
ブログ開設3周年 値上げの波がここにも!

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Unrury Childがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫♪64

2022年12月18日 日曜日の朝は雨の残る5度の寒いスタートです。やがて雨は上がり本日の予想最高気温は10度と日本海、東北、北海道に大きな影響をもたらしている寒波の影響です。明日は子供が帰省するので雪の影響が心配されます。来週は久々のIPO当選が2本あり朝の成り売りセットを抜かりなくこなします。




❝ ♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに ~~~ 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫ ❞


当ブログの最初の書き出しに日付と天気を入れ始めたのは、他のブログやネットの記事を見た時に「 この記事はいつ頃書かれたものなのだろう? 」と常々考える自分の習性を反映してのものです。


その❝ いつであるか ❞を探す時間を省略し、読者に分かりやすくしておくのも情報発信する側として意義のあることと考えております。

12月に開設したのは子供の誕生月でもあり、自分の仕事の大昔の転換月でもあり個人的に重要な月の一つでもあります。(Windows95の発売されたのも12月でしたね)後付けの理由としてはブログに❝ since2019 ❞と❝ since2020 ❞の違いも出ますしね(^^♪





3年で記事数300弱という軌跡を残し、とにもかくにもレンタルサーバーを3年契約してしまったので(?)あと3年 当ブログは継続内定です ^^) _~~


3rd anniversary of the blog, and the wave of price hikes is here to stay!

December 18, 2022 Sunday morning is off to a cold start with rain remaining at 5 degrees Celsius. Eventually the rain will lift and today’s forecast high is 10 degrees, the result of a cold wave that is having a major impact on the Sea of Japan, Tohoku, and Hokkaido. Tomorrow, the kids will be returning home and we are worried about the snow. Next week, I have two IPO winnings for the first time in a while, so I will make sure to do my morning sell set without fail.

This blog is now celebrating its third anniversary. If you recall, in December 2019, I made a big decision to start this blog. I started it secretly without asking anyone and without telling anyone I knew, relying on information on the Internet to find a rental server, acquire a domain name, and so on.

It is said on the Internet that many people start a blog, but most of them withdraw from it after one year, and so it was with this blog. There was a time when I could not keep up with the stories and I had to squeeze them out somehow, but as I kept trying to write even one or two articles a month, I gradually began to develop my current style.

There was a time when I would write one article a month, but I managed to keep going. At that time, I was wondering whether I should continue or stop.

I’m writing on background music by Spotify.

This beginning is one of the things that formed my style of continuity, and it’s a form that I think is typical of me as a music lover.

I started putting the date and the weather in the beginning of this blog because I have always reflected my habit of looking at other blogs and articles on the Internet and wondering, “When was this article written? I started putting the date and the weather in the beginning of my blog entry because of my habit of always thinking “When was this article written?

I think it is very important to know when the information in an online article was written.

I believe that it is also meaningful as an information transmitter to omit the time it takes to search for that “when” and to make it easy for readers to understand.

I opened the site in December, which is one of the most important months for me personally, as it is also the month of my child’s birth and the month of a major turning point in my business. (Windows 95 was also launched in December, wasn’t it?) As a later reason, there will also be a difference between “since2019” and “since2020” on the blog.

The one thing that hasn’t changed after three years is that we continue to let only a few people who know each other know about our blog. I have not told my family either, although there are few people I know who I am in touch with or see often. I’m sure that when the time comes, I’ll come out and say that I’m actually running a blog like this.

I started a three-year contract for the rental server, which was renewed last week. The price hike has hit us here as well, and we renewed with a significant price increase of 440 yen per month (150% increase). As you can see in my past articles, I tried to move the rental server, but it just didn’t work out, so I gave up on the idea of updating.

The rental server is not only for blogging, but also for having an unlimited number of email addresses, which has certain advantages, such as access to online banks and other secure sites that free email cannot handle. If there is a need to open a website in the future, you can do so as well. I think it is also creative to use the blog as a starting point to get the most out of the rental server.

One of the best things about blogging is the relationships I have made with people through blogging and social networking. I have received responses to my blog via Twitter from people I have never met. I was able to experience modern communication. Also, when I analyzed the access information of the rental server, I found that there were accesses not only from Japan but also from overseas (most of them were bots), people accessed my blog by adding it to their favorites, and some people stayed for more than one hour. I have a feeling that the number of people who pay attention to our blog is gradually increasing. Such voiceless reactions motivate me to continue blogging. As with work, it is nice when the results show up in numbers, isn’t it? When I was in sales, numbers were important.

I have signed a three-year contract for a rental server, so I am going to continue blogging for another three years. 3 more years. This blog will continue to operate ^^) _~~~
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

