===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICはAC/DC “ The Jack ” がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1===
本日は2022年3月26日土曜日 都内は天候が悪く現在曇りで午後から雨になる予報。予想最高気温は18度、昨日から桜の開花が進み始め 今週末は各地で桜を目当てにした外出が盛んになることと思われます。今週は電力のひっ迫により使用制限を余儀なくされたりしましたね。昨日こんなメールも届きました。
~ ENECHANGE株式会社 エネチェンジ・メールマガジン編集部 より引用
「エルピオでんき」は2022年4月末に事業停止のため、利用できなくなるとの事です。幸い現在 我が家で使ってないのですが、つい昨年末まで使っていた会社の一つでした。1年使い続けるとエネチェンジ経由でキャッシュバックが2,3000円ということで このキャッシュバックを享受して他の電力会社へ乗り換えた矢先。この原油高だけでないインフレ開始の世界情勢、この先デフレ世代が経験したことのない様々なイベント(マイナスのイベントがメイン?)が続発しそうな雰囲気を醸し出し始めております。
2022年以降新電力切り替えのキャッシュバックなども当然のように縮小が予想されます。この数カ月が電力会社 切り替えのラストチャンスかもしれません。現にキャッシュバック額の縮小が始まってますし。。
わが家の電気ガス料金比較 必須サイト⇩

===Today’s background music is AC/DC’s “The Jack”, and I am writing this by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1===.
Today is Saturday, March 26, 2022. The weather is bad in Tokyo, currently cloudy, with rain expected in the afternoon. The high temperature is expected to be 18 degrees Celsius. The cherry blossoms started blooming yesterday, and we expect to see a lot of people out and about in various areas this weekend for the cherry blossoms. This week, we have been forced to restrict the use of electricity due to power shortages, haven’t we? I also received this e-mail yesterday.
Elpio Denki will cease operations at the end of April 2022 and will no longer be available. ————————Elpio Deki will cease to be available at the end of April 2022.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those who have subscribed to “Elpio Deki” through Enexchange.
Those who are currently subscribing to “Elpio Deki” will need to sign up with a new electricity company.
However, if you continue to use electricity without a contract with the new company or plan, your electricity will eventually be cut off.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you complete the necessary procedures as soon as possible.
~ Quoted from ENECHANGE Corporation, ENECHANGE Mail Magazine Editorial Department
The Elpio Electricity service will cease to exist at the end of April 2022. Fortunately, we are not using it at home at the moment, but it was one of the companies we used until the end of last year, just after we switched to another electric power company to enjoy the cash back of 2,300 yen through EneChange if we continued using it for a year. The world situation is not only this high oil price but also the start of inflation, various events (mainly negative events?) that the deflationary generation has never experienced in the future, and the world is now in the midst of a new era. The atmosphere is beginning to create an atmosphere in which a series of
Looking at the topics of new electric power companies in 2021, Rakuten Denki temporarily stopped accepting new applications in January, F-Power announced its corporate reorganization In November, Haluene announced its withdrawal from high-voltage supply, and in December, Sanix Electric temporarily stopped accepting new applications. The number of companies that have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami is increasing.
Cash backs for switching to new power sources are also expected to shrink from 2022 onward. These months may be the last chance to switch power companies. The amount of cash back has actually started to decrease.
Last chance? Why not take advantage of the cash back?
Compare Our Electricity and Gas Prices Essential Sites⇩.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***