♫♪バックグラウンドに YouTube 本田健&並木良和が流れている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫28 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年6月18日 日曜日の日の出後の朝は晴れて昨日同様 気温の上がる休日という事で朝から洗濯機が回り、シーツや掛布団のカバーが洗われた後 ベランダに気持ちよく干されております。気になっていた換気扇の掃除を昨日済ませてスッキリしました。
6月度日 日曜日の家族へのLINE~
午前中 少し先にある業スーに行く途中、あと少しで到着というところで自転車のギアが外れ、スポークも2本とれてしまいました。
後輪上げながら1.3kmくらいで良かったです!あつさもほどほどで さわやかな風が吹く中でしたのでね。。自転車屋さんからは50分程度の道のりでいい運動になりました(*^^*)

その選んだ商品はoxelo TOWN 7XL というフランスのデカスロン社のものです。もちろん大人用です。


Kick Skaters Beware of Downhill! oxelo T7XL Debut Impressions
June 18, 2023 The morning after sunrise on Sunday was sunny and, like yesterday, a holiday with rising temperatures, so the washing machine was running in the morning and sheets and quilt covers were being washed and then hung out on the balcony to dry comfortably.
Kick skaters are more than walking and less than biking…
Yesterday I went shopping at the supermarket with the kick skater I bought last week. The bicycle had lost a spoke on the rear wheel after 6 years of service and I paid Asahi Cycle 1,100 yen to take it back for disposal.
June Degree Sunday Line to Family~.
In the morning, on my way to Koso, a little further down the road, my bicycle came off the gears and two spokes fell off just as I was about to arrive.
The rear wheel was stuck, so I lifted the back tire and managed to make it 1.3 km to the nearest bicycle shop that I searched for.
I will search for tubeless bicycles on the Internet. The bicycle was finally scrapped and I had to pay 1100 yen to pick it up. I’m glad I didn’t have to go to IKEA or go on a very long trip.
I was lucky that I was able to keep the rear wheel up for about 1.3 km! The heat was moderate and there was a nice breeze. It took about 50 minutes from the bike shop, and it was a good workout.
At that time, I thought it might have been just a chain coming off, but two spokes of the rear wheel came off, which made me decide to scrap the bike. It was unavoidable when I imagined the repair cost because the rust had advanced considerably.
Thank you for your help for the past 6 years. The last 8 months it’s been out in the rain and the rust has progressed.
As you can see on the line above, I had been looking for a tubeless bike that was easy to take care of and free from air inflation, but I came to a different conclusion considering the limited number of tubeless bikes available on the Internet these days and the difficulty in finding a good 27-inch bike.
The rear wheel stopped turning, so I lifted the rear wheel with one hand and pushed the bike to the nearest bicycle shop I searched for, but it was quite hot. However, I was glad that I could manage to push the bicycle to the nearest bicycle shop.
I managed to get to Asahi Cycle, but the place was packed with customers. I wrote my name on a waiting list and waited for almost an hour. I paid for the disposal and walked less than an hour back to my apartment, a good exercise on my day off since I am used to walking for an hour every morning on my way to work.
After returning home, I went online and looked around for a bike with tubeless tires (I learned that kickboard is a trade name) and bought a Kick Skater.
(I also learned at that time that kickboard is a product name.) There were countless options for kick skaters, and it took me quite a while to make my choice, but the deciding factor was a blogger who was talking about his experience with them with a video, and I decided to buy one.
The blogger (YouTuber) has been sharing his obsession with gadgets for a long time. The point is that a post about outdoor kick skaters caught my eye on YouTube, and I thought that if that obsessive blogger had chosen this product, it would be high on my list of things to consider.
The product he chose is the oxelo TOWN 7XL, made by the French company Decathlon. Of course, it is for adults.
I ordered it from amazonn and it was delivered immediately. Unfortunately, I could not go out for a long distance because of the continuous rain over the weekend, but yesterday I went out for a test ride near the supermarket where I usually go.
My impression was that it was more like walking and less like biking. It is easy to go downhill without kicking. On the other hand, going uphill is tough (lol). It may be good to pull the bike uphill without kicking it.
Kick skaters are at their best on paved, flat roads. A little kick is all it takes to get going. It is probably thanks to the bearings. It really goes smoothly with very little effort! It’s just like that.
If the road is a little rough, the propulsive force is immediately reflected, and it affects the ride quality. It has a front and rear suspension system, but it is not suitable for roads other than clean paved roads.
Even on easy downhill slopes, you need to be careful. It is easy to go too fast. Basically, human-powered kick skaters on sidewalks must be in harmony with pedestrians. Contact with pedestrians must be avoided. For this reason, speed is not possible.
From what I have learned until yesterday, it seems to be a good idea to use one of the legs to contact the ground a little bit to reduce speed on downhill slopes. The brake on the steering wheel should be considered only as an emergency measure, because the brake on the right-hand side of the steering wheel is an aid. The brake on the right handlebar is auxiliary and ineffective, and the structure of the brake that restrains the tire on top of the rear tire causes tire wear and heat generation, which affects the life of the tire.
(The black splash protector on the rear wheel also acts as a brake when you step on it with your foot.
Although it cannot go as far as a bicycle, the advantage of this kick skater is that it can be folded up and taken on a train (it is preferred to put it in a bag), which is something I would like to try eventually. The pegs behind the front wheels are the starting point for folding.
It weighs less than 7 kg, which is less than a bag of rice, so a man should not feel it is too heavy. I have a wire lock that I used to use on my bicycle to lock it while shopping in case it gets stolen. Since it is light, it can be folded up and carried in areas where there is a risk of it being taken away easily if it is not tied up somewhere.
For the time being, I will repeat the test to see if it can replace a bicycle. The area where I live now has a lot of ups and downs, so the climbs are a challenge, as is the case with a bicycle. The advantage of a kick skater is that it is lightweight and can be used to carry me up small flights of stairs. We hope to have a wider choice of roads than by bicycle, and we will report back to you.