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2023年4月8日 土曜日の朝は昨日の雨が上がりさわやかな春の訪れを感じる日の出直後です。今日は燃えるゴミなので朝食を済ませ コーヒーを淹れて出たごみを捨ててからのブログ執筆です。
「 市場変動により、取引成立しませんでした。」などと断り文句を何度かいただきました。
「 お客様の既発外国債券注文が約定しましたのでご連絡いたします。」
国債は長期が基本なので既発債であっても2044年償還、もっと先だと2053年償還なども普通にあります。2053年だとさすがに自分の場合だとシニアになっており もしかしたらこの世にいない可能性も?と脳裏をよぎります(笑)
0% 38.50 1000USD 2052/02/15 - *AA+(S&P)/
*Aaa(Moody’s)3.33% 1000USD 28年11ヶ月
Bonds redeemable after 30 years What’s the point of buying such a bond? ~There is a solution!
April 8, 2023 Saturday morning is just after sunrise, a refreshing spring day after yesterday’s rain. It’s burnable trash today, so I’m writing this blog after I’ve finished breakfast, brewed coffee, and thrown away the garbage that came out.
I started the day peacefully with freshly brewed coffee and chocolate and peanuts by my side.
Yesterday the weather was not so good, not only rainy but also windy, so today’s air feels clean and fresh. I was able to work at my own pace for the day, which helped relieve some stress. At home, my computer desk is standing, as is this blog, so I can stand while teleworking and sit down when I get tired, which is good for my exercise routine.
When I go to the office, I have only bananas and dried fruits for lunch, but it is good that I can cook and eat well when I telework. I can also watch the market movements after a break. I hope that teleworking, which has spread rapidly after Corona, will be around for a long time to come.
Monday through Thursday I work in the office, and Friday is my reward? I think it would be ideal to have Monday through Thursday as office work and Fridays as teleworking.
Bonds redeemable after 30 years also have a way of life.
I have recently made a belated entry into U.S. bonds. I have been buying some existing bonds at SMBC Nikko Securities and other securities companies. The dollar is now around 130 yen, which seems to have calmed down from the 150 yen it was at one time. Since I don’t have US dollars, I buy in Yen and have them converted to US dollars at the time of purchase. I receive the redemption and interest payments in dollars. If I set this option at the time of purchase, I can choose between automatic purchase of foreign currency MMFs for interest payments and foreign currency for redemption, which is convenient and prevents me from being careless. (In the case of SMBC Nikko Securities, we expect other securities companies to do the same.)
Not only U.S. Treasuries, but also government bonds are basically long-term. Some of them are already issued and are about to be redeemed, so you can imagine that they will be redeemed soon, say in 2024 or 2025.
So, for those that receive interest (other than split bonds), there is a transitional interest payment in the case of existing bonds.
For example, if a bond has interest payments in February and August, and you purchased it in April, the buyer who sold it to you has the right to receive interest from February to March, so the new buyer pays two months’ worth of interest to the seller.
Unlike stocks, existing credits are traded on a relative basis, so transactions sometimes did not go through, and this was a stumbling block in the beginning.
Perhaps because I placed an order for a large lot, I received an e-mail from SMBC Nikko Securities saying
Due to market fluctuations, the transaction was not executed. I received several refusals from SMBC Nikko Securities, such as “Due to market fluctuations, the transaction was not executed.
What do you mean by market fluctuation?
After that, we tried smaller lots and split the order into several bonds.
The message “We are writing to inform you that your existing foreign bond order has been executed.
We are pleased to inform you that your existing foreign bond order has been executed.”
and an email informing me that the transaction has been executed. I guess it must be really easy to trade bonds as well as stocks now that I can order from an app on my smartphone. Until recently, you probably had to call to place an order. I guess office workers could only buy and sell during their lunch break.
I am not sure if I will be around in 2053, but I will be a senior citizen. I am a senior citizen in 2053, and I may not even exist in this world.
U.S. Government Bonds (Stripped Bonds)
0% 38.50 1000USD 2052/02/15 – *AA+(S&P)/
3.33% 1000USD 28 years 11 months
For example, the above strips of bonds can be purchased at 38.5% of face value with no interest payments, and the interest rate is 3.33%. The redemption date is February 15, 2052, so the bond would be held for 28 years and 11 months. The minimum transaction amount is $1,000.
Holding the bond for about 30 years at the interest rate of 3.33% may not be a loss, but if there are market fluctuations, such as an increase in the bond price, you can sell the bond at a brokerage firm at the opposite position from when you purchased it. As many videos have been uploaded on YouTube recently about the purchase of bonds, it is (was?) a good opportunity to buy. It is obvious to the layman’s eye that this is (was?) a good buying opportunity. Analysts are also concerned about whether or not the U.S. interest rate will continue to rise. The peak may have passed, as there is a sense that interest rates are no longer near 4%. (When making an investment, we ask that you do so at your own discretion after reviewing the relevant documents and considering the viewer’s investment objectives, financial situation, and tax treatment).
When entering the dollar in yen, there are various discussions about how much the break-even point is per dollar and so on.
Even if you were to hold on to your investment until the redemption date, you would not be able to convert it to yen unless the environment for dollar-yen is favorable at that time. For example, what would you do if you buy an investment at 130 yen per dollar and the price is 100 yen per dollar on the redemption date?
You would continue to hold it in dollars (sticking with it as the investment is still going on). (Stick to the idea that the investment is still going on)
(❷Turn the money into yen and use it normally. (Accept that the investment was not successful)
Even if you have two choices, the first choice is still different.
The options for holding on to your money in dollars are
A: Keep the money in a foreign currency MMF.
B: Switch to other U.S. bonds.
C: Buy US stocks.
D: Pass it on to future generations as an inheritance.
This action is based on the expectation that the dollar will eventually go in the direction of a stronger dollar (say ¥150).
If you choose the foreign currency MMF option in A, you are probably assuming that the yen will weaken in the relatively not-so-distant future. This strategy takes advantage of the characteristics of MMFs, which are faster than stocks and bonds.
The B bond transfer depends on the remaining life of the existing bonds, so there seems to be a wide range of choices from 1 or 2 years to 30 years. Unless you are in your 20s now or something, it is likely to be another 30 years and you will not have a chance to use it in this life lol.
Is C’s U.S. stock the riskiest tactic? Because of the price movement plus the need to have a market view of the dollar.
If the inheritance is inherited at 130 yen per dollar but redeemed after 2 to 30 years at 100 yen per dollar, it would be recorded at a significant discount. Further study is required.
The market fluctuates not only in 2 to 30 years, but even next year, and you never know, so it is best to use your own risk tolerance.
Bonds redeemable after 30 years also have a way of life.