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2023年1月22日 日曜日の朝は薄日が差す寒い朝です。予想最高気温は7度で今週は週半ばにかけて関東でも雪が予想されております。洗濯物は多く出さないのが良いですね。
若いころや大きな目標(例えば全国大会で優勝するとか。)を持っている場合はこの言葉❝ 現状維持はある意味前進!?❞は否定されるかもしれませんが、ある程度経験を重ねた仕事や日々の暮らしの場合はこれで良いのではと。
極端な例だと生まれて間もない赤ちゃんには❝ 現状維持はある意味前進!?❞当てはまりませんね(‘_’)。なぜなら赤ちゃんは日進月歩でできることがどんどん増えてゆき・・首が座り、寝返り、お座り、はいはい、つかまり立ち、そして二足歩行!とあっという間に進歩します。
熟練した仕事では、熟練するまでにかなりの年月を経たわけですし若者には簡単に太刀打ちできない程の仕事の要領をわきまえた時短の技術を持っており そのことが当たり前のようにできるだけで(現状を維持するだけで)仕事が回るようになっているのです。
家庭に目を向けると主婦(主夫)が毎日の家事を当たり前のように要領よくこなし、家族が気持ちよく毎日を過ごせるように炊事洗濯掃除を手際よくこなす(現状を維持する)ことで家庭がうまく回るのです。当たり前すぎてありがたみに気づきにくいから❝ 母の日 ❞や❝ 父の日 ❞があり改めて感謝の気持ちを伝える向きもあるかもしれませんね。
以上を踏まえて~特に 心が疲れている人 やりたいことが見つからない人 へ伝いたい言葉です。
意外にも?立派に生きている自分をほめて いたわり 毎日を過ごしませんか(^^♪
Status quo is progress in a sense! ~ To those whose hearts are tired
January 22, 2023 It is a cold Sunday morning with light sunshine. The forecast high is 7 degrees Celsius and snow is expected in the Kanto area through mid-week this week. It is a good idea not to put out a lot of laundry.
I was thinking about it last night and this morning, and I got an idea…
I was chewing on these words.
When you are young or have a big goal (like winning a national championship) If you are young or have a big goal (such as winning a national competition), this phrase ” Maintaining the status quo is a kind of progress! ” may be denied, but in the case of work and daily life with some experience, I think this is fine.
In an extreme case, for a newborn baby, “maintaining the status quo is a kind of progress! ” doesn’t apply (‘_’). Because babies are able to do more and more things as they progress… sitting on their heads, turning over, sitting up, crawling, standing on their hands, and walking on two legs! And it progresses very quickly.
In skilled jobs, they have been doing the work for many years before they become proficient, and they know how to do the work and have shortening techniques that young people cannot easily compete with.
If we look at the home, housewives (househusbands) do their daily chores to the best of their ability, and the family can run smoothly by doing the cooking, laundry, and cleaning in an efficient manner (maintaining the status quo) so that the family can live comfortably each day. Because it is so commonplace that it is hard to realize how much we appreciate them, there is “Mother’s Day” and “Father’s Day,” and we may be inclined to express our gratitude again.
In light of the above, I would like to convey these words to those who are especially tired in their hearts, and to those who have not found what they want to do.
Besides? Why don’t you spend your days praising and caring for yourself for living a good life?
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***