

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに BOSTONがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫55 Scroll to bottom for English translation

2023年9月3日 日曜日の朝です。早いもので9月も3日、年次休暇を利用したので9月はまだ休みしかありません。










あれこれしている間にようやく目的の店の開店時間11時近づいてきました。赤レンガから歩いて数分のマリンアンド ウォーク ヨコハマに向かいます。

目的の店に到着です。その店は❝ KUSHITANI PERFORMANCE STORE 横浜 ❞というバイクアイテムのお店です。主にバイクファッションの展示で、どれも欲しいと思わせるこだわりのアイテムが所狭しと陳列されております。




今回は市場調査という事でウインドウショッピングとしました ^^)












その人事の方がおもむろに・・「 煙草を吸いながら説明させていただきます。」と!


その時、けっこう驚きましたが 今思い出すと現代では絶対にありえない光景ですよね。。不動産業界のD社だったのですが、その後 会社再生法を受けた組織ですが さもありなんといった感じでしょうか。






あっと言う間の1日でした。それにしてもまだまだ暑いですね。またバイクに乗りたくなってきました ^^)


Job hunting consultation at Yokohama Minato Mirai?

It is Sunday morning, September 3, 2023. It is early, the third day of September, and since I took advantage of my annual leave, I still only have a day off in September.

Yesterday, I took advantage of a one-day subway pass and went to Yokohama Minato Mirai for the first time since July. (See the link at the bottom of this article for our July outing.)

The most important store I wanted to visit opened at 11:00 a.m., which was too late for me as a morning person, so I already arrived in Kannai after 9:00 a.m. and enjoyed walking around the city.

It was still hot from 9 o’clock!

I chose to walk in the shade, but the power of the sun was depressing in the sun.

I stopped by the World Porters before it opened and spent some time watching the gondolas to Sakuragicho and taking videos. (Video link at bottom).

The weather was perfect.

The stores were not open yet, but as expected of a tourist attraction, there were quite a lot of people. We moved to the Red Brick Warehouse.

In front of the red brick warehouse, many fire trucks were gathered as if there was some kind of event. We found a shady spot and took a break.

Groups of tourists were passing by. I called my wife to check on the progress of the renovation work at our house. As you might expect, this summer has been one of the hottest in recorded history, and I recognized that the climate has certainly changed since the time we built the house. We only hope that the replacement of the exterior walls will alleviate the heat, even if only a little.

While we were doing this and that, it was finally approaching 11:00 a.m., the opening time of the restaurant we wanted to visit. We headed for Marine and Walk Yokohama, a few minutes’ walk from Red Brick.

We arrived at our destination. The store is called “KUSHITANI PERFORMANCE STORE YOKOHAMA” and is a motorcycle item store. It is mainly a display of motorcycle fashion, and there are many items on display, all of which make you want to buy them.

Like the mountain-related items (I have no experience in mountain climbing), the items have many pockets and other functions that make me want to buy motorcycle items even if I don’t ride (is it just me?). (Is it just me? I don’t think so.) The basic concept of a bike item is to make it both cool and functional.

KUSHITANI, in particular, has a long history and is made in Japan. The prices are not cheap due to their premium quality.

I looked around the store. I was excited by all the cool things I saw and wanted to buy. I would like to try a few of them.

This time, I decided to do window shopping as a market research ^^)

At 11:30 a.m., I left the store and moved to the shade of a tree to make a phone call to my child about a job offer.

When I called him, he told me that two companies he was interested in had site visit dates around Thursday and Friday of next week, both of which were in remote areas, and he was not sure which one he should go to. He was wondering which company he should go to because they are both located in remote areas. He seemed to be having a hard time deciding, because one company offers full travel expenses, while the other company offers up to 2,000 yen, and the level of interest in each company is different.

I gave him some advice, including some of my own experiences…

If the conditions are exactly the same, I would choose a large company. ~The company I’m having trouble with this time is a company with 300 billion yen in sales and a company with 2 trillion yen in sales. However, it is ✖ to make a decision based on sales alone, so think carefully about your own reasons.

The company’s benefits often follow the parent company’s policies, even if it is a subsidiary.

A company whose performance is likely to grow in the future.

It is also a good idea to use stock information – Company quarterly reports, for example. Listed companies are required to disclose their quarterly financial results four times a year.

The impact on a company is about 1 to 100 times greater when you visit the company than when you access the company via the Internet for a web interview, etc. ~The smaller the organization, the more stressful it becomes,

The smaller the organization, the more stressful it is – Is it normal to have a bad work environment (smoking, etc.) + harassment and poor maintenance?

It is up to you to decide. You should act without regrets – money is a small reason.

I remember my own experience when I went to a company information session of a listed company for job hunting and one of the personnel gave an explanation in a conference room in front of 2 to 30 students.

The HR person suddenly said, “I’d like to explain while smoking. He said, “I will explain to you while smoking!

He actually lit up a cigarette and started to explain while smoking.

At the time, I was quite surprised, but now that I think back on it, it is a scene that would never happen in this day and age. It was company D in the real estate industry, which later underwent a corporate rehabilitation law, but I guess that’s as it should be.

In this day and age, if you did something like that, it would be immediately posted on social networking sites, and would be publicized to society at such a rapid pace. It was a very interesting and valuable experience (laugh).

After the job consultation, we walked to Sakuragicho.

It was still quite hot. It was pretty hard to walk around without shade. The Cupnoodles Museum seemed to be thriving.

I took the subway to Yokohama Station. I walked along the underground passage to Yodobashi Camera. I went up to Ishii Sports on the 7th floor to see how the merchandise had changed since July, and then returned to the subway to go to Azamino.

I finished my shopping at the OK Store near Azamino and headed home.

The day went by in a blink of an eye. It is still very hot. I feel like riding my bike again ^^)
