
歯磨き粉の代わりに重曹Baking soda instead of toothpaste

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2023年5月21日 日曜日の朝は晴れて昨日の洗濯日和返上を取り戻してくれそうなスタートです。18度あり24度まで上がるとの予報。朝一で毛布を洗濯し、干し終えて淹れたてのコーヒーとチョコレート&ピーナツを傍らに1日のスタートです。今日は妻が実家へ移動する日です。義理の母が骨折を乗り越えて退院する日でもあります。(下段リンク参照)

昨日は小雨のちらつく中 自転車でOKストア、家電量販店、パセオスなどで買い物をしてきました。天気予報を見間違えて雨がやんでいるものと思って家を出たのですが気にならない程度の雨がちらついてましたが帰り道は普通に降り出してしまい少し濡れての帰宅帰宅となりました。食料品やトイレットペーパー(2倍巻で18ロールなので結構重い!)などを積んで&IKEAのバックに詰め込んで自転車で運んだのでいい運動でした。

さて昨日の話題の続きですが、泡洗髪、湯シャン、体は週に1,2回は石鹸OFF DAYを作るなどご紹介いたしましたが今日は歯磨き粉についてです。











Baking soda instead of toothpaste

May 21, 2023 Sunday morning is off to a sunny start that looks like it will bring back yesterday’s laundry day return, with a forecast of 18 degrees and rising to 24 degrees. I washed the blankets first thing in the morning, finished hanging them up and started the day with freshly brewed coffee and chocolate & peanuts by my side. Today is the day my wife moves to her parents’ house. It is also the day my mother-in-law is discharged from the hospital after overcoming a broken bone. (See link at bottom)

Yesterday, we bicycled through a sprinkling of light rain to the OK Store, the electronics store, Paseos, etc. I misread the weather forecast and left the house thinking the rain would stop, but it was just a flicker of rain that I didn’t mind, but on the way home it started to rain normally and I came home a little wet. We loaded up with groceries, toilet paper (18 rolls of double rolls, so it’s pretty heavy!) ), etc., and packed them in an IKEA bag and carried them by bicycle.

Continuing on from yesterday’s topic, I introduced foam hair wash, hot water shampoo, and making a soap-off day once or twice a week for your body.

If you go to a drugstore, you will find a wide variety of toothpaste on display, ranging from toothpaste that costs around 100 yen to toothpaste that costs around 2,000 yen. Some of them are not only for teeth care but also for preventing pyorrhea of the teeth.

Certainly, it may be possible to take some of these measures by blending herbal medicines and active ingredients. Even if we focus on the teeth, there are various approaches such as cleaning the teeth with charcoal or xylitol, and we can expect certain effects.

However, a few years ago, I stopped using toothpaste.

Instead of toothpaste, I brush with baking soda (edible). I don’t use a lot of baking soda, but just a little bit (a couple of teaspoons in a teaspoon) in my mouth and brush my teeth.

I was influenced by a book and have been doing it for years. When I was a wine drinker, I used to get red wine stains on my teeth, but when I brushed with baking soda, it came out clean.

Since it is edible baking soda, one light rinse is sufficient. There is no need to rinse and gargle as carefully as with toothpaste. Even after polishing, baking soda is easy to use. Sometimes I forget to rinse and end up just brushing. That’s how uncomfortable it is. Baking soda polish is.

It sure feels good to lather up and scrub with toothpaste. However, I have graduated from this method and chose to brush my teeth carefully and soberly with baking soda. Of course, I sometimes use toothpaste when I travel. But I will never go back to using toothpaste every day. I would never go back to using baking soda every day because it has become a part of my daily routine.

I would not recommend it to others, but it seems to work for me and I will continue to use it.

Today’s polemic

Brushing with baking soda (edible) instead of toothpaste is a lifestyle habit

