♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに 70年代洋楽バーラードがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫18 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年5月14日 日曜日の朝は曇りでのちに雨の予報。今日も早めに買い物を済ませて平日の食べ物の仕込みをこなしたいと思います。納豆も底をついているのでまとめて購入してきます。おそらく今日のOKストアも開店前の10時から長蛇の列です。スーパーは9時開店でも良いと思います。本日も淹れたてのコーヒーとチョコレート&ピーナツを傍らに執筆です。
先週は日経平均が29,000円台で終わりました。各社の決算発表が矢継ぎ早に出される中、ドル円の膠着間、バフェット効果?やCPI, PPIといったアメリカの指標発表などを背景に日本株への注目度が試されております。Youtubeなどを検索していると ドルの派遣は終了するとか、アメリカの債務上限問題が!とか。日本株ではNTTの25分割でも株主優待はそのままなので日本人全員100株持ったらよいかも?とか、武田薬品増配も減収減益で下落とか、信越化学は現状底で長期的には買いだとか、暗号資産が~とか。いろいろな動画がアップされており結構な時間勉強させてもらいました。
予想ですが、ネットなどで配当の住民税申告不要制度が結構取り上げられていた近年の影響力が実際の税申告に反映されその結果、穴をふさぐべく制度廃止となったのではと推察されます。税制はモグラたたきで、❝ 減税するのにこんな抜け道ありますよ ❞的な本が出版されてヒットしたり、ネットで話題になったりと一定の宣伝効果に実務(確定申告など)が伴うと結果として❝ 制度廃止 ❞が繰り返されているように思います。
さて、次の❝ 制度廃止 ❞はどのあたりでしょうか。マイクロ法人などもかなりYouTubeやSNSで取り上げられているので❝ 制度廃止 ❞とまでいかなくとも結構な改悪はあるのかもしれませんね。
The system under which dividends are not required to file an inhabitant tax return will end in 2022.
May 14, 2023 Sunday morning is forecast to be cloudy and later rainy. I hope to finish my shopping early today and get the weekday’s food ready. I’m also running low on natto, so I’ll be buying it in bulk. Probably OK Store today also has a long line from 10:00 before the store opens. I think supermarkets can open at 9:00. I am writing today with freshly brewed coffee and chocolate & peanuts by my side.
Yesterday, I changed my mood by buying yogurt at the local supermarket and drugstore in between the rain that stopped throughout the day. I concluded my recent problem with my computer monitor, and I feel like I’ve got rid of the problem. I plan to write about it on this blog soon.
Last week, the Nikkei average closed at the 29,000-yen level. While many companies announced their financial results in rapid succession, the dollar/yen stalemate, the Buffett effect, the CPI, and the PPI were all in the background. In the meantime, the Japanese stock market has been the focus of attention against the backdrop of the US dollar’s stalemate and the release of US indices such as CPI, PPI, and others! and so on. In the Japanese stock market, NTT split its stock into 25 shares, but the shareholder benefits are still the same, so maybe all Japanese should own 100 shares of the company? Takeda Pharmaceuticals increased its dividend, but fell due to lower sales and profits, Shin-Etsu Chemical is a good buy for the long term as it is currently at the bottom, crypto-assets are a good buy, and so on. I spent quite a lot of time watching and learning from the various videos uploaded on the site.
What I didn’t know was that the tax system revision has ended the system of not having to file inhabitant tax returns for dividends in 2022. This tax reduction, which benefited those with taxable income of 9 million yen or less, will be abolished in 2023, which will increase the burden mainly on freelancers and those with national health insurance. (This is only for those who have a certain amount of dividend income and have filed a tax return.) This matter has been taken up by many people in the tax accountant community, which shows the level of attention it has received. I have been looking on the Internet every day, but I had not seen this issue, so thank goodness for YouTube.
My guess is that the influence of the recent internet coverage of the system of not having to file resident tax returns for dividends was reflected in the actual tax returns, and as a result, the system was abolished in order to plug the holes. The tax system is a whack-a-mole system, and when a certain amount of publicity (e.g., tax returns) is accompanied by practical work (e.g., tax returns), such as the publication of a “Here’s a loophole to reduce taxes” type of book that becomes a hit or becomes a hot topic on the Internet, the “system is abolished” as a result. I think “abolish the system” has been repeated.
Now, which “abolition of the system” is next? Micro corporations, etc., have been featured quite a bit on YouTube and social networking sites, so there may be quite a few changes, even if they don’t go as far as “abolition of the system.”