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2023年4月2日 日曜日の朝は曇りで昨夜から今朝にかけて雨の後が残ります。14度ありますが気温はあまり上がらず17度どまりで午後から小雨の予報。本日は朝一で床屋に行きさっぱりしてきます。
祝㊗㊗㊗ 300記事 達成! since 2019 ㊗㊗㊗祝
たまごセさん お気づきいただきありがとうございます。200記事のお祝いの時から少し短くしました。2周年のころに戻った感じですね。それにしてもよくよく続けてこられて。本当にお疲れ様です。また聞いてしまいますが・・・途中でやめようと思ったりしませんでしたか?
確かに一人で作業し発信する作業がブログのベースですが、ネットを介している以上 レンタルサーバーであったりドメインであったり現実的なしがらみが発生します。
今後も意欲的に たまごセのブログを継続されるかと思いますが、最終的な到着地点はイメージされているのでしょうか?
何度か言ってますが過去の記事で消し去りたいものも正直いくつかありますが、当面は自分の成長を感じるために?残しておきます。いずれ非表示にするかもしれませんが。。これからも自分の書いた記事は” 自分で何回読んでも嫌にならない ”を意識して執筆してゆきます。
Celebrating 300 posts! Celebrating girls again! Why do you keep blogging?
Sunday morning, April 2, 2023, is cloudy with a trace of rain from last night and this morning. 14 degrees Celsius is expected, but the temperature will not rise much, hovering around 17 degrees, with light rain in the afternoon. I’m going to the barbershop first thing in the morning to freshen up.
Congratulations on reaching 300 articles! Since 2019 Congratulations!
With this article, I reached 300 articles!
congratulation girl
Congratulations, Tamagose!
It has been a while, congratulations girls. Your hair has changed again.
congratulation girl
Thank you for noticing, Tamagose-san. I feel like I’m back to my second anniversary. I’m really grateful to you for your hard work. I really appreciate your hard work. I have to ask you again…did you ever think of quitting?
After reaching 200 articles, I had some trouble moving my rental server (see the article from June 2022). June 2022 article), a significant increase in the server rental price (see blog’s 3rd anniversary article), and a repartee of events (lol)
celebratory girl
So continuing to blog involves a variety of realistic experiences. I guess it’s basically a one-person operation.
It is true that blogging is based on one person’s work and transmission, but as long as it is done through the internet, there is a lot of work involved. However, as long as you are online, you have to deal with the realities of server rentals, domain names, and so on.
But as long as you are online, you have to deal with the realities of server rentals, domain names, and so on. I think it is important to be able to continue to deal with these issues and at the same time realize the direction that you want to take and express yourself.
congratulation girl
I assume you will continue to blog about Tamagose, but do you have an idea of where you want to end up?
I would like to set up a website based on the blog and link it to my business. I’m not sure what my vision is at this point.
Celebrating Women
It’s been two and a half years since you reached 200 articles and three years and four months since you reached 300 articles, and the pace of article updates has accelerated.
I think this is a result of the habit of creating two articles a week on weekends.
celebratory girl
I look forward to more useful articles from you!
As I have said several times, there are a few articles in the past that I would like to erase. But for the time being, I’m going to leave them as they are to feel my growth. I may hide them eventually. I may hide them eventually. I will continue to write my articles with an awareness that “I don’t get tired of reading them no matter how many times I read them myself.