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2022年12月4日 日曜日の朝は晴れてますが、向かいのマンションの屋上を見ると濡れており昨晩の雨が窺えます。昨晩洗濯機を最大量の42リットルで回し浴室に干しておいたのですが、そろそろベランダに移し替えようとおもいます。本日の予想最高気温は14度。
本日のアイキャッチ画像(このブログ冒頭の画像)は近所の公園の竹やぶです。この地域結構 竹が生息している地域なんです。竹やぶには注意書きがあり「 タケノコをとらないでください。」と表示があります。最近、近所の川を眺めていたらなんと 30cmくらいの亀が泳いでました。流れのある川を亀が泳いでいる姿なんて見たことあんまりないので少し驚きました(‘Д’)
入院中の妻から朝5時前にLINEがあり「一番よく眠れた~消灯早いから、目が覚めた」とのこと。順調に回復をしているようです。これを機会に朝方へシフトを願います。子供は開店からのシフトで朝6時過ぎからバイトの日です。3年続いてるバイト、店舗は歩いて5分とかからない立地で高くない時給のようですが 何度か電車で2時間近くかかる遠方の店舗のヘルプに行ったりとよく頑張っております。残り少ない学生生活を充実させてほしいものです。あと2年ちょっとの残り少ない学生生活といっても金銭的にはまだまだかかります。試算してみるとVWのGOLF最上グレードを買うよりもかかります。遠方でも健康でやってくれているのが心の大きな支えとなってます。バイトを優先してか故郷の自宅に帰る頻度が少ないのが成長のあかしでしょうか。
タイトルにもありますようにブログとは そもそもこんな感じのつぶやきを書き綴るのが起源ではなかったでしょうか。時代とともにいろいろな利権が複雑に絡み合い(アフィリエイト、Googleアドセンスとか)本来の姿でブログを運営している方が少数派になってきているように思います。
Here’s the blog post without the discovery
December 4, 2022 Sunday morning is sunny, but when I look at the rooftop of the apartment building across the street, it is wet, indicating last night’s rain. I ran the washing machine at its maximum capacity of 42 liters last night and hung the clothes in the bathroom to dry, but I think it’s time to move them to the balcony. Today’s forecast high temperature is 14 degrees Celsius.
In the northern part of Japan, there are reports of snow, which is typical of December, but today’s high temperature in Kyushu is expected to reach 19 degrees Celsius in some areas. Yesterday, I used only one of the two layers of the comforter, and the comforter was too thin, so I combined the other one with the comforter inside the comforter cover. I am using a two-ply down quilt from Nitori. I also changed my nightgown to a winter one. In addition, denim and bath towels made the maximum capacity for last night’s laundry. It was forecasted to be sunny today, so I am eagerly waiting for it to dry.
Today’s eye-catching image (the image at the beginning of this blog) is a bamboo grove in a nearby park. There are quite a few bamboo trees in this area. There is a sign in the bamboo grove that says, “Do not pick bamboo shoots. Please do not pick bamboo shoots. Recently, I was looking at the river in my neighborhood and saw a turtle of about 30 cm swimming in it. I have never seen a turtle swimming in a flowing river, so I was a little surprised.
My wife, who is in the hospital, called me before 5:00 a.m. and said, “I slept the best – lights went out early, so I woke up. She seems to be recovering well. I wish to take this opportunity to shift to the morning hours. The child has been working from 6:00 a.m. on the first shift at the store, a job that has lasted for three years, and the store is located less than a five-minute walk away. I hope that he will make the most of his few remaining years as a student. Even though I have only a little more than two years left in my student life, it will still cost me a lot more financially. I estimate that it will cost more than buying a top grade VW Golf. It is a big support for my heart that he is doing well even though he is far away from home. I guess it’s a testament to his growth that he prioritizes his part-time job and returns home to his hometown less often.
Yesterday, I was reviewing PayPay, and since PayPay card is the only card that can charge PayPay, I took out my card and charged PayPay for the first time since PayPay card was issued in summer. I learned that this route has a good redemption rate, as you get 1% for recharging and 0.5% for using PayPay. I’m also worried about aupay because I can use it at the OK store I often go to (povo 1G gift for over 2000 yen), but I’d like to use it properly. I want to use aupay in the right way.
As the title says, blogs were originally meant to be a place to write tweets like this. As time goes by, various interests have become intricately intertwined (affiliate marketing, Google Adsense, etc.), and it seems that those who are running blogs in their original form are in the minority.
Today, I went back to the original origins of blogging and wrote an article about it.
I have to go out later today to sign up for a savings plan with Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance. Have a great Sunday, everyone!
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***