♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに ロギンス&メッシーナがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫06 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2022年4月23日 日曜日の朝は晴れて気温は12度、予想最高気温は昨日と同じ19度です。
昨日は久しぶりに録画した映画を朝から見ました。金曜日の夜にテレビをつけたところあの「 ボヘミアン・ラプソディ」(*下部解説参照)が始まったところでこれ!と思い即録画しました。
途中早回し再生なども活用しましたがドラマ嫌いでも最後まで見れたのはクイーンの音楽をリアルタイムで経験した背景に興味があったからです。あのアルバムが出たバックにはこんな苦悩があったのかとか、あの楽曲の制作過程、フレディのソロデビュー背景。学生当時 生放送で見ていたLIVE AIDの出演の裏にはこんなストーリがあったのかと興味深く視聴させていただきました。
『ボヘミアン・ラプソディ』(英語: Bohemian Rhapsody)は、ブライアン・シンガー監督の2018年の伝記映画。イギリスのロックバンド・クイーンのフレディ・マーキュリーに焦点を当てて1970年のクイーン結成から1985年のライヴエイド出演までを描いた。脚本はアンソニー・マクカーテン、ラミ・マレックがフレディ役を務め、ルーシー・ボイントン、グウィリム・リー、ベン・ハーディ、ジョゼフ・マゼロ、エイダン・ギレン、トム・ホランダー、アレン・リーチ、マイク・マイヤーズらが出演。音楽プロデューサーはクイーンの現役メンバーであるブライアン・メイとロジャー・テイラーの2名。
~出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
Bohemian Rhapsody – this is the background.
April 23, 2022 Sunday morning is clear and sunny with a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius and an expected high of 19 degrees Celsius, the same as yesterday.
Yesterday morning I watched a recorded movie for the first time in a while. When I turned on the TV on Friday night, the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” (see the commentary at the bottom of this page) was just starting! I thought, “This is it!
I had been somewhat interested in the movie when it was first released, but I was too busy to watch it, so I acted on an inspiration I got from the TV I happened to have on.
In fact, I had been away from watching movies (and serial dramas) for many years, and it had been so long since I had seen a movie that I had no idea how long it had been since I had seen one. (*See the link at the bottom for the reason.)
Since it was a TV show, there were commercials (which I skipped), and I am sure some scenes were cut out due to time constraints, but the story was well understood and worth watching.
I also used fast-forward playback during the film, but even though I don’t like dramas, I was able to watch it all the way through because I was interested in the background of Queen’s real-time music experience. I was interested in the background of Queen’s music in real time, such as the pain behind the release of that album, the production process of that song, the background of Freddie’s solo debut, etc. I was a student watching the live broadcast when I was a student. When I was a student, I watched the live broadcast of Live Aid, and I was very interested to know the story behind the performance.
I think I was able to watch it because it was mainly a musical element rather than a movie. I probably won’t watch a drama-type movie for a while (lol).
After watching the movie, I listened to Queen again on Spotify. If Ferredi were still alive, she would be in her 70s, and the songs of this legendary vocalist, who passed away at the young age of 41, will continue to speak to people’s hearts.
Bohemian Rhapsody is a 2018 biographical film directed by Bryan Singer. The film focuses on Freddie Mercury of the British rock band Queen, from Queen’s formation in 1970 to his appearance at Live Aid in 1985. The screenplay was written by Anthony McCurtain, Rami Malek plays Freddie, and the cast includes Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Joseph Mazello, Aidan Gillen, Tom Hollander, Allen Leech, and Mike Myers. The music producers are two current members of Queen, Brian May and Roger Taylor.
~Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
☆Link will open in a separate tab⇩.
“Who’s got a “thrill and excitement” tank that’s filled? ~Today’s polemic.
I spent yesterday shopping while immersed in queens, window shopping for computer keyboards and checking the stock price trends of a recently noted electronics retailer.