
au payカード 不正使用の対応

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに アンルーリー・ チャイルドがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♫..♪40

本日は2022年10月1日 土曜日。都内の予想最高気温は28度で すっかり秋の涼しげな風が心地よい朝です。9月は嵐のように過ぎ去り?本日から10月という事で今年2022年は残すところあと3か月。おそらく個人的には怒涛の勢いで過ぎ去って気が付いたら2023年!みたいなイメージでを覚悟しております。

7月に新しくau payカードを作ったのですが、不正使用があったのでその経緯を簡単にご紹介しますね。



その後1,2時間経った頃でしょうか。コインパーキングで決済をau payカードでしたのですが「 このカードは受け付けられません。」とのメッセージがあり、仕方なく別のカードで決済しました。変だな?と思いながらも大して気にせず、そのまま午後になってスマホを確認すると・・・

三菱UFJニコスカードから「 クレジットカードのご利用確認のため0120-***までお電話くださいますよう お願い申し上げます。」とのショートメッセージ。



どうやらau payカードの発行元が★三菱UFJニコスカードとのこと。オペレーターによるとカードの不正利用が疑われたので使用を制限しているとのこと。

★au payカードの裏面には三菱UFJニコスカードとの関連を示す表示はありません。


オペレーターにカードの再発行を促されたので素直に応じ、最大2週間かかるとのことでした。その後、前日に契約した通信販売の定期配送をau payカードの決済を別のカードに切り替えて この件は一旦エンディングを迎えました。

初めての経験でしたが、発行元のカード会社がある程度しっかりセキュリティーを監視してくれていれば不正利用も食い止めてくれて いくらか安心感がありますね。

au pay card fraudulent use correspondence

Today is Saturday, October 1, 2022. The forecast high temperature in Tokyo is 28 degrees C. It is a pleasant morning with a cool autumn breeze. Today is October, which means there are only three months left in this year 2022. I personally think that the year 2022 will pass like a storm, and before I know it, it will be 2023! I am prepared for the year 2023 to come before my eyes.

I made a new au pay card in July, but there was some unauthorized use of it, so I’d like to briefly explain how it happened.

I started using my newly made card a little bit at the end of July, and last week, the last week of September, I made several purchases with my phone.

One was at Rokkatei for about 5,500 yen in one case (actually there was one more purchase, but it didn’t work out…) and one on amazon in Japan (about 2,200 yen for two items).

I think it was about an hour or two later. I used my au pay card to pay at a coin parking lot, but I got a message that said, “This card is not accepted. I had no choice but to pay with another card. I had no choice but to pay with another card. I thought it was strange, but did not pay much attention to it, and when I checked my phone in the afternoon…

A short message from Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS card said, “Please call us at 0120-***** to confirm the use of your credit card.” The message said, “Please call us at 0120-****** to confirm your credit card transaction.

Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Card? I wonder if I had a card from this company.

I called the toll-free number listed on the card, and found out that the issuer of the au pay card is Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS.

The operator told me that the issuer of the au pay card is *Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Card. The operator told me that the use of the card was restricted because of suspected fraudulent use.

★There is no indication on the back of the au pay card that it is related to the Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS card.

The operator confirmed today’s card usage one by one. In addition to Rokkatei, Japanese amazon, British? and US amazon. I had no idea, so I offered that I had not used the last two.

The operator asked me to reissue the card, which I did and was told it would take up to two weeks. I then switched my au pay card payment to another card for a regular mail order delivery I had signed up for the day before, and this case came to an ending.

This was my first experience, but if the issuing credit card company monitors security to some extent, they can stop unauthorized use and give me some peace of mind.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

