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2023年2月19日 日曜日の朝は曇りで7度。本日は19度まで気温が上がるそうですが雨も交じり春一番の気配も。昨日 洗濯物をたくさん乾かしてくれたお天道様はお預けの休日です。
本能的に おいしくないもの=体に必要ないもの
つまり体が欲している栄養素をとりたいがゆえに❝ おいしい ❞、❝ もっと食べたい ❞と感じて積極的に取り入れるのです。
わたくしの場合牡蠣がそれで、体が欲している栄養素がたくさん入っていることを本能が察知して❝ おいしい ❞、❝ もっと食べたい ❞と脳が信号を送り、その結果よく食べていると考えております。最近はチョコなどの甘いものも無性に食べたくなります。(このブログを執筆しながらチョコを食べてます 笑)
小さいころは食べなくても大人になって食べれるようになった食べ物って誰しもあるのではないでしょうか。わたくしの牡蠣の様に食べれてはいたのだがおいしいとは思わず、大人になっておいしい もっと食べたいとまで思う様になった食べ物ってみなさんありませんかね
以上を踏まえて子供に嫌いな食べ物を 教育という看板を背負って無理に食べさせるって大人にとっても子供にとってもストレスが増えるだけで無駄だという話でした。(あくまで個人的な見解です)
You don’t have to eat the food you don’t like – today’s polemic
February 19, 2023 Sunday morning was cloudy and 7 degrees. The temperature is supposed to rise to 19 degrees today, but there is a hint of the first day of spring mixed with rain. This is the day off to leave the sun, which dried a lot of laundry yesterday.
Yesterday morning, I went to the local supermarket and bought some Chinese pickles that I had been curious about. When I think of Chinese pickles, I am reminded of processed products in jars. You know, that one in the little Momo-0 jar!
According to the recipe written in the direct sales section, the stems can be sliced and eaten in salads. The leaves can be stir-fried or pickled, so I decided to give it a try since it was only 100 yen.
The volume is quite large. To sum it up, it is a great cospa! I had a salad of sliced stems with mayonnaise and it was delicious. The asazuke (lightly pickled vegetables) is good for those who do not mind bitterness. However, it is a little spicy, so you may not be able to eat a lot of it.
Let’s move on to today’s main topic. It’s all about food.
You don’t have to eat the food you don’t like.
What’s new…I eat what I like, but I don’t force myself to eat what I don’t like. These words are not for adults who say, “I’ll eat what I like, but I won’t force myself to eat what I don’t like.
These words are mainly directed to children.
When you were a child, were there any children around you who disliked green peppers or could not eat shiitake mushrooms? When I was a child in kindergarten or elementary school, during lunch time…
You were baptized by the teacher, “We won’t give you lunch until you eat all of your lunch,” or by your parents, “If you don’t eat it, you won’t get any money for this month,” and you were told that it was absolutely wrong not to eat foods you didn’t like and that it was very important for your education to eliminate likes and dislikes.
I can’t really remember if I did that when I was a small child. I remember that I never had that many likes and dislikes to begin with. One thing I remember is that my child in Shinshu made pasta every weekend when he was in kindergarten, and I don’t know if he disliked it or not.
When I think back to my childhood, I remember that I used to eat oysters and fried oysters, but I never thought they were delicious.
You don’t have to eat food you don’t like.
The reason why I had this thought is because, in my case, oysters did not taste good when I was little, but as an adult, especially in recent years, oysters have become delicious and my favorite food.
Instinctively, I think that what is not tasty = what is not necessary for the body.
I believe that if something does not taste good, it is not necessary for the body. I think that because oysters do not contain the nutrients necessary for the body, our instincts tell us that they do not taste good and that we do not want to eat them, and we reject them. The opposite is also true.
Tasty food = nutrients that the body needs.
In other words, we want to take in the nutrients that our body needs, which is why we feel “delicious” and “want to eat more” and actively take in the nutrients.
In my case, oysters are a case in point. My instincts sense that oysters contain a lot of nutrients that my body needs, and my brain sends signals to my body saying “delicious” and “I want to eat more,” and as a result, I eat a lot of oysters. This is why we eat so much. Recently, I have been craving chocolate and other sweet foods. (I am eating chocolate while writing this blog.)
Returning to children, we can hypothesize that children who dislike green peppers and shiitake mushrooms do not like them because they do not contain the nutrients their bodies need, and their instincts tell them that they do not want to eat them, and they reject them.
I think we all have foods that we didn’t eat when we were small but became able to eat as adults. Like my oysters, I used to be able to eat them, but I didn’t think they were tasty, and then as I grew older, I started to enjoy them and even wanted to eat them more.
Based on the abnormalities, I was saying that forcing children to eat foods they don’t like under the guise of “education” only increases stress for both adults and children and is a waste of time. (This is just my personal opinion.)
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***