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2023年1月21日 土曜日の朝は晴れで5度、本日の予想最高気温は9度です。木曜日に年明けからの仕事が一段落したため午後休をとって帰りに大阪王将棋に行きました。外食は昨年妻がこちらに来た時の10月下旬に天丼を食べて以来です。今回久しぶりに外で食事をしようと考えたのは、チャーハンや餃子を食べたいと思ったからです。餃子は冷凍のものをちょくちょくOKストアなどで買って食べていたのですが、やはりプロに焼いてもらうものとは少し違いますかね。チャーハンは自分で作ることはないのでこれも久しぶりに食べてみようという事で会社帰りあれこれ考えながらどの店が良いかと想いをめぐらした結果の選択。
自宅よりいくつか前の駅で降りて散策を楽しみながら目的の大阪王将に到着するとメニューからチャーハンを選ぼうとメニューをあれこれ見ていると・・・期間限定の「幸福絶倒 でれうま えびめし」~ぷりぷりの海老と玉子でお腹いっぱい。とあるではないですか。
出てきたものは、予想を裏切らないぷりぷりのエビとソース仕立ての焼き飯。その上に天津丼風のたまごが被さっておりなんとも素敵なマリアージュ。餃子は店内で作っているところもアピールしており良い印象の大阪王将でした。当ブログでは❝ 外食最小化での気づき ❞を謡ってるので、こうして3か月ぶりに外食してみると「 たまにはこういうのも良いね。」といった感じでした。自炊にこだわりすぎないで時には息抜きもしてゆこうと思います。
母親にメールで様子をうかがってみると、おとり捜査に協力したり現場検証で現地を訪れたり、受け子に似ている写真を見せてもらったりと忙しく過ごしていたようです。自宅の固定電話番号もすぐに換えたようですし あっと言う間の一週間だったようです。
Realizations in Eating Out Minimization
January 21, 2023 Saturday morning was sunny and 5 degrees with an expected high today of 9 degrees. I took the afternoon off on Thursday after a break from work since the beginning of the year and went to Osaka Oshogi on my way home. I have not eaten out since late October when my wife came here last year. The reason I decided to eat out for the first time in a while this time was because I wanted to eat fried rice and gyoza (Chinese dumplings). I used to buy frozen gyoza at OK store, but it is a little different from the ones cooked by a professional. I never cook fried rice by myself, so I decided to try fried rice for the first time in a while, and I chose the best restaurant after thinking about it on my way home from work.
I got off at a station a few stops before my home and enjoyed a stroll before arriving at my destination, Osaka Osho, and as I looked at the menu to choose a fried rice dish… I found a limited time offer, “Kofuku Zettou Dereuma Ebimeshi” – full of plump shrimp and eggs. It’s not fried rice, but it’s delicious!
It’s not fried rice, but it looks delicious! So I ordered it with gyoza (Chinese dumplings).
What came out was, as expected, plump shrimp and fried rice with sauce. The fried rice was topped with a Tenshin-don style egg, which made for a wonderful marriage. The gyoza (dumplings) are made in the restaurant, which also made a good impression on us. Since my blog is all about “minimizing eating out,” I thought it would be nice to eat out for the first time in three months, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it is good to do so once in a while. I felt like, “It’s good to eat out once in a while. I’ll try not to be too obsessive about cooking for myself, but I’ll take a break from time to time.
Last week I was under a lot of stress due to the Oleore scam and my own work, so after returning home I lay in bed and took it easy.
When I e-mailed the mother to ask how she was doing, she said she was busy cooperating with the sting operation, visiting the site for a crime scene investigation, and showing me photos that looked like the receiver’s. I was able to get her to tell me that she had been working on the case for a while. She also changed her home landline number right away, and the week went by in a blink of an eye.
Consumer prices are at 4%, the highest in 41 years. The cost-push is unstoppable. There are not many Japanese of working age who are accustomed to inflation. How to cope with this unstoppable rise in prices may be the issue after 2023.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***