===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICはISSEI NORO INSPIRITS “ VIRTUAL LIFE ” がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1===
本日は2022年3月27日 日曜日 曇りの都内です。予想最高気温は21度天候は回復に向かってますが、明日からまた寒の戻りで最高気温が16度から14度。桜にとって長持ちの気候かもですね。
ロシア、ウクライナ関連のリスク以外に隠れているリスク市場+有望市場を想像することでJTの今後が見えてくると思います。為替の 特に対象通貨対 円の動向が収益に大きく影響されます。
個人投資家にも人気のJTですが、その人気の秘訣は高配当にあると思います。因みに2021年度の配当性向は73.4%!2022年3月時点で対株価約7%の配当を出している数少ない上場企業。近年は3,000人規模の人員削減+減配や長年継続してきた株主優待を2023年で最終回を発表したりと膿出しが続いておりました。因みに この最後の株主優待を受けるには2021年12月時点で株主名簿に記載がある株主となります。
2020年12月 | 2021年12月 | 増減%pt | |
フランス | 27.1% | 28.9% | +1.8%pt |
イタリア | 25.7% | 26.7% | +0.9%pt |
ロシア | 36.3% | 36.7% | +0.4%pt |
スペイン | 26.7% | 27.8% | +1.1%pt |
台湾 | 47.8% | 48.1% | +0.3%pt |
トルコ | 26.6% | 27.7% | +1.1%pt |
英国 | 45.0% | 45.8% | +0.8%pt |
ウクライナ情勢を鑑みてどうしてもロシアの売り上げに一目散に目がいってしまいますね。昨年2021年末で4割近いシェアを持っていてウクライナに従業員約900人の自社工場を抱え、ロシアで たばこ製造工場を5か所持つJTとしては、その影響を開示したりと緊張感が伝わります。JTは2022年3月23日稼働を休止したウクライナの工場について、他国での代替生産の準備を進めていると明らかにしました。
~以上 JTホームページより抜粋して引用
また、JTはロシア国内の工場についても、「 製造を一時的に停止する可能性もある。」と表明しました。業績については2022年12月期の業績予想において、為替レートを100円=70.2ルーブルと想定しています。ロシアへの金融制裁の影響でこの想定レートを超えるルーブル安で推移する中、このルーブル安が継続した場合は利益が450億円ほど減少するとの見通しも示しました。
JTにとってさらに重要な問題はロシアではなく、その他の海外での売り上げだと わたくしは見ております。
2020年12月 | 2021年12月 | 増減%pt | |
フランス | 27.1% | 28.9% | +1.8%pt |
イタリア | 25.7% | 26.7% | +0.9%pt |
ロシア | 36.3% | 36.7% | +0.4%pt |
スペイン | 26.7% | 27.8% | +1.1%pt |
台湾 | 47.8% | 48.1% | +0.3%pt |
トルコ | 26.6% | 27.7% | +1.1%pt |
英国 | 45.0% | 45.8% | +0.8%pt |
フランス、イタリア、スペイン、台湾、トルコ、英国。。。こちらの表に(JTが開示していない)記載のない売り上げの大きい国もあると容易に想像できます。なぜならJTは「 2021年12月期には海外たばこ売り上げ上位30市場のうち、1市場以外ででシェアを伸ばした。 」と説明しております。上記表で開示したのはわずか7か国のJT都合による開示したかった?国だけです。それも売り上げシェアと対前年度増減%だけです。
・「 海外たばこ売り上げ上位30市場 」という表現は30か国以上で販売しているということ。
《 リスク市場とは 》
《 有望市場とは 》
円安メリットが享受される国~例えばメキシコ 1ペソ=5.5円→6.0円とか。JTがメキシコで今時点で大きな売り上げはないようです。
JTはたばこ世界第3位のシェアを誇ります。日本の売り上げよりも海外の比率が高いが故、為替の 特に対象通貨対 円の動向が収益に大きく影響されます。昨今の円安状況が今後も続くとするならば、2022年末のJT決算は意外なものになることも想定した 関わりが必要かと思われます。
最後にJTの配当性向について。2021年度の配当性向は73.4%と60%を超えたら高すぎると一般的に言われる指数ですが あくまで一般的な話。JTにおいては豊富なキャッシュとその歴史(高配当銘柄という誉)を受けて この方針は大きく揺るがないものと期待しております。2020年度は配当性向88.1%と外れ値?に達したことと業績を鑑みた減配が翌年2021年に行われましたが(14円減配 10%ダウン)、高配当銘柄という誉を捨て去るほどの減配ではありませんでした。2020年に減配が行われたキャノンを思い出すとその違いが分かります。キャノンの減配は50%で そのあおりを受けた投資家が多数いたことが想像できます。
年間配当額(円) | 2019年12月 | 2020年12月 |
キャノン | 160 | 80 |
キャノンは高配当株復活へ向けて増配を目論んだ業績向上を目指しております。海外売上比率が約8割なので こちらも為替が大きく絡んでいる企業です。2022年は100円、2023年は120円も視野に入れ業績拡大中のようですね。
ロシア、ウクライナ関連のリスク以外に隠れているリスク市場+有望市場を想像することでJTの今後が見えてくると思います。為替の 特に対象通貨対 円の動向が収益に大きく影響されます。
What does the future hold for JT? Is it possible to maintain a payout ratio of 73.4%?
===Today’s background music is ISSEI NORO INSPIRITS “VIRTUAL LIFE” by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1=====
Today is Sunday, March 27, 2022, cloudy in Tokyo. The forecast high is 21 degrees Celsius and the weather is improving, but the cold weather will return tomorrow and the high will be between 16 and 14 degrees Celsius. This may be a long-lasting climate for cherry blossoms.
I think JT’s future will be revealed by creating hidden risk markets + promising markets other than Russia and Ukraine related risks. The trend of foreign exchange rates, especially against the yen, will have a significant impact on earnings.
JT is popular among individual investors, and I believe the secret to its popularity lies in its high dividend. In case you are wondering, the dividend payout ratio for FY2021 is 73.4%! One of the few publicly traded companies that paid a dividend of about 7% of the share price vs. stock price as of March 022. In recent years, the company has cut its workforce by 3,000 employees, reduced its dividend, and discontinued its long-standing shareholder special benefit program. The company announced that it would be making its final announcement in three years, and the pus was continuing to fester. In case you are wondering, to be eligible for the last shareholder special benefit, you must be a shareholder of record as of December 2021.
I would like to independently examine the future of JT in light of the recent depreciation of the yen against various currencies.
JT’s overseas cigarette sales account for approximately 60% of its total sales. In its financial results, JT discloses its share of sales in seven countries, but not its net sales.
Major market shares (12-month moving average)
Dec 2020 Dec 2021 Change % pt
France 27.1% 28.9% +1.8%pt
Italy 25.7% 26.7% +0.9%pt
Russia 36.3% 36.7% +0.4%pt
Spain 26.7% 27.8% +1.1%pt
Taiwan 47.8% 48.1% +0.3%pt
Turkey 26.6% 27.7% +1.1%pt
U.K. 45.0% 45.8% +0.8%pt
Source: JT Performance Report FY2021 results and FY2022 forecast. Some quotations modified.
In light of the situation in Ukraine, I can’t help but glance at sales in Russia. JT, which has a nearly 40% market share as of the end of last year (2021), has its own plant in Ukraine with about 900 employees, and has five cigarette manufacturing plants in Russia. JT announced that it is preparing to replace its Ukrainian plant, which ceased operations on March 23, 2022, with an alternative production facility in another country.
Camel Cigar Slim is manufactured overseas (in Ukraine).
*Camel Cigar Menthol Light Box will be discontinued and discontinued after February 2022 when our stock is sold out.
Zero Style Snooth Apple Mint is manufactured overseas (produced in Sweden).
Zero Style Snoose Berry Mint Light will be discontinued after February 2022 upon exhaustion of our stock.
Camel Light Boxes are manufactured overseas (produced in Turkey).
~Above quoted in excerpts from the JT website
The above glimpse of the review of production in each country can be seen from the website. As for the Camel Light Box (produced in Turkey), there seems to be no change so far.
The company explains that it increased its market share in all but one of the top 30 markets for overseas cigarette sales in the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and Russia is expected to be among the countries where it increased its share.
JT has also announced that it may temporarily halt production at its plant in Russia. JT also announced that it may temporarily halt production at its plant in Russia. The forecast for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, assumes an exchange rate of ¥100 = 70.2 rubles. The depreciation of the ruble has exceeded this assumed exchange rate due to financial sanctions against Russia, and if the depreciation of the ruble continues, he also indicated that he expects profits to decrease by about 45 billion yen.
Even if we are optimistic, the Russian market is likely to be a highly tense year for JT in 2022 in terms of how much it can limit the decline in sales. A significant profit decline in Russia is also likely to be within expectations.
The more important issue for JT, in my view, is not Russia, but sales in other countries.
Major Market Share (12-month moving average)
Dec 2020 Dec 2021 Change % pt
France 27.1% 28.9% +1.8%pt
Italy 25.7% 26.7% +0.9%pt
Russia 36.3% 36.7% +0.4%pt
Spain 26.7% 27.8% +1.1%pt
Taiwan 47.8% 48.1% +0.3%pt
Turkey 26.6% 27.7% +1.1%pt
U.K. 45.0% 45.8% +0.8%pt
Source: JT Performance Report FY2021 results and FY2022 forecast. Some quotations modified.
France, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, UK. It is easy to imagine that there are some countries with large sales that are not listed in this table (not disclosed by JT). This is because JT “increased its market share in all but one of the top 30 markets for overseas cigarette sales in FY12/2021. The company explains that “JT’s share increased in all but one of the top 30 overseas cigarette markets in FY12/2021. The above table shows only 7 countries that JT wanted to disclose for its own reasons? Only countries. And that’s only the sales share and the year-on-year percentage change.
[The expression “top 30 markets for overseas cigarette sales” means that the company sells cigarettes in more than 30 countries.
Why do you disclose the 7 countries where the market share is growing?
Are there any hidden countries with low market share but large sales?
Are there countries whose market shares have temporarily declined and are not appropriate for disclosure?
Are there markets with low sales+share, % change, but promising future markets hidden?
The above is a list of questions that come to mind. The table below shows seven promising markets that JT has disclosed, but I believe that JT’s future can be seen by creating risky and promising markets that are hidden in addition to the Russia and Ukraine-related risks that anyone can imagine.
What is a risk market?
Countries where it is difficult to raise prices due to political situations where anti-smoking policies are implemented
Countries where unrest and declining sales are expected.
Countries that will not benefit from a weaker yen.
What is a promising market?
Countries where a smoke-free policy is the basis but price increases are possible
Countries with relatively stable political situations where sales are expected to increase; developing countries are also included.
Countries that will benefit from the weak yen – for example, Mexico, where 1 peso = 5.5 yen to 6.0 yen.
Cigars, by the way, are one of the oldest cigarettes and have been enjoyed since ancient times, especially in Mexico.
JT boasts the third largest cigarette market share in the world. Since overseas sales account for a larger proportion of JT’s total sales than sales in Japan, its earnings are greatly affected by the exchange rate trends, especially the exchange rate of the yen against target currencies. If the recent depreciation of the yen continues, JT’s financial results at the end of 2022 may come as a surprise.
Finally, JT’s dividend payout ratio for FY2021 is 73.4%, which is 6.6% higher than the previous year’s payout ratio of 73.4%. We expect that JT’s abundance of cash and its history of high dividend payers will keep the company’s policy intact. In FY020, the dividend payout ratio was 88.1%, an outlier? The following year, in 2021, the dividend was reduced (by 14 yen to 1.5 yen) in consideration of the performance of the company and the fact that the dividend had reached 1.5 yen (the same as in the previous year). (down 0%), but not enough to throw away the reputation of being a high dividend payer. The company’s main business is to provide a comprehensive and comprehensive service to its customers. Cannon’s dividend cut was 50%, and one can only imagine how many investors took the brunt of it.
Annual Dividend (Yen) December 2019 December 2020
Canon 160 80
Canon is aiming to improve its performance with an eye toward increasing dividends to revive the high-dividend stock. The company’s overseas sales account for about 80% of its total sales, so the exchange rate is a major factor here as well. It seems that the company is expanding its business performance with a view to ¥0.0 and ¥120.0 in 2023.
I think JT’s future can be seen by creating hidden risk markets other than Russia and Ukraine related risks + promising markets. The trend of foreign exchange rates, especially against the yen, will have a significant impact on earnings.
Investments are made at your own risk.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***