

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに 10ccがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫23 Scroll to bottom for English translation

2023年6月3日 土曜日の朝は結構激し目の雨が昨日から続いており、関東地方では一部避難警報も発令されているようです。昨晩午前零時過ぎにスマホがその警報を知らせる音が鳴り目が覚めてしまいました。今日の午後には雨も上がり台風一過のようです。


メールの宛先を間違えてしまったり、添付ファイルのミスであったり・・・。時々ですがメールで攻撃してくる人もいたりして そのストレスの流し方をしっかりしておかないとリアル出勤するよりもメンタルが不安定になりやすい場合もあるように思います。








話はロボアドバイザーに戻りますが、この商品の特徴としてはお任せで世界に投資できる点以外に意外にも注目されていない点があるように思います。それは❝ リバランス時の譲渡損益にかかる税金は考慮していない運用成績 ❞という点です。





I’m starting a robo-advisor.

June 3, 2023 Saturday morning has been raining quite heavily since yesterday, and some evacuation warnings have been issued in the Kanto region. I was awakened by the sound of my phone alerting me to the warning just after midnight last night. By this afternoon, the rain had stopped and it looks like the typhoon has passed.

I’m writing this morning with freshly brewed coffee and chocolate & peanuts by my side. Yesterday I was teleworking. When you work alone at a computer, don’t you ever feel stressed about where to put your mind when you make a mistake?

It could be an email to the wrong person, or a mistake in an attachment…. Sometimes, though, there are people who attack you by e-mail. If you don’t have a good way to channel that stress, I think it can be easier to become mentally unstable than if you go to work in real life.

At such times, I don’t think too much about it and try to switch things around by chanting something like, “This kind of mistake is inevitable, let’s get back on track! Let’s make a fresh start! Failures can happen because we are human beings, and I think it is more important to have a firm mind on how to recover from them.

The topic changes. Recently, I have seen many robo-advisors (“wrap business” or “discretionary investment management business”), in which securities firms team up with various discretionary investment ventures to invest in the global market with commissions ranging from 0.6% to 1%. The AI will assess various risks and investment opportunities, and depending on the situation, rebalance the assets every month in a rather drastic manner. I started a few around my birthday this year, so the results are still unknown, but some of them seem to have predicted the Corona Shock in the past and are starting to produce good results.

Unfortunately, they are not eligible for NISA, but if the fees are lower than those of active funds and the performance continues to exceed them, the market will grow.

I think the AI makes the product relatively easy to accept for younger people, but there may still be barriers for older people. While many people up to the prime of their lives may be able to research and apply for investment products on their own, I hear that many elderly people decide to purchase investment products because they are recommended by others. In such cases, it is assumed that the opportunity to purchase the product itself may not be available unless it is recommended by a sales person at a brokerage firm. Unlike savings, this is an investment, so the barrier can be quite a hurdle for the generation that regards time deposits as gods. It is quite a barrier for the generation that regards fixed deposits as gods.

Even AI may not function well, and it is quite possible that assets may fall into the negative. If a person does not have the investment mindset to withstand such a loss, any investment product will be ineligible for him or her. I know an elderly person who bought an investment fund recommended by a post office, but he could not endure the temporary loss (30%?) and sold it when it fell. I know of an elderly person who bought an investment fund recommended by the post office, but was unable to bear the temporary loss and sold the fund when it fell. (*I will disclose who the unfortunate elderly person is at the bottom of the sentence.)

Maybe it is possible to make a debut with a robo-advisor without any investment experience, but in that case, it might be better to start with a small amount and gradually build up the amount after experiencing the ups and downs of the market for a few years and getting mentally ready for it. It is not possible for an invested product to keep going up for decades (‘;’), and experiencing this firsthand will make long-term investment possible. I think what you learn from experience is more likely to be engraved in your soul than what you learn from a book.

The prospectus of any investment product says, “The future performance of the investment product will be implied. “The investment performance in the future is not implied or guaranteed. “.

Returning to the robo-advisor, I think there is one feature of this product, other than the fact that you can invest worldwide on your own, that has surprisingly not received much attention. That is “investment results that do not take into account taxes on gains or losses on transfers at the time of rebalancing.

Some products, by their nature of monthly rebalancing, are settled monthly. Normally, with individual stocks, you would settle the accounts every year on your tax return to get a profit or loss for the full year and determine the amount of taxes to be paid, but with monthly rebalanced robo-advisors, the taxes are calculated every month. Whether this is a good thing or not depends on market trends, and we will have to wait until the end of the year to find out. Unlike mutual funds and stocks, the impact of the monthly settlement of accounts is quite complicated, and there are no videos explaining this point, so this may be a commercial opportunity for YouTubers.

*The unfortunate elderly person is my mother.

Investments should be made at your own discretion + responsibility.
