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2023年4月1日 土曜日の朝は晴れて現在の気温は10度で本日の予想最高気温は20度。たまった洗濯物をかたずけるのによい週末です。
4月ですね。多くの上場企業は3末の締めで週明けくらいまで経理の締めなどであわただしいことでしょう。自分の属する組織でも第3営業日までは下期の締めの作業で残業が多い印象です。それにプラスして転勤や転身などで職場を旅立つ方が見られます。わが職場でも机を並べていたメンバーが3月で3名移動や転身でお別れの餞別を送ることとなり昨日もお別れの儀式がささやかに職場で行われました。コロナのおかげで都度都度 夜席を設けて送別会と称した飲み会がなくなり、本当に効率的でよくなりましたね。ほぼほぼ強制参加の歓送迎会は春と秋に年中行事の様にありました。それ以外にも❝ 飲みニケーション ❞と揶揄された?飲み会なども散見されてましたかね。個人的には2019年末が会社の人と飲みに行った(行かされた)のが最後となっております。
外で飲んで何が不都合かって考えると、記憶が飛んでしまう事です。その最後の2019年の飲み会でも2軒目があったのですが、記憶がほぼほぼないという・・・。あとで20代の参加メンバーに確認してみたのですが、たぶん粗相はしてなくて安心したという感じです(笑)。しっかり電車に乗って歩いてマンションまで帰ったのですから ある程度気持ちは保っていて家について以降安心して記憶を消し去ったと解釈するのが幸せかもですね。。電車で寝過ごさなかったのも確認できたわけですが、電車で寝過ごしといえば自身の輝かしい経験!?が思い出されます。

身近なところでは酔って電車で寝てしまいスリにあったという父親の経験も聞いてますし、自分の経験だと奈良でお葬式の後 当時住んでいた高崎に新幹線で帰ってくるとき飲みすぎて1駅寝過ごしてしまい高崎の次の上毛高原という高崎から50kmくらい離れたところであわてて下車して高崎に帰るにも最終の電車がなく仕方なく一駅分の乗り越し運賃(4,5千円とか??)を払いタクシーで高速を使ってもらい(運転手から高速使いますか?と問いがあったのを覚えてます。)高崎までの運賃確か1万円台後半を払ったのを今でもよく記憶しております。子供が1歳のころでした。
この経験からか、近年よく子供に「 新幹線の寝過ごしは高くつくぞ。」と繰り返し申し送っておる次第です(-。-)y-゜゜゜山手線の乗り越しなら乗り越し運賃はかかりませんし直ぐにリカバーできます。しかし新幹線は在来線と違い1駅が長く運賃も高額ですからね。戻るのにも運賃がかかるわけですから。
Oversleeping on the bullet train can be expensive! Experiences
April 1, 2023 Saturday morning is sunny with a current temperature of 10 degrees and an expected high today of 20 degrees. A good weekend to put away the accumulated laundry.
We had guests over from Wednesday to Friday morning, and we had towels, bedclothes, sheets, and other laundry to do, so I’ve been running the washing machine at maximum capacity since this morning.
Cherry blossom viewing is at its peak, so in between work, people are enjoying the cherry blossoms in full bloom or just beginning to fall in the park along the Tsurumi River near my office, with blue sheets spread out. Recently, the weather is such that the cherry blossoms won’t last for the entrance ceremony. The sense of the season may be starting to shift for “sakura saku” and “sakura chiru,” which used to be used as a cloak for telegrams of acceptance or rejection decisions.
April. Many listed companies are probably rushing around with accounting and other closing tasks until the end of the week after the end of the third quarter. I have the impression that many organizations to which I belong are working overtime until the third business day to close out the second half of the fiscal year. In addition to this, we also see people leaving their workplaces due to transfers and relocations. At my workplace, three members who had been working side by side at the same time were to send their parting gifts in March due to transfers and relocations, and a small farewell ceremony was held yesterday at the workplace as well. Thanks to Corona, we don’t have to have a party every time we go out for drinks, which we call a farewell party, and it has become really efficient. There were almost compulsory farewell parties in spring and fall, as if they were annual events. Other than that, there were also some drinking parties that were derisively called “drinking nikkai” (drinking parties). I guess there were also some drinking parties scattered around. Personally, the end of 2019 was the last time I went (or was sent) out drinking with people from work.
Maybe it was still good because I used to drink alcohol, but I have not attended such meetings since I stopped drinking alcohol, so I am afraid of how I will be able to pass the time lol. As for the fact that my favorite events have been greatly reduced, thank you Corona. Some people are so stressed out about company drinking parties that they are considering retirement.
When I think about what’s so inconvenient about drinking out, it’s that my memory gets lost. Even at that last drinking party in 2019, there was a second party, but I have almost no memory of it…. I later checked with the 20-something participating members and they were relieved that I probably didn’t have a rough time of it, lol. Since I took the train and walked back to my apartment, I might be happy to interpret that I kept my feelings to some extent, and felt relieved and erased my memories after I got home. I was able to confirm that I did not oversleep on the train, but I am reminded of my own glorious experience! I can recall my own glorious experience of oversleeping on a train.
I heard about my father’s experience of being pickpocketed after falling asleep on a train while drunk, and my own experience of getting off the train in a hurry at Jomo Kogen, about 50 km away from Takasaki, after a funeral in Nara. There was no last train back to Takasaki, so I had no choice but to pay the fare for one more stop (4,500 yen?) and take a taxi to the expressway. I remember the driver asked me if I wanted to use the expressway. (I remember the driver asked me if I wanted to use the highway.) (I remember the driver asked me if I wanted to use the expressway. It was when my child was one year old.
Perhaps because of this experience, I have often told my child in recent years, “It costs a lot of money to oversleep on the Shinkansen. I have repeatedly told my child, “It costs a lot of money to oversleep on the Shinkansen. -If you miss a train on Yamanote Line, you don’t have to pay for the fare and you can recover immediately. However, the Shinkansen is different from conventional lines in that each station is long and the fare is expensive. It also costs money to go back.
Alcohol and sleep are definitely a risk.
Oversleeping on the bullet train can be expensive.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***