
人は自ら がむしゃらにならなければ、いずれ環境がそう仕向ける。

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2022年11月23日 水曜日で勤労感謝の日。まだ日の出前で雨の降っている近隣は1日中しとしとと降り続く予報で予想最高気温は11度。12月上旬の気温とのことです。


来月 誕生日を迎える子供に送るメッセージを考えていたのですが 昨日マンションの階段を下りながら不意に脳裏をよぎった言葉を以下に記します。

人は自ら がむしゃらにならなければ、いずれ環境がそう仕向ける


常日頃、ほどほどに物事をこなす程度の毎日を過ごしていると サムシング・グレイト(神様とか)が見かねて、「 君の人生は、その程度の頑張りでは不十分。よってこの難しい課題を与えよう! 」と言って、今までよりもっともっと頑張らないと毎日を過ごせないような宿題、課題をその人に与えて 今までよりもその人を頑張らせる。より一生懸命与えられた課題に取り組まないと現状維持できない状態にレベルを強制的に上げられる。




~If people do not work hard on their own, the environment will eventually make them do so.~

November 23, 2022, Wednesday, Labor Day. It is still before sunrise and the rainy neighborhood is forecasted to be drenching all day with an expected high temperature of 11 degrees C. The temperature is said to be that of early December.

Today is our wedding anniversary, and I am about to send a message via LINE to my family who live far away.

I was thinking of a message to send to my child whose birthday is coming up next month, and as I was walking down the stairs of my apartment yesterday, the following words suddenly came to my mind.

If one does not work hard oneself, the environment will eventually make one do so


Do you get the nuance?

If you are doing things moderately on a daily basis, Something Great (like God) may take notice and say, “Your life is not enough with that level of effort, so I will give you this difficult task! So I give you this difficult task! and give him or her a homework or assignment that requires more and more effort than ever before to make him or her work harder than ever before. Forcing the person to work harder and harder on the given task will force him or her to raise his or her level to a state where he or she cannot maintain the status quo.

By doing so, they will make the person realize his/her mission and make him or her grow, right?

This is what I mean.

This is what I have felt from my own experience and from watching my family members. What do you think?
