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2023年2月4日 土曜日の朝は晴れて4度。予想最高気温は9度です。今日は早めに起きて週末の定番、野菜と卵とじてきな朝食を済ませ朝から今使ってる冷蔵庫を移動し床掃除です。数か月置いておいただけでも結構ほこりが溜まり拭き掃除ですっきりしました。冷蔵庫の上には電子レンジが置いてあるのでアースをドライバーで取り除いてからまずレンジを冷蔵庫の上からどかし床に移動しました。
内心とてもホッとしました。LINEを見れない程 苦しんでいるのかもしれないという思いが拭い去れなかったので。。
その後は朝食も常食が出て食べれたと報告もあり、山を越えた感じがして とてもとても心が落ち着きました。早期退院を祈ります。

Line from my wife on the morning of the surgery
February 4, 2023 Saturday morning clear and 4 degrees. The forecast high is 9 degrees. I woke up early today and had my standard weekend breakfast of vegetables and eggs, then moved the refrigerator and cleaned the floor. It had been sitting there for a few months and had accumulated quite a bit of dust, so I wiped it down and cleaned it up. The microwave oven was placed on top of the refrigerator, so after removing the grounding with a screwdriver, I first moved the microwave oven off the top of the refrigerator and then moved it to the floor.
After that, I tilted the refrigerator diagonally and moved it about 1 meter to the diagonal space using the principle of leverage, and that was it. Now all I have to do is wait for Yamada Denki, who will be here between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. I will finish writing my blog and doing house stuff while listening to music. The refrigerator…I’m pretty excited…I wonder if it will take a day or so until it’s energized and completely cooled down. I’m excited to experience this for the first time in a long time.
I’m on medication and won’t be able to drink water for a while.
I hope to be able to line(line) in the evening~
☝This is a line from my wife on the morning of the surgery, the day of the surgery.
Yesterday, I was working with a lot of anxiety because of my wife’s surgery, but I was unexpectedly busy with urgent matters at work that day, so it was probably a good thing that I was distracted. When I returned home in the evening, I received a line from my wife.
Still in a lot of pain
I was a little relieved when I got the line a little after 5 pm.
After that, it must have been pretty hard, and the night passed without a LINE from me being read. I checked the line every time I woke up late at night, but it was not read. I couldn’t help but think about it, so I took a positive attitude and waited for morning.
When the sun was about to rise, the LINE finally responded.
Headache still there.
Effects of anesthesia
I was so relieved inside, because I couldn’t shake the feeling that he might be in so much pain that he couldn’t see the line.
After that, he reported that he was able to have a regular breakfast, which made me feel like I had crossed a mountain and was very, very comforting. I pray for his early discharge from the hospital.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***