♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICにChicagoがかかっている中 執筆して おります by LINE MUSIC ♪♫62 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年9月24日 日曜日の朝は晴れて穏やかです。昨晩は涼しくて窓を閉めて寝ました。昼間の最高気温25度っていつ以来な感じでしょうかね。北日本は最低気温が12度くらいまで下がってきているようです。
久しぶりにメルカリのアカウントを開いて最近の状況を見てみたり、家族が10月に出かけるというのでJRの切符をネットで予約したりと あっという間の一日でした。ふるさと納税も9月いっぱいが一つの区切りというので(優待品の制約上)月末はこの件クリアしたいと思います。お米は十分量確保済なのでナッツでも取り寄せようかと考え中。。
さて本題の丹沢ツーリング② 昨日の続きです。

~人口ダム(自然に手を入れて作った湖)なので がけ崩れなどは致し方ないのかもしれませんね。永い歳月を経て地形に適した様になってゆくのが自然の姿かと。



Tanzawa Touring ing②
Now for the main topic, Tanzawa Touring ing② Continued from yesterday.
~The lake is an artificial dam (a lake created by natural means), so it may be inevitable that there will be some landslides. I think it is nature’s way of adapting itself to the terrain over time.
We made it to Tanzawa quite smoothly and finished patrolling (?) around the dam. We finished our patrol (?) around the dam and started our way home. The water level of the dam was low.
It was a fulfilling time, enjoying both the landscape that has not changed since I was a student and the landscape that has changed. I am sure I will visit again at some point.
Tanzawa I will be back!
The access road is a moderate winding road down to 246. 246 is congested on the downhill side, and I think it was around 8:00 a.m. It was probably a tourist bureau heading for Shizuoka. The opposite direction toward Tokyo was empty, so it was a pleasant touring experience.
I filled up for the first time at ENEOS near the Atsugi interchange. 6.08 liters (168 yen). The time was 9:44.
I was able to return home more comfortably than I had expected and returned to my apartment around 11:00. I brought onigiri (rice balls) with me and ate them at my apartment. The canned mackerel (a special offer) was so delicious that I definitely wanted to try it again next time. I love mackerel itself, but the canned mackerel I received this time was of a wonderful level, and my happiness level was quite high.
There was still time to return the bikes at 3:00 p.m., so after dinner we decided to go shopping at a nearby commercial supermarket.
Get coffee, wolfberries, and other standard items and return to the apartment.
CB250R looks great in a business parking lot
The last refueling was 0.31 liters (179 yen).
6.08 liters + 0.31 liters = 6.39 liters (total gasoline consumption this time)
240 km (total kilometers driven over 2 days) / 6.39 liters = 37.5 km/liter
The fuel consumption was 37.5 km/liter. As urban driving to Futakotama is not good for fuel economy, the touring in Tanzawa was a success and resulted in 37.5 km/liter fuel economy. With gasoline prices soaring, it is mild on the wallet.
We returned the bikes to Honda Dream almost two hours earlier than scheduled and finished the touring safely again. No accidents, no violations, and a safe return home are the treasures of this tour.
The next touring is scheduled for the beginning of October. As expected, it will be tough in summer clothes. Gloves are also summer gloves, so we need to be prepared. We have a general idea of where we will be going (we have already learned about it on YouTube), so we just need to finalize our clothing and schedule. We are also planning to rent a cruiser for the first time, so we are very excited. I’ll write more about it in a future post.