♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに ジャパニーズプログレッシブロックの GERARDがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♫♪♫♩
本日は2022年5月22日 日曜日 都内の天気は曇りで午後から晴れの予報。予想最高気温は22度で洗濯物が乾きそうなサンデーアフタヌーン。昨日Spotifyを検索している中でScheheradeなどのジャパニーズ プログレッシブロックが結構あることに気づき はまってます。中でもGERARDはベースのグルーブが際立ち、また2007年頃から参加の佐々井康雄のヴォーカルも心地よく、ついつい聞き入ってしまいます。今日は一日中 聞きまくることでしょう。
さて本日のお題は“ しばらく使ってないガジェット断捨離 ”です。
まだ使えるガジェットなら買い取ってもらい いくらかいただけるなら良いかと。そこで今回も利用しました “ ラクウル ”(前回の記事は下部にリンクを貼ってあります)
おそらく、おおかたの株主が スルーしているでは?と個人的に思ってるビックカメラとコジマの期ごとに株主に配送されてくる決算報告書におまけでついてくる優待券を活用しますと1,000円買い取り額増額になります。

自分で箱を調達し、買い取ってほしいガジェット類、音楽CDなどを詰めます。ブランド服なども買い取っているそうです。箱が調達できない場合は「 箱も用意してください。」的なオーダーがスマホからできるのでそちらも活用ください。
使い方はスマホに登録されたビック買取マネーをコジマやビックカメラ、ソフマップ店頭で表示させ レジで「 買い取りマネーで! 」というと利用できます。有効期限は使ってから2年と十分な期間がありますのでどうにも買うものが思い浮かばない場合は、電池やLED電球、マスクなど消耗品を購入するのも手かと。
・集荷予定日時:2022年05月22日(日) 16:00~18:00
Decluttering unused gadgets Rakul also provides boxes.
Decluttering unused gadgets Rakul also provides boxes. I’m writing this with GERARD, a Japanese progressive rock band, playing in the background.
Today is Sunday, May 22, 2022 The weather in Tokyo is forecast to be cloudy and sunny in the afternoon. The expected high temperature is 22 degrees Celsius, which will dry out the laundry Sunday afternoon. While searching Spotify yesterday, I noticed quite a lot of Japanese progressive rock music such as Scheherade, and I’m hooked. Among them, GERARD has a distinctive bass groove, and Yasuo Sasai’s vocals, which have been a part of the band since around 2007, are also very pleasant, so I can’t help but listen to them. I’m sure I’ll be listening to it all day long.
Today’s subject is “decluttering gadgets that haven’t been used for a while.
I bought it because I thought it might be useful. Do you have any gadgets that you bought because you thought they would be useful but ended up not using them that much and have been sitting around for more than a year? Earphones, cameras, Wi-Fi routers, and so on. Not only gadgets, but also clothes, music CDs, Blu-Rays, and so on. The things that increase in value by being left at home are limited to a few things such as high-end watches, and in fact, there are not many of them, so it is better to get rid of them! It is a good idea to get rid of them.
In the case of gadgets, there are cases where it is difficult to dispose of them. Burnable trash? Non-burnable trash? Do I have to pay recycling fees? Some people may have a lot of questions such as “Is it burnable trash?
If the gadget is still usable, it would be nice if we could buy it and get some money for it. That’s why we used “rakuul” again this time (see the link at the bottom of the previous article).
I personally think that most of the shareholders of BIC CAMERA have not gone through the process of buying the gadgets. I personally think that most of the shareholders of BIC CAMERA and KOJIMA do not go through the process, but if you use the coupon attached to the financial reports that are delivered to shareholders every fiscal year, the purchase amount will be increased by 1,000 yen.
The 1,000 yen increase coupon is attached at the end of the report, which is cut out and used.
When you cut it out, it will look like this. In addition to the Rakuul coupon, there is also a 3% point increase coupon for Bic Camera.
You get your own box and fill it with gadgets, music CDs, etc. that you want to buy. They also buy brand-name clothes. If you can’t get a box, you can order something like, “Please provide a box as well. If you can’t get a box, you can order something like “Please prepare a box as well.
All you have to do is enter the pickup date and time from your smartphone and wait for the pickup company to arrive; they will later assess your items and present the amount to you on your smartphone. I use Bic Purchase Money, which has the best return rate for me, to inflate the purchase amount. I can use it to increase the purchase amount by 1.2 times compared to receiving it in cash.
To use it, display the BIC purchase money registered in your smartphone at a Kojima, Bic Camera, or Sofmap store, and at the cash register, say, “With purchase money! at the cash register. If you can’t think of anything to buy, you can buy consumables such as batteries, LED bulbs, and masks.
Now all we have to do is wait and see how much they will take back this time. I will report back later.
For more information on Rakuul, please visit the link. We will report back to you later.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***