♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Moxy がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♫二♪♫♩〇四
先回の記事でラクウルへ査定を出したことを記載いたしました。査定結果が出たのでご報告いたします。 先回の記事(☆リンクは別のタブで開かれます→):使ってないガジェット断捨離 ラクウルは箱も用意してくれます
クロネコ便で自宅まで自分で梱包した箱を引き取りに来ていただいてから およそ1週間後、査定結果がアプリに出ました。

約10品目のガジェットやCDを出したのですが、それぞれの査定金額がスマホで確認でき“ 売るか売らないか ”は品目ごとに選べるシステムとなっております。

査定額に納得いかなければ、「 すべてを返却希望 」にチェックし返却してもらうこともできますし、品目ごとに返却してもらうことも可能です。株主優待の1,000円アップ込みで査定額25,000円でした。今回すべての品目に納得できたので「 確認画面へ 」をタップいたしました。


ウオレット残高に25,000円が反映されております。これを“ ビック買い取りマネー入金 ”にすると5%アップの26,350円になりビックカメラやコジマ、ソフマップの店頭などで利用できます。その他 銀行振込(手数料必要)や お店で現金受け取り も選択できます。今回は お店で現金受け取り を初めて利用する予定です。
今回は、買って使わなくなったガジェット、CDが溜まったのでラクウル活用でうまく断捨離できお金に換えることができました。株主優待の券がなければ先延ばしになっていたかもなのでビックカメラの決算報告書に同封の優待券に腰を上げさせてもらい家も心もすっきりの結果となりました。またラクウルを利用することが できればないように買い物を吟味して日々過ごすようにしたいところです。(難易度高め?笑)
先回の記事 ☆リンクは別のタブで開かれます⇩
使ってないガジェット断捨離 ラクウルは箱も用意してくれます
RaQualu Assessment Result: 25,000 yen If you are not satisfied with the assessed value, you can return it.
We mentioned in a previous article that we submitted an assessment to Rakuul. We are pleased to report the results of the assessment. In the previous article: Decluttering unused gadgets RaCool also prepares a box for you.
About a week after I had the boxes I had packed by myself picked up at my home by Kuroneko Delivery Service, the result of the assessment appeared on the app.
I sent out about 10 items of gadgets and CDs, and I could check the appraisal value of each item on my smartphone, and I could choose “sell” or “not sell” for each item.
If you are not satisfied with the appraised value, you can check the “return all” box and have the items returned, or you can have each item returned individually. The appraised value was 25,000 yen, including the 1,000 yen increase for the shareholder’s special benefit. The total value was 25,00,000 yen, including the 1,000 yen increase for the shareholder’s special benefit. Since I was satisfied with all the items, I tapped the “Confirm” button.
The transaction was completed, and when I tapped the wallet…
25,000 yen was reflected in the wallet balance. If you make this a “BIC purchase money deposit,” the amount will increase by 5% to 26,350 yen. You can use it at Bic Camera, Kojima, and Sofmap stores. You can also choose bank transfer (handling fee required) or cash pickup at the store. I plan to use the cash pickup option for the first time.
BIG BUY BUY BUY Money can be used at a good price, but it cannot be used in combination with cash or card payment, and you have to make purchases within the balance of the BIG BUY BUY BUY Money. It may be difficult to use the money exactly as it is.
Whether you have boxes for packing or not, Kuroneko Delivery Service will come to your home for pickup free of charge by arranging it with your smartphone.
Depending on the number of items, the assessed value will be displayed on your smartphone within a week after pickup.
If you are satisfied with the valuation amount, the amount will be immediately entered into your smartphone.
If you use BIC Buyback Money, you can use it with a 5% increase.
You can make the best use of the special benefit of 1,000 yen increase in the purchase price for shareholders.
The recognition may be in its infancy. There is not much word of mouth yet.
It is not easy to find people who want to buy and ship individually when you have a lot of items to sell.
This time, I was able to successfully declutter and convert gadgets and CDs that I had bought and no longer used into money by utilizing Rakuul. If I didn’t have the shareholder discount coupon, I might have put it off, so the discount coupon enclosed in Bic Camera’s financial report helped me to get rid of it, and my house and mind were refreshed. I would like to spend my days carefully shopping so that I will not have to use Rakuul again if possible. (Is it too difficult? (More difficulty?)
For more information about RaQualu, please see the link. Please refer to the link for more information about RaQualu.
先回の記事 ☆リンクは別のタブで開かれます⇩
使ってないガジェット断捨離 ラクウルは箱も用意してくれます
Declutter unused gadgets. They will prepare a box for you.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***