leos Capital Works (Hifumi Investment Trust) → under SBI Securities

As you can see, the above trend seems to speak to the buying power of SBI Securities. This week, the stock market has seen a big buying spree in the securities industry, and SBI Securities is no exception to the rule. One of the stocks I have held for a long time, it offers a good shareholder benefit (you can choose XRP) and a dividend of about 5% per year, although the dividend is biased toward March. (The last couple of years have been rocky, but we are looking forward to the next couple of years. (As of June 16, 2023) The past couple of years have been rocky, but we have high expectations for the future.
