
ビックカメラ❝ 取り置き ❞で時間の節約

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Eaglesがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫25 Scroll to bottom for English translation

2023年6月10日 土曜日の朝は曇りで昨日の雨の跡が残ってます。台風の影響で明日以降天気が不安定のようです。本日は貴重な雨の降らない日中を活用しビックカメラまでお買い物です。昨日スマホで取り置きの手配をしたキーボードを購入の為です。注文の品はすこしマニアックなゲーミングキーボードなので在庫を置いてある店舗はある程度限られております。

こんな商品の買い物は❝ 取り置き ❞が有効です。

過去の記事でも紹介しましたが、ビックカメラの❝ 取り置き ❞はスマホで注文し、欲しい商品を店舗で受け取るためにあらかじめ予約しておくシステムです。支払いは受け取り時なので優待券や割引券、ポイントアップのチラシなど(株主優待についてるもの)も店頭で活用して支払いができるのも良い点です。

**** 様







・受付日                   :2023/06/09
・ご来店日(取り置き期限) :2023/06/10(土)
・受取店舗名               :ビックカメラ ****店  (AM 10:00 ~ PM 09:00)
・お渡し場所               :6F レジカウンター



欲しい商品が少しマイナーな場合はこの❝ 取り置き ❞が特に有効です。買い物に出かけて欲しい商品がなかった場合とか在庫切れとかって時間を消費してしまいますよね。支払いが店頭なのもその時々で都合の良いカード払いとかスマホQRコード決済とか選べますしね。

すっかり生活習慣の一部としてデフォルトとなった❝ 取り置き ❞。よろしければご活用下さい。

ビックカメラの❝ 取り置き ❞とは





Save time with Bic Camera “layaway

June 10, 2023 Saturday morning is cloudy with traces of yesterday’s rain. The weather seems to be unstable from tomorrow onward due to the typhoon. Today, I took advantage of the precious rainless daytime to go shopping at Bic Camera. I went to Bic Camera to buy a keyboard that I had ordered on layaway yesterday. The item I ordered is a gaming keyboard that is a bit geeky, so the number of stores that have it in stock is limited to a certain extent.

For this kind of shopping, “layaway” is effective.

As introduced in a previous article, BIC CAMERA’s “layaway” is a system where you place an order on your smartphone and reserve the product you want in advance to pick it up at the store. Payment is made at the time of pickup, so it is also good to be able to utilize preferential coupons, discount coupons, and point increase leaflets (those attached to shareholder benefits) to make payment at the store.

Dear ****

Thank you very much for applying for the pickup service at BIC Camera stores.

We have placed a hold on the product you requested.

Please tell us the following pickup number when you pick up your order at the store.

Pickup number] 492*****

~Image of the e-mail (We have changed the original expression.)

If you place an order with your mobile phone, you will receive an email like the one above in a few hours. You will receive an email like the one above in a few hours.

Reception date : 2023/06/09
Date of visit (deadline for layaway): 2023/06/10 (Sat.)
Store name :Bic Camera **** store (AM 10:00 ~ PM 09:00)
Location :6F cashier counter

~Image of the ~mail (The image has been changed to the original expression.)

If you go to the receiving store within the layaway period, they will keep the product for you. Make payment at the store and buy the item.

This “layaway” is especially effective when the product you want is a little minor. If you go out shopping and the product you want is not available or out of stock, it will consume a lot of your time. And you can choose to pay in-store with a credit card or QR code from your smartphone.

Pick-up and delivery” has become a default part of our lifestyle. Please make use of it if you like.



You place an order on your smartphone and pay for it when you pick it up at the store.

You will receive a pickup number by email and just tell us at the store. Pick-up number] 492*****

You can also use coupons, discount coupons, and point increase leaflets (attached to shareholder benefits) at the store.

If you do not receive the coupon by the date you specify, it will be cancelled.
