
他人の人生経験は役に立たない ~渡辺謙の真意

===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICはFair Warning “ When Love Fails ” がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1===

本日は2022年4月29日 昭和の日。都内は曇りでのち雨の予報で予想最高気温は18度と涼し目です。今日は仕事は休みですので家でゆっくりし、季節の変わり目の体調の変化を受け止めたいと思います。運動量のわりにちょっとした疲れが体の芯にある感じなので。。本日4月29日は義理父の命日で1周忌となります。1年前に記事にしておりますようにMDSを患って わずか数か月で天に召されました。毎日朝 手を合わせております。


「 他人の人生経験は役に立たない 」渡辺謙の真意

「 他人の人生経験は役に立たない 」・・・これは俳優の渡辺謙の言葉です。最近ネットの記事を見ているなかで出会った言葉で、最近自分が考えていたマインドを見事に表現していて「 これだ。。 自分の思いを言葉にしてくれた 出会ったぞ! 」とガッツポーズが脳裏をよぎった言葉との出会いでした。




~東洋経済ONLINE 渡辺謙、「他人の人生経験は役に立たない」の真意 より引用

僕の経験はみなさんの参考にはならないと思いますよ。・・・彼らしい そしてとてもうまく表現された成功者の言葉ですね。




~東洋経済ONLINE 渡辺謙、「他人の人生経験は役に立たない」の真意 より引用

チャンスをつかむには・・・自分で考えるしかないのかもですね。「株」に例えているところが ご自身のプライベートとリンクさせているのかもしれませんね?(笑)。確かに人に勧められた株を買って莫大な利益を上げた人ってたくさんいるのでしょうか?「 誰の言うことも聞くなとは言いませんが、自分の感覚を研ぎ澄ませて、自分を導いてくれるものを見極める目を持ったほうがいいかと。 」結局は自分の感覚がカギを握るのかもですね。


「 他人の人生経験は役に立たない 」≒「 他人のサクセスストーリーは自分に大きな意味をなさない。 」

成功体験をテレビで見たり本で読んだりするのは楽しく時間を忘れさせてはくれるが、あくまで娯楽として楽しめるもの。もう一歩踏み込めたとして そのサクセスストーリーは自分にとって100%の再現性はないが数%の模倣ができるだけのもの。例えば、このサクセスストーリーのこの部分はマネできるとかモチベーションアップにつながるとかの。



今回の引用記事本文はこちら ☆リンクは別のタブで開かれます

Other people’s life experiences are useless – the true meaning of Ken Watanabe

===Today’s background music is Fair Warning “When Love Fails” by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1=== Today is April 29, 2022, Showa Day.

Today is April 29, 2022, Showa Day. It is forecast to be cloudy and rainy in Tokyo, and the expected high temperature is a cool 18 degrees Celsius. I am off work today, so I will relax at home and take in the changes in my physical condition as the seasons change. I feel a little tired at my core, despite the amount of exercise I’ve done. Today, April 29, is the first anniversary of the death of my father-in-law, who, as I wrote about a year ago, was taken to heaven only a few months after suffering from MDS. I pray for him every morning.

Today’s topic is this.

The true meaning of Ken Watanabe’s statement, “Other people’s life experiences are of no use to me.

The life experiences of others are useless”… These are the words of actor Ken Watanabe. I recently came across this phrase in an article on the Internet, and it perfectly expresses the mindset that I have been thinking about recently, “This is it. You put my thoughts into words. I found you! It was an encounter with a word that made me smile and smile with guts.

The same chance will never come around again.

–As an actor, is there anything that you have continued to do in order to make your “love for work” your career? I hope it will be helpful to our readers.

I don’t think my experience will be a reference for everyone. I personally believe that other people’s success stories are not helpful. You have to make your own way in life. Therefore, I don’t think there is any method that says you can succeed by doing this.

~(Quote from Toyo Keizai ONLINE, Ken Watanabe, “Other people’s life experiences are useless”)

I don’t think my experience will be of any use to you. That’s very typical of him, and very well expressed by a successful person.

I personally believe that other people’s success stories are of no use to me. You have to make your own way in life. I think that may be true. Each individual’s situation is too different. There are too many differences in the advantages of healthy or not healthy people, men or women or not, Japan or Dubai or any other country. As he said, it seems to me that the only way to make your way in life is through repetition of your own experiences and actions.

For example, in the field of acting, it is impossible for every actor to have the same opportunities. So the only way to find out where opportunities lie and what you should do to seize them is to think for yourself.

In a sense, opportunities may be the same as stocks. Even if someone says, “Now is the time to buy this stock! but at that point in time, it is often already time to sell, isn’t it? I am not saying that you should listen to anyone, but you should sharpen your own senses and have an eye for what will guide you.

~Toyo Keizai ONLINE, quoted from Ken Watanabe, The True Meaning of “Other People’s Life Experiences Are Useless.

To seize an opportunity…you may have to think for yourself. Perhaps you are linking this to your own personal life when you compare it to the stock market? (lol). Surely there are many people who bought stocks recommended by others and made huge profits? I’m not saying don’t listen to anyone, but I think you should sharpen your own senses and have an eye for what will guide you. In the end, your own senses may hold the key.

To sum up.

“Other people’s life experiences are useless” ≒ “Other people’s success stories don’t mean much to me. ” ≒ “Other people’s success stories don’t mean much to me.

Watching success stories on TV or reading about them is a fun way to pass the time, but it is only for entertainment. If you can take it one step further, that success story is not 100% reproducible to you, but only a few percent imitable. For example, this part of the success story can be copied or motivating.

It seems to me that the only way to seize opportunities is to think for oneself and carve them out through repetition of one’s own experiences and actions.

I personally believe that other people’s success stories are of no help.
These are words that are very typical of Ken Watanabe.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

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