===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICは Styx がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ===
本日は2022年5月5日木曜日こどもの日で都内の予想最高気温は25度晴れ。今日も気温が上がりそうです。湿度は低く洗濯物はどんどん乾きます。昨日はスーパーで有機イチジクが激安だったのでまとめ買いを現金でしました。カードも使えたのですが現金値引き率につられて。。家に戻り軽い断捨離をしていると昔の日記が出てきて ついつい読み入ってしまいました。浪人時代のおおよそ1年の自分の心の変化をつづったもので自分の原点を確認した気がしました。また何年後かに読み返そうと思っ章たのでパソコンにスキャンして取り込み保存を実施。こうしておけば劣化もしないし、誰かに気軽にみられるということもないですしね。あと、昨日は久々にラジオを聞きました。かつしかFMがシングライクトーキング特集でついつい聞き入ってしまいました。この曲にリスナーはこういった思いがあるんだなぁとかファンの方の曲に対する思いが聞けて気づきがありました。藤田千章が初めてのソロアルバムを出したということで教え子の参加もあるこちらも これからフォローしたいところです。
さて本日のお題はこどもの日にちなんで“ 親に恵まれなかった人へ 親ガチャはそもそも間違い?”ということで始めたいと思います。
「 うちの親は残念な人だ、子供みたいな親だ。」とか、「 親ガチャにはずれた。 こんな家に生まれて最悪だ、**ちゃん家は素敵なご両親でうらやましいな。。」こんなふうに思うかもしれません。
魂は何度も生まれ変わり成長するようですが、何回か生まれ変わっても子育ては初挑戦の魂に出会うかもしれません。その子育て初挑戦の魂(親)を選んでその子は生まれてきたのかもしれません。そうです、今の親(魂)を子供である あなた(の魂)が選んだのです。
「 自分は子育て初挑戦んの魂(親)を選んで生まれてきたのだ。初めての子育てだから子供の気持ちがくわからないんだ。ゆったり構えて親の魂の成長をはぐくもう。そして自分(の魂)も成長しよう。」
親ガチャ(おやガチャ)は、日本のインターネットスラング。生まれもった容姿や能力、家庭環境によって人生が大きく左右されるという認識に立ち、「生まれてくる子供は親を選べない」ことを、スマホゲームの「ガチャ」 に例えている。特に子供側の観点から、自身の能力に対する諦めや苛立ち、自己の不運や思い通りにうまくいかない原因を「ガチャに外れた」と例え、生まれた時点で「アタリかハズレは運次第である」という意味が込められている
For those who were not blessed with parents, is parental mess a mistake in the first place?
== Today’s background music is Styx by Spotify === Today is Thursday, May 5, 2022, Children’s Day, and the expected high temperature in Tokyo is 25 degrees Celsius.
Today is Children’s Day, Thursday, May 5, 2022, and the expected high temperature in Tokyo is 25 degrees Celsius. Sunny skies. The temperature is expected to rise again today. The humidity is low and the laundry dries quickly. Yesterday, I went to the supermarket to buy organic figs at a very low price, so I bought them in bulk with cash. I could have used my credit card, but I was attracted by the cash discount rate. When I returned home, I found my old diary while I was doing some light decluttering. It was a diary of my mental changes over the course of about a year when I was a ronin, and I felt like I was confirming my origins. I thought I would read it again years later, so I scanned it into my computer and saved it. This way, they won’t deteriorate, and I won’t have to worry about anyone looking at them. Also, I listened to the radio for the first time in a while yesterday. Katsushika FM had a special on sing-along talks, and I couldn’t help but listen to it. I was surprised to hear how the listeners felt about this song and how the fans felt about the song. I would like to follow up on the participation of one of my students in the release of Chiaki Fujita’s first solo album.
Today’s topic is “For those who were not blessed with good parents, is it a mistake to mess with your parents in the first place? I would like to start with this question.
How many children are born to wonderful parents and raised with lots of love and care? How many children are born to loving parents and raised by them?
Not the parents who look nice from the outside, but the children themselves.
There may be a few children who were raised in a home where the parents are immature, unsuitable for child-rearing, and unable to direct their love toward their children.
How do children who are raised by such immature? How do children raised by such immature parents think about their parents?
How do children raised by such immature parents think about their parents? Or, “My parents are a disappointment, they are like children. It’s terrible to be born in a house like this, and I envy **-chan’s family for having such wonderful parents. You may think like this.
However, it is said that people choose where they are born and their souls come down from heaven. If this theory is true, then we are not born in a place where we hate our parents, or where we are born in a place where we are not.
What is the point of hating your parents, calling your parents messed up, or looking at the neighbor’s lawn?
It seems that souls reincarnate and grow up many times, but even if they are reincarnated several times, they may encounter a soul that is on its first try at parenting. The child may have been born by choosing the soul (parent) of that first attempt at parenting. Yes, you, the child, chose the current parent (soul).
How about thinking like this?
“I was born with a soul (parent) who chose me for my first attempt at child-rearing. You don’t know how the child feels because it is your first time to raise a child. Let’s take it easy and nurture the growth of the parent’s soul. Let’s nurture the growth of our parents’ souls and let our own souls grow as well.
Very few children are brought up with this kind of thinking (laughs). It is inevitable.
If a child can gradually grow up (grow up) and gradually have this kind of feeling, he or she may be a little happier. I think it is not too late at all if you can finally feel this way when your child is grown up.
Blaming and resenting others is unlikely to make you or those around you grow. What if something meaningless doesn’t happen? If we can adjust our mindset so that we can affirm our past selves by always thinking, “What if something meaningless never happens?
I feel that the parental gacha is a mistake in terms of soul growth. I feel that it is a mistake in terms of soul growth.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***