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2022年11月5日 天気は曇りで予想最高気温は16度。洗濯物の乾きが微妙な予感の土曜日の朝。最近ベッドマットレスをどけてベッドフレームに薄めの布団をひいて寝ているのですが、なんとも痛気持ちいい。背中がごつごつしているのですがよく眠れます。ベッドマットレスはフカフカでよいのですが最近どうもこのフカフカのせいか腰の感じが良くなく どうしたものかと考えていたのですが、フカフカをゴツゴツに変えればよいとはわかっていたのですが布団をのせればよいことに気づかされ 実行したところよく眠れております。
このゴツゴツした寝心地は人により好みが分かれますが、わたくしの場合はとてもあっているようです。そういえばだいぶ以前 夏にフローリングの上に何もひかず何度か寝たことを思い出しました。ゴツゴツの寝床~合う人は合うみたいです。(少数派かな?)
そういえば江戸時代とか大昔は枕は木でできていましたよね。もともとは固かった日本の枕。時代の流れでふわふわ&ふかふかが主流になりました。自分の使ってる枕はそば殻で硬めでどちらかというと昔の枕です。さすがに木の枕は気になりませんが(笑) このそば殻で頭を硬めに固定して寝るのがあっているみたいです。枕の高さも諸説ありますが、一定の高さにせず、その時々の調子に合わせられるのがそば殻の良いところ。めったにしませんが昼寝などでは低めの枕が良いようにも感じます。(低い枕は浅い眠り&短い眠りに適している?)
Just change the fluffy to the lumpy.
November 5, 2022 Weather is cloudy with an expected high of 1 6 degrees. Saturday morning with a delicate outlook for drying laundry. I have recently moved my bed mattress out of the way and am sleeping on a thin futon on the bed frame, and it feels really good. My back is stiff, but I sleep well. The bed mattress is soft and fluffy, but recently my back does not feel good because of the fluffiness of the mattress.
I know that people have different preferences when it comes to the firmness of the bedding, but in my case, it seems to be a good fit for me. I remember that I slept on the wooden floor several times in the summer without putting anything on the floor. It seems that those who are comfortable with the rough flooring are also comfortable with it. (I wonder if I am in the minority?).
Come to think of it, in the Edo period and long ago, pillows were made of wood. Originally, Japanese pillows were hard. As time went by, fluffy and soft pillows became the mainstream. The pillow I use is made of buckwheat hulls and is rather old-fashioned. I don’t care for wooden pillows, but it seems that I like to sleep with my head fixed on the buckwheat hull. There are many theories about the height of the pillow, but the good thing about buckwheat hulls is that you don’t have to set them at a certain height, but can adjust them according to your condition from time to time. Although I rarely use buckwheat hulls, I feel that a low pillow is better for napping. (Are low pillows better for shallow & short sleeps?)
Sleep affects the fullness of your waking hours, so finding a comfortable formula for your own ideology may be an area you want to take quite seriously.
Just change the fluffy to the lumpy.