
新規入会3,000円cashBack コスモ電気 間に合うの⁉

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Loverboy がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♫二♪♫♩11

本日は2022年6月19日 日曜日の朝、すでに20度あり都内の予想最高気温は29度と昨日よりも3度高くかつ晴れです。最近天気予報がすっきり当たらず難しい気候になっています。昨日の予報は晴れ間が昼ぐらいまで続く予報でしたが一日曇りで終わりました。本日は予報通り朝から晴れているので久ぶりの当たりスタートです。これから徐々に夏の気候に移ってゆくことでしょう。


こうした状況から我が家でいくつか契約している電力会社の変更を見合わせており、これは当面切り替えは無理だなと判断しておりました。昨日、ほんの冷やかしのつもりで新電力の申し込み状況をネットで検索してみると・・・やはりめぼしの会社は“ 当面新規受付停止 ”のアナウンスがされておりました。エネチェンジなどで調べてみても お得なキャッシュバックはほぼほぼなく、切り替えたことによる電力のお得度も厳しい状況。


それは「 コスモ電気 」です。なんと6月申し込み分(延長の可能性もありと記載あり)に限り3,000円キャッシュバック若しくはdポイント3,000ポイントキャッシュバックとのこと。電力開始後、1,2か月でキャッシュバックとのことで6か月縛り~11か月縛りが通常のこの世界で特異な存在かと。コスモ電気のやる気が伝わってきます。おそらくキャッシュバック用の原資が決められておりその金額に達した時点で終了が予想されます。原資が尽きなければ延長するのでしょう。そのため6月限定キャンペーンであるが延長することもある旨のコメントがホームページに小さく書かれているのだと推測します。


3,000 yen cash back for new members Cosmo Denki
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ I am writing with Loverboy playing in the background MUSIC by Spotify ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ É11

Today is Sunday morning, June 19, 2022, and it is already 2 The forecast is for a high of 29 degrees in Tokyo, 3 degrees higher than yesterday and sunny. The weather forecast has not been so clear lately, and the weather has been difficult to predict. Yesterday’s forecast called for sunny skies that lasted until noon, but it ended up being cloudy all day. Today, the weather is sunny from the morning as forecasted, so we are off to a good start for the first time in a while. The weather will gradually shift to summer.

Since the beginning of this year, there has been a lot of talk in the spring about new power companies that have entered the market in the past few years going bankrupt due to problems with the supply and demand of electricity.

Due to these circumstances, we have been holding off on changing several electric power companies we have subscribed to at home, and have decided that it would be impossible for us to switch for the time being. Yesterday, just for the sake of curiosity, I searched the Internet for the status of applications for new electric power companies… and found that the companies I was interested in had announced that they would “stop accepting new applications for the time being”. Even if you check EneChange, there are no good cash back offers, and the savings from switching to a new power company are not good.

However… there was one. There is a company that offers 3,000 yen cash back for new members!

It is Cosmo Denki. Cosmo Denki” is offering 3,000 yen cash back or 3,000 d-points only for the application in June (there is a possibility of extension, it is stated). The company is offering 3,000 yen cash back or 3,000 d-points cash back only for June applications (there is a possibility of extension). This is a unique offer in a world where the usual contract is 6 to 11 months after the start of electricity. This shows the motivation of Cosmo Denki. The cash-back fund is probably fixed and is expected to end when the amount is reached. If the funds are not exhausted, the campaign will be extended. I assume that is why there is a small comment on the homepage that the campaign is limited to June, but may be extended.

Have you given up on switching to a new electric power company? I had given up too, but by searching and taking action, I have met some new people. Yesterday, I completed the procedure to switch one house.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

