♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICにビージーズ がかかっている中 執筆して おります by LINE MUSIC ♪♫61 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年9月23日 土曜日 秋分の日の朝はまだ夜明け前ですが昨日からの雨は止み穏やかです。雨の降る予報で現在の気温は22度で本日の予想最高気温は25度とようやく9月らしい気温です。
8月下旬から始まった本宅の外壁改修工事は大詰めの様子で今月中には完成の予定。工事代金 残金の支払いの準備をするのみです。やはりいくらか追加代金が発生した様子です。インフレ到来という事で工事代金は上がる一方と予想されますので早めに思い切って外壁の補修をしておいてよかったと思える日が来ると予想します。
さて本日の本題です。9月16日 土曜日の午後3時にレンタルバイク(2度目のCB250R)を借りて二子玉へのお出かけの途中からの続きです。
1958円のスマホバッテリー(5000mAh軽くて携帯によさげ)とパナソニックの家庭用電源延長コード(4コ口3mコード、スイッチON OFFあり)1980円を優待券活用し購入。(ケーズ優待券はお釣りは出ません。)
バイクや自転車は盗まれないにしても いたずらや部品だけ盗難もあるので やることをやったら天に祈るしかありません。(バイクを管理する人の苦悩でもあります。)

9月17日 日曜日三連休の中日です。246をひたすら走ります。目的地は丹沢。

人口ダム(自然に手を入れて作った湖)なので がけ崩れなどは致し方ないのかもしれませんね。永い歳月を経て地形に適した様になってゆくのが自然の姿かと。
Tanzawa Touring (1)
The next morning, there was nothing wrong with the bike and we left without incident. After breakfast, we departed at 4:50 AM with onigiri (rice balls), canned mackerel, and other items.
It took me a little while to get used to the new shoes. At first it was hard to get the feeling of changing gears with my left foot. But I got used to it with time.
September 17, Sunday, the middle day of a three-day weekend. The destination is Tanzawa.
It is a place that I have a connection to, having passed through it several times by motorcycle and car when I was a student. You can see the photos of black bass fishing (lure) and day camping in Tanzawa from the data stored in my computer. I remember that it was about 80 km from my parents’ house where I lived at that time, but I often went there.
It has been quite a while since I visited Tanzawa, a place that holds such memories for me. The amount of cars was limited because it was early in the morning, so it was a comfortable touring on the 246.
We made it to the end of Hadano relatively smoothly, although we did make a wrong turn along the way and had to turn around.
I dressed in a Nike short-sleeved windbreaker that I received as a golf prize over my usual long-sleeved cool material long-sleeved jacket from Workman, with a phone wrapped around my right bicep, and occasionally captured video of the driving scene. (Please access the link at the bottom to view. Here’s a video of the right rear of the bike)
This is also the day to test the results of the muscle training I have been doing every day (for three weeks) wearing a glove to overcome the fatigue in my left hand (fatigue caused by clutch operation) from the last time I requested it.
It’s early in the morning, but I see quite a few bikers, including a group of three or more generations of tourers.
I took a break at a Family Mart in the Yamakita area, but by 6:00 a.m. the traffic had increased considerably. It was early in the morning and there was a bit of a traffic jam heading toward Shizuoka. The Tokyo direction is completely empty.
After passing Taniga Station, the entrance to Tanzawa is just ahead. The scenery, probably not so different from when I was a student, made me feel nostalgic. (Turn right on 246 and you will see a little factory-like eye-catcher.)
From there, the road goes straight up toward the dam. This kind of road is pleasant to ride a motorcycle on. There are many houses along the road. There are almost no cars on the road. It is a quiet morning on the Dam Lake Road.
Soon you will have a view of the dam. From there, continue north as far as you can. The road narrows and is one-sided in places. Campsites are scattered about, and we aim for the farthest campsite that is accessible by car.
There are no traffic lights on the road, so it is very easy. And here we are.
Good night! I was happy to meet a kid who was making a bonfire at a campsite in Tanzawa from 7:00 in the morning. (lol.)
We arrived at the campground a little after 7:00 a.m. and found elementary school children enjoying a bonfire in the morning. I used the restroom at the campground and found people brushing their teeth and preparing breakfast. I felt the city (crowd) in the wilderness.
It is deep in the mountains, close to a metropolitan area, so I am sure that families and friends are enjoying camping from the city.
We toured around the dam area in Tanzawa, but there were several areas that were closed to traffic and vehicles were not allowed to enter the Yushin Gorge and other areas in the backcountry.
Due to a collapse that occurred on October 11, 2022 in the prefectural-run Gengakura Forest Road, the road from Ogawadani Outlet (in the direction of Yushin Lodge) is closed to traffic. (It is possible to walk to Nishitanzawa Kenmin-no Mori (Nishitanzawa Prefectural Forest).
In addition, the “Genshang Jishan Transport Road” from the “Prefectural Genshang Forest Road” to the “Genshang Jishan Transport Road” continues to be closed to pedestrians due to collapsed rock formations and other problems.
Therefore, it is not possible to head to the Yushin Lodge
~Quoted from Yamakita Town HP
It is a very beautiful canyon that I would like to revisit when it becomes passable.
Since it is an artificial dam (a lake created by natural means), it may be inevitable that there will be landslides. I think it is nature’s way of adapting itself to the terrain over time.
We made it to Tanzawa quite smoothly and finished patrolling (?) around the dam. I finished my patrol (?) around the dam and headed back home.
Article will continue in the next issue.