♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに ジョージ・ハリスンがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫35 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年7月16日 日曜日の朝は晴れてさわやかな風が心地よいです。しかしながら本日から暑くなり予想最高気温は36度。不要不急の外出は避けたいところです。
宅配便のもう1件はamazonで再配達のパンツでした。早速昨晩からはいてますが さすがBROS、安定のフィット感です。3枚買ってサイズ感もばっちりで数年は安心です。(*過去の記事をご参照ください。下部にリンクを貼っておきます。)
その詳細については過去の記事を参照していただきたいのですが、購入の直前に突然稲妻が光りました。たまたま見たネットの推奨記事でBenQから新製品が出たというので見てみると・・。希望する27インチでWQHDであることは検討していたEIZOと同スペックです。その記事を読み進めていくとEIZOに対抗しているかのようなその他のスペック(デイジーチェーン、65W PD供給etc…)にも興味をそそられ、EIZOの目玉でもある台座のフレキシビリティーもその形状こそは違えど十分に検討の余地があるとの結論に至りました。
肝心の値段を見てみると、新製品でありながら5万円台そこそこ(amazon)。7万円台のEIZOと比較して一気に心が入れ替わってしまい、結局BenQをamazonで購入するに至りました。→BenQ アイケアモニター GW2790QT 27インチ
買ってから2か月ほど家で使ってますが、素晴らしいの一言です。特に台座のフレキシビリティーが秀逸で、デスクになるべく近づけて(モニターを見下ろす形で)使うことがデフォルトなのですが、その操作性が優れチルト角度も申し分なく(モニターを後ろに倒して使う場合)台座の形状はEIZOの様に派手ではないのですが、安定して自由に操作でき もはやモニターアームは不要です。スピーカーはEIZOに似せたのか?おまけ程度ですが、ちょっとしたYouTube視聴などでは問題ありません。音楽をじっくり聴く場合はBluetoothスピーカーがありますのでね。
BenQ アイケアモニター GW2790QT 27インチ

現在キーボードはBlackWidow Eliteに変更です。しっかりした一枚板の台座(重いです)
27″ EIZO vs. BenQ Good pedestal
July 16, 2023 Sunday morning is sunny and breezy. However, it will be hot today, with an expected high of 36 degrees. We should avoid going out when it is not necessary.
EIZO looks good, but… the conclusion is BenQ…
Yesterday, I went to the barber, replaced the refrigerator, and picked up two delivery services. One of the deliveries was a package of hamburgers from Yonezawa that I had ordered as a special treat. I thought they were frozen. I was expecting them to be frozen, so I decided to freeze half of them and enjoy them slowly. I was worried about the freshness of the beef, since it would take 4 weeks to eat 8 pieces by myself even if I eat them every weekend. For today’s second meal, I will enjoy the Yonezawa beef hamburger steak by roasting it in hot water.
The other delivery was a pair of pants from amazon for re-delivery. I’ve been wearing them since last night, and as expected of BROS, they are a stable fit. (*Please refer to the past articles. (*Please refer to the past articles, links are attached at the bottom.)
Yesterday, I had my face shaved at a barber shop for the first time in a while. It was refreshing to have someone shave my face for the first time in a long time. I was asked, “Do you want a shave under the eyebrows too?” I was asked, “Do you want a shave under the eyebrows too? I was so glad. Nowadays, with the prevalence of quick cuts, face shaving and massages in the middle of a shave are considered luxuries, and I felt again how much I appreciated having someone else do it for me and how superior it was as a service. The shoulder massage was a very short one, but I enjoyed it very much. (For a quick cut, please refer to *previous articles. I’ll put the link at the bottom.)
Now to the main topic. I have described EIZO computer monitors in a previous edition of this blog. (*Please refer to the past articles. (*Refer to the past articles for more details.)
For more details, please refer to the past articles, but just before I made the purchase, a lightning bolt suddenly flashed. I happened to see an online recommendation article that said BenQ had released a new product, so I took a look…. It is the same specs as the EIZO I was considering, being WQHD at the desired 27 inches. As I read through the article, I was intrigued by the other specs (daisy chain, 65W PD supply, etc…) that seemed to compete with EIZO’s. I was also intrigued by the flexibility of the pedestal, which is the main feature of EIZO, and came to the conclusion that the flexibility of the pedestal, although its shape is different from EIZO’s, is also worth considering.
When I looked at the price, I found it to be in the 50,000 yen range (amazon) even though it is a new product, and compared to the 70,000 yen EIZO, I changed my mind at once and ended up purchasing the BenQ on amazon. →BenQ Eye Care Monitor GW2790QT 27 inch
I’ve been using it at home for about two months since I bought it, and it’s nothing short of amazing. The flexibility of the pedestal in particular is superb, and although my default is to use it as close to my desk as possible (looking down on the monitor), the operability is excellent and the tilt angle is perfect (when the monitor is tilted back), the shape of the pedestal is not as fancy as EIZO’s, but it is stable and free to operate. The speakers are similar to those of the EIZO, but the tilt angle is perfect. The speakers are similar to EIZO’s? They are a bonus, but they are not a problem for a little YouTube viewing. If you want to listen to music, there are Bluetooth speakers.
I spent a lot of time considering, but my conclusion was BenQ.
I stopped playing golf quite a long time ago, but just like golf, you have to be able to get up there, right?