===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICはStarship “ Sera ” がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ===
本日は2022年4月10日 日曜日 都内は晴れて予想最高気温は26度の今年初の夏日の模様。昨日は1日がかりで出かけてきました。本当に久しぶりの電車に乗っての外出で電車に乗る距離を最小限にして、ひたすらウォーキングでした。
みなさんお墓にお供え物ってされたことありますか?故人が好きだった食べ物や飲み物をするのが一般的ですよね。今回訪問したのは亡き父親のお墓なので、故人が好きだった飲み物が多く供えられておりました。それにしても なかなかの数の缶ビールや缶酎ハイそして日本酒がならんでおりました。
ここで考えました。「 自分が死んだら 皆さん何を供えてくれるのだろう? 」
自分はお酒をたしなんでいた頃もありましたが、今は全く無縁。確かに昔の自分が周りに与えていた印象としては、結構な酒飲み? かもしれません。しかし今 自分が亡くなった場合は何を供えてくれるのでしょう。。いっそうのこと面倒だから?昔の印象のままで “ お酒 ”を供えてくれるのでしょうか? 少なくとも家族には現在の生活習慣をいくらか伝えているつもりなので、お供え物が “ お酒 ”はないような気がします。
最近お酒の代わりに?毎日のようにたしなんでいるのは、豆乳・トマトジュース・炭酸水。。ナッツ類も毎晩のように食べてます。もしかしたら これらを供えてくれるのでしょうか。ニンニク好きは昔からなのですが、五辛があり供えられません。
わたくしの好きな食べ物に“ 鯖 ”があります。しかしこれも避けるべきです。
毎日のように食べているものを思い浮かべると・・・“ バナナ ”があります。果物はお供え物として適切なのでとりあえずこれでしょうかね。わたくしの墓前は。まだまだ先の話ではありますが、。
What will everyone offer me when I die?
===I’m writing this while Starship “Sera” is playing in the background.
Today is Sunday, April 10, 2022. The first summer day of the year is expected to be 6 degrees Celsius. Yesterday I went out for a day-long trip. It was the first time in a really long time that I went out by train, so I minimized the distance I rode the train and just walked.
The main purpose of the outing was to visit a grave. It has been a while since I visited there because of the Corona disaster. The shortest distance from my house to the station is 1.5 hours if you include the walk to the station, but I took the shortest train ride to the respective nearest station on the way out, but on the way back, I minimized the distance to take the train and went back mainly by walking. In the end, we left home a little after 8:00 a.m. and returned home a little after 4:00 p.m., with lunch and rest stops along the way.
Today, I would like to share with you some of the things I felt while visiting the cemetery.
Have you ever made offerings to graves? It is common for individuals to do their favorite foods and drinks. Since the grave we visited this time was that of the deceased father, many of the deceased’s favorite beverages were offered. There were quite a few cans of beer, cans of shochu (distilled spirit), and sake.
Indeed, when I think of my late father’s favorite food, I naturally think of him drinking sake every evening, so I want to offer him sake. His father, who was born in Yamagata Prefecture, moved to Kanagawa for work and stayed there until his death. In his later years, he suffered from cancer and other illnesses, but when he was in good health, he seemed to enjoy drinking, having a glass of beer every evening, sometimes even at noon on his days off. Perhaps because of this impression, he seems to have continued to enjoy alcoholic beverages in his offerings.
This got me thinking. I wondered, “What will people offer me when I die? I’m sorry.”
There was a time when I used to drink alcohol, but now I have no connection to it at all. I am sure that the impression I used to give people around me was that I was quite a drinker. Maybe. But if I were to pass away now, what would they offer me? Is it more trouble than it’s worth? Will they offer “alcohol” as in the old impression? I don’t think the offering is “alcohol” because I think I have at least somewhat informed my family of my current lifestyle.
Instead of alcohol these days? I enjoy soy milk, tomato juice, and soda water every day. Perhaps you can offer these to me? I have always loved garlic, but I can’t offer it because of the five spices.
*Goshin means five spices: chives, garlic, leeks, rakkyo, and hajikami (ginger and sansho). Avoid offerings with strong smells.
These foods were forbidden to eat in Buddhism because of their strong odor and pungency.
One of my favorite foods is “saba” (mackerel). But this should also be avoided.
This is because meat and fish lead to killing, which Buddhism originally forbids.
Even if the deceased liked them during his/her lifetime, they should be avoided as offerings.
Think of something you eat every day… “bananas”. I guess this is it for now, since fruit is an appropriate offering. As for my graveside.