

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに The Stormがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫♪54

2022年11月20日 日曜日の朝は曇りでのちに雨の予報。本日はウエル活の日なので天気を見ながら日用品を調達したいと考えております。1日雨ではなさそうなので自転車で買い物も何とかなるでしょう。2食目は昨日 熊本から届いたハンバーグをいただく予定で昨日仕込んだ白菜やニンジン、茄子の浅漬けもそろそろいい感じでしょうか。今週は毎週炊いている主食は23日が勤労感謝の日なのでルーティーンの玄米は炊かず冷凍のストックで済ませます。



How to Save on Plastic Bottles of Soda Water

November 20, 2022 Sunday morning is forecast to be cloudy and later rainy. Today is a day for wellness activities, so we are planning to procure daily necessities while watching the weather. I am planning to have a hamburger steak which arrived from Kumamoto yesterday, and I hope the pickled Chinese cabbage, carrots, and eggplant I prepared yesterday will be ready soon. This week, I will not cook brown rice, which I cook every week, because the 23rd is Labor Thanksgiving Day, and I will use the frozen stock.

Recently, I have been checking various online stores and OK Store’s delivery service to see if there is a way to save money on the bottles of sparkling water that I drink every day. I was able to procure 24 one-liter bottles at a very reasonable price by using a 1,000 yen service coupon from yahoo shopping, which I bought the other day. I was able to procure 24 bottles at a very reasonable price. As a result, the price was cheaper than the lowest priced business supermarket. 1,000 yen discount on something in the 2,000 yen range is a devil’s advocate.

If you have PontaPoint, auPay Market may be a good deal for you. However, it is limited to first-time users. The reason is that if you use auPay Market for the first time, you can shop with 1.5 times more Ponta points. It can be understood as a PontaPoint version of WellKatsu. In my case, I already used this system about a year ago, and the service I can use now is 1.1 times Ponta points. If you are interested, you can check the auPay Market or auPay app.
