
久々にシャンプー~Long time no shampoo

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Dan Fogelgergがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫19 Scroll to bottom for English translation

2023年5月20日 土曜日の朝は昨日からの雨が少し残りますがやがて雨は止み日差しが戻り23度まで上がるそうです。昨日は久々にシャンプーを使いました。いつもは湯シャンで過ごしているのですが暖かくなってきたし汗をかく機会も出てきたので たまにはと思いお湯以外で頭を洗ってみました。20代のころのように頭の油の発生が活発ではないので湯シャンで手に負えないことはないのですが、たまにはシャンプーもいいかもしれませんね。洗いすぎないように注意は必要ですが、夏場はもうちょっと機会を増やそうかなとも思いました。しかしリンスはもうかれこれ何年もご無沙汰です。

もう10年ぐらい前ですが、❝ 泡洗髪 ❞をしていた時期を思い出しました。(❝ 泡洗髪 ❞の本も出ているようです。)シャンプーを泡立てて髪にのせて軽く包み込んでおしまいでシャワーで洗い流すというごしごし洗わない方法も一時期やっていました。









Long time no shampoo

May 20, 2023 Saturday morning we will have a little bit of rain left over from yesterday, but eventually the rain will stop and the sun will return and the temperature will rise to 23 degrees. Yesterday I used shampoo for the first time in a while. I usually use hot water shampoo, but now that the weather is getting warmer and I have a chance to sweat, I decided to wash my head with something other than hot water once in a while. Although I need to be careful not to wash too much, I thought I might increase the occasions a little more during the summer. However, I have not used rinse for years.

It was about 10 years ago, but I remember a time when I used to foam-wash my hair. (There seems to be a book on foam hair washing.) ) I also used to foam shampoo, put it on my hair, wrap it lightly, and rinse it off in the shower.

I was also influenced by the flood of TV commercials and internet images of hair follicles being looked at with a microscope and saying, “This is how dirty it is! Perhaps due to the flood of images on TV commercials and the Internet, people have been brainwashed into thinking that they are cleaning their scalp too much and washing off even the necessary oils. The trend today is to clean the scalp more than necessary and wash off even the necessary oil with shampoo. Perhaps the secret trend is to use hot-water shampoos as the antithesis of this practice. There is still room for debate in this area, so I am not sure what the correct answer is.

If you go to a drugstore, you will find a huge variety of shampoos on sale. Some of them are expensive, costing as much as 5,000 yen per bottle. This reminds us that shampoo is a big market. As a side note, if you go to an electronics retailer, you will find a huge variety of wireless earphones, just like shampoo. This is also a large global market worth imagining. If you go to a convenience store (which I personally rarely do), you will find a huge variety of cigarettes behind the cash register. There are so many varieties that they are numbered. This is probably because it is hard for people who are not interested to remember the brands of cigarettes. I remember that people who buy them also order them by number. It’s easy for the clerks.

This is off topic, but these days my body is also washed in hot water on holidays. This is also because I imagine that over-washing can cause dryness and that on days when I am not sweating so much, I can get rid of most of the dirt by rinsing with hot water without scrubbing with soap and other detergents. The idea is that using soap every day to remove the minimum amount of oil necessary for the body is a burden on the skin and other parts of the body. The practice of washing my body with hot water has gradually taken root in my daily life. I am now washing my body in hot water only once or twice a week.

Today’s polemic

Encouragement of hot water bath


I would also like to talk about toothpaste. Do you use toothpaste every day? I stopped using toothpaste every day a few years ago. Of course, I brush my teeth every morning and evening.

I will continue the story tomorrow.

By the way, I received a shareholder special benefit ticket of ANA, an airline company that has been recovering rapidly.



群れない族の心身ヘルシーライフ。外食最少化での気づき、バイク、音楽、献血、日々のこと、お得情報。'21~アル卒。2026シフトチェンジ後の世界戦略、組織人の諸行無常、IPO、株、為替、固定費削減などなど。。誰かの役に立てるかな。。。My life has just begun.
