
口座引き落し手数料330円を無料にする方法 毎月カット

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Pride Of Lions がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Xperia ♫♪♫♩

本日は2022年5月21日 土曜日 都内の天気は曇りのち雨で予想最高気温は21度、洗濯機を回しながらの執筆です。この天気だと洗濯物の乾きが気になる週末となりそうです。最近どうも体の調子がすぐれず、朝起きた時の だるさというかすっきりしない感が続いております。仕事で不規則な対応が続いた結果かもしれませんので週末は体をゆっくり休めて夏に向けて整えたいと思います。

本日のお題は“ 口座引き落とし手数料 ”についてです。

本宅は持ち家ですが、借りている物件があり毎月マンションの家賃を支払っているのですが毎月の家賃+共益費、そして水道料金が2か月に1回同じ口座から引き落とされております。その時に都度都度かかるのが“ 口座引き落とし手数料 ”。

1回330円と大きな額ではありませんが、契約時から数年間 毎月引き落とし時に“ 口座引き落とし手数料 ”がかかり続けております。

この1回330円の“ 口座引き落とし手数料 ”を節約する方法はないか考えてみた結果思いついたのが、


引き落とし回数を年1回にすれば1年間にかかる“ 口座引き落とし手数料 ”は1回の330円になり、3,630円(330×11回)節約できます。これは名案と思いきや、管理会社に相談したら水道料金が2か月ごとに変わるのでその方法は難しいとのこと。

その他の支払い方法はないのか模索したところ「 お客様からの振り込みによる入金も可能です。ただし振込手数料はお客様負担になります。」とのこと。




毎月1回330円の“ 口座引き落とし手数料 ”もったいないけど、仕方ないのかな。。と思っておりましたが、行動あるのみです。管理会社にメールを出しコールバックをもらい相談する中で解決策が見えました。あとは毎月家賃請求のメールが届くのでそのタイミングで振り込みをネットバンクでするだけです。習慣化すれば呼吸するように遂行できます。まだまだ数年、家賃を払い続ける予定なので よい変換点となりました。




How to waive the 330 yen direct debit fee

Today is Saturday, May 21, 2022. I’m writing this while running the washing machine. I’m writing this while running the washing machine. This weather is going to make me worry about the dryness of the laundry this weekend. I have been feeling unwell lately and have been feeling sluggish or unrefreshing when I wake up in the morning. This may be the result of my irregular work schedule, so I would like to take a good rest this weekend to prepare myself for the summer.

Today’s topic is about “direct debit fees.

I own my own house, but I rent an apartment and pay monthly rent, and the monthly rent, common service fee, and water bill are deducted from the same account once every two months. The monthly rent, common service fee, and water bill are deducted from the same account once every two months.

It is not a large amount, 330 yen per time, but for several years since I signed the contract, I have been charged a “direct debit fee” every month at the time of the monthly debit. This one time fee of 330 yen is called a “direct debit fee.

After thinking about whether there is a way to save this one-time 330 yen “direct debit fee,” I came up with the idea of [jin- iconbox09]pay the rent + common service fee in one lump sum for one year[/jin-iconbox09].

If the number of debits is reduced to once a year, the “direct debit fee” for one year will be 33 0 yen, saving 3,630 yen (330 x 11 times). I thought this was a great idea, but when I talked to the management company, they said that method is difficult because the water bill changes every two months.

When we asked the management company if there was any other payment method, they replied, “We can accept payment by bank transfer from the customer, but the bank transfer fee will be borne by the customer. However, the transfer fee is to be paid by the customer.



Let’s do a bank transfer!

Inspiration struck.

There are several free bank transfers per month from online banks (Rakuten Bank 5 times, SBI Sumishin Bank 10 times, Aozora Bank 1 time, Shinsei Bank 1 time, etc…). If you use this free deposit limit, you will be able to transfer rent for free.

I was thinking that the monthly 330 yen “direct debit fee” is a waste of money, but I guess it can’t be helped. But we have to take action. I found a solution in emailing the management company and getting a callback and discussing it with them. All I have to do now is to transfer the rent money to my net bank at the time when I receive the monthly rent billing email. Once you get into the habit, you can do it like breathing. It was a good conversion point for me because I plan to continue paying rent for a few more years.

Annual savings: 3,960 yen (330 yen x 12 months) Direct debit fees may not be too much.

Hourly wage conversion 6,600 yen – 3 minutes of work for transferring money saving 330 yen -> 330 yen (3 minutes) x 20 (3 minutes x 20 is 60 minutes) = 6,600 yen

The value of 3 minutes of work is 6,600 yen per hour. Is this worth it?

*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

