

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに ダリルホール&ジョンオーツがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫40 Scroll to bottom for English translation

2023年7月29日 土曜日の朝は晴れてセミがにぎやかな早朝です。今住んでいるマンション周辺は駅近くでマンションが林立する環境ではありますが、すぐそばに釣りもできる癒しの公園があり比較的緑も豊富です。暑くても緑がある程度確保されていて都会ながらも高台にあるせいか風がいくらか爽やかです。とはいっても36度の日中はさすがに応えますけどね。。

昨日はネットで買い物があり、あーでもない&こーでもないと結構な時間を費やしました。あるものを急いで入手しなければならなくなり直ぐに配送してくれるものを見つけて買いました。amazonにするか楽天市場にするのか?はたまた・・サイズがあり色があり、機能がありそして重要な価格がありとなかなかの作業でしたが何とか結論が出て予定では本日の午後に到着の予定でウキウキです ^^) _amazonさん暑い中配送感謝です。都会は翌日配送もありで本当に助かります。





試着もしながら最終的に半額になったFILAのものを購入しました。会計でカードを提示してから気付いたのですが、アルペンは かながわペイ対応店だったのですね。。


A day of shopping online & in real life

July 29, 2023 It is a sunny Saturday morning and the cicadas are buzzing early in the morning. Although the area around the apartment where I live now is near a station and is surrounded by a forest of apartments, there is a healing park where you can go fishing right next to the station, and there is relatively abundant greenery. Even though it is hot, there is a certain amount of greenery, and even though it is in the city, the wind is somewhat refreshing due to the location on a hill. However, the 36°C daytime temperatures can be a bit much to bear, though.

Yesterday, I had to do some shopping on the Internet, and I spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out what to do and what not to do. I had to get something in a hurry, so I found something that would be delivered immediately and bought it. I was a little bit nervous about the size, the color, the features, and most importantly, the price, but I came to a decision and it was scheduled to arrive this afternoon. I’m really grateful for the next day delivery in the city.

After it cooled down a little in the evening, I went shopping in Kickskater.

The first stop was the furthest one, Workman Plus, a 30-minute walk that was 70% downhill and 30% flat and uphill. We chose a shady spot and managed to reach our destination without breaking a sweat.

When we entered the Workman’s store, we were impressed by how cool the air conditioner was. Since we had to spend the whole day outdoors in a hurry, I looked around the store for some cool long-sleeved clothes to prevent sunburn. I bought a pair of white, modern-style, cool-sensitive material and a pair of backless gloves, and left the store.

After that, I moved on to Alpine. I looked for pants that would cover my knees, as they only had short shorts. I spent quite a lot of time there, probably because of the wide selection.

I tried on a few pairs and finally bought a pair from FILA at half price. After presenting my card at the checkout, I realized that Alpen was a store that accepts Kanagawa Pay.

Tomorrow, I’m going out for a day, so I’ll be prepared for the heat. Next week, I want to make sure that I have everything ready so that I don’t leave anything undone before the long vacation. Speaking of which, I have to go buy brown rice because I’ve run out of it.


