♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに RUSHがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫42 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年8月6日 日曜日の朝は晴れて今日も暑くなりそうなスタートです。風はなく穏やかなだけに蒸しっとするかもしれません。海の近くなのですが湿度は70%を示しております。
まず、近隣の駅近くまでレンタルバイク(原付)を日曜日の朝一で予約し その後ヘルメットの到着を土曜日の午後に設定し無事到着。その後夕方キックスケーターでワークマンまで行って手袋、長袖のクール素材のシャツを買ったり、スポーツデポで首に巻くための ひんやりタオル?的なものを準備し服装の手配完了。
ツーリング当日の朝 日の出前に朝食を済ませ、レンタルバイクの置き場にバイクを確認しロックを解除してシート下に荷物を積み込み準備を整えました。出発時間は朝の5時30分と記憶しております。

借りたバイクはヤマハのVOX50cc。ずっしりとしたボディーは安定感がありました。思い起こしてみると群馬にいたころ車(インスパイア)を買うまでつなぎで乗っていたDJ1-R(原付、実家から持って行ったもの)以来、実に27年ぶりの原付というかバイクです。実家にいたころ学生時代このDJRーRで駅まで通い通学したものです。別にKawasaki ZZR400でツーリングに出かけたり遠くの学校まで通学したりしたことも。。

Touring to Miyagase (1)
August 6, 2023 Sunday morning is off to a hot start today with clear skies. There is no wind and it is calm, but it may be steamy. We are near the ocean and the humidity is showing 70%.
Yesterday, I worked at the ATM at the post office, bought a phone battery, toilet paper, and other daily necessities at Yamada Denki (using 4 coupons). Fetched water at Max Value + shopped for lamb, cabbage, etc. After checking my Ponta points at Lawson, I watched the Fighters on TV in the afternoon. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto was a bench reserve.
The reason I mentioned in this blog that I suddenly decided to go out for a day at the end of July was touring.
I thought of touring on the last Thursday of July, and started to envision going to Tanzawa area during telework on Friday, searched for a rental bike, thought about it for a while, and decided to do it around Obon. I searched for bike rentals and thought about it for a while and decided to do it around Obon, but at night I found out that I could rent a bike for a day on Sunday.
First, I reserved a rental bike (moped) near a nearby train station first thing Sunday morning, then set the arrival of the helmet for Saturday afternoon, and it arrived safely. Then, in the evening, I took a Kick Skater to Workman and bought a pair of gloves, a long-sleeved cool shirt, and a chilly towel to wrap around my neck at Sports Depot. We also bought a cool towel to wrap around our necks at the Sports Depot.
Since it was expected to be very hot, we froze 3-4 liters of touring drinks at home and prepared chilled onigiri (rice balls) for Sunday morning.
On the morning of the touring day, we had breakfast before sunrise, checked the bikes at the rental bike yard, unlocked them, loaded them under the seats, and got ready to go. I remember the departure time as 5:30 in the morning.
The bike I rented was a Yamaha VOX 50cc, with a sturdy and stable body. It had been 27 years since I rode a DJ1-R (a moped, brought from my parents’ house) as a stopover until I bought a car (Inspire) when I was in Gunma, Japan. When I was a student at my parents’ house, I rode this DJR-R to the station to go to school. I also rode Kawasaki ZZR400 to go touring and to go to school far away.
I rode a moped for the first time in 27 years, but surprisingly, I got used to it very quickly. I guess what you learn with your body comes back to your senses very quickly. It is true that it is not so common to lose the ability to ride a bicycle even if you have not ridden it for a while.
This rental bike had a monthly parking sticker attached to it, so it may be used for commuting to the station on weekdays. On weekends and holidays, they are earning money by renting them out. By the way, the daily rental fee this time was 5,000 yen. A percentage of that will probably go to the owner. The rental store we used this time is Best Bike, which is operated only online.
The rental procedure is only online & by e-mail.
The procedure is
1) Access Best Bike’s website, select a rental location in your neighborhood, and choose a bike.
(2) Choose a bike that is available for rental in two days at the earliest (there are tabs for different displacements: ~50cc, ~125cc, ~400cc, etc…).
(3) Register your driver’s license and credit card. You will receive a reservation completion e-mail.
(4) You will receive an e-mail the day before the reservation that the bike has been set up at the designated location.
On the day of the tour, a key box with a PIN code written in the e-mail is attached to the front wheel, so open it and start the engine. ~Then, you start the engine.
⑥Return the bike to the driver with your finger.