♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに STYXがかかっている中 執筆して おります。 by Spotify ♪♫41 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年8月5日 土曜日の朝は穏やかで薄日のさす中のスタート。日の出前から雑草取りブルーベリーの剪定などちょっとした家のアプローチや周りを軽く整えました。風がほとんどないせいか汗ばみました。昨日から本宅に移動したのですがけっこう暑い。
返金額は2万円。14年前に買って しかも数年使ってなかったので驚きの?買取(返品)額に妻とほころんでしまいました。

20,000 yen for fear of ignition
August 5, 2023 Saturday morning started off mild and in the light sun. I did a little light house approach and surroundings, including weeding and pruning blueberries before sunrise. I was sweating, probably because there was almost no wind. We moved to the main house yesterday and it was quite hot.
I think the summer sun was a bit weaker when we built the house. I could feel that the climate was definitely moving toward hotter weather. What is different from the city center is the maximum temperature and the fact that the temperature drops when the sun goes down at around 4 pm. In the city center, the temperature hardly drops even after 9:00 p.m. or so. Even so, summer in northern Japan is becoming more and more unpredictable during the daytime. (Still, it is much better than in Tokyo…).
Yesterday, I took the first flight in the morning, so I arrived here at 9:00 a.m. It was a beautiful sunny day. I spent quite a lot of time opening the mail that had accumulated and dealing with those that needed to be processed.
Among them was a recall letter from Panasonic,
The dehumidifier you purchased may catch fire, so please let us recall it. We will refund your money.
I bought this dehumidifier in 2009, and they said they would send me a return kit at a later date if I sent them a picture via LINE on my smartphone.
The refund amount was 20,000 yen, which was a surprise since I bought it 14 years ago and hadn’t used it for several years. My wife and I were smiling at the amount of the purchase (return).