

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Caravanがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫♪79

2023年1月28日 土曜日の朝は日が差し一日良い天候に恵まれそうなスタートです。2度ほどしかありませんが日中は晴れで7度なので洗濯物も干せるでしょう。

昨日は曇りで時折雨も降り肌寒い一日をマンションで過ごしました。YouTubeをいろいろ見ていたのですが❝ ChatGPT ❞すごいですね。検索するとまるで誰かと対話しているように答えの文章がつらつらと。。チャッドポッドのさらに進化した より人間との対話に近いというか。これは人がやっていたことをAIがどんどん置き換えていくという事かもしれませんね。今後が楽しみというか怖いというか、いずれにしろAIの領域がさらに広がってゆきそうな出来事の一つかもですね。






最近、音楽番組「伊藤政則のROCK CITY」がテレビ神奈川で土曜日深夜にやっていて起きていられないので外付けHDD(裸族の頭+だいぶ前に使ってたWDの1Tb HDD)で録画するようになったのですが、これも他のテレビに換えると見れなくなるので再生したらとっておかないで直ぐに消去するようにします。

HDD for TV recording

January 28, 2023 Saturday morning is off to a good start with sunshine and a full day of nice weather, only about 2 degrees but sunny and 7 degrees during the day so laundry can be hung out to dry.

Yesterday I spent a chilly, cloudy and sometimes rainy day at my apartment, and I was watching a lot of YouTube and found “ChatGPT” to be amazing. I was watching YouTube and found that “ChatGPT” is amazing. It’s like a more advanced version of Chadpod, more like a dialogue with a human being. This may mean that AI is replacing what people used to do more and more. It is a very exciting or scary prospect, but in any case, it may be one of the events that will further expand the domain of AI.

I also watch a lot of computer-related videos on YouTube, such as NAS, M.2 and SATA connections, and the recent development of mini-PCs. The evolution of PCs has been so remarkable that if I take my eyes off of them for a moment, I can’t help but be left behind. Recently, I have been thinking a lot about backups of my computer, and I have come to the conclusion that hard disks or SSDs are the way to go, but NAS seems to be the way to go if you have a family or multiple people to back up your computer. It can be accessed from outside the house.

However, in the case of my family, I am the only one who manages the computer, so there seems to be no need for a NAS. The most bulky data is music files, but even if they are bulky, they are only 300 to 400 Gb at most, which is less than half of the amount of data we need to back up. For the time being, it seems that 500Gb to 1Tb SSD will be sufficient.

I found SSDs for internal use on amazon.com that start from 500Gb to around 3,000 yen. Fortunately, there is a SATA head (a.k.a. “naked head” – less than 2,000 yen), so you can connect to it for backup. I think the advantage of an internal SSD is that it’s cheaper than an external SSD. Since I also have a sub-machine, if I don’t back up to one place and keep backups in small portions, I won’t have to panic in case of an emergency.

It would be even safer if I made it a habit to do backups two or three times a year instead of once a year. I’ve decided that July and December will be my backup months, so I’m thinking of increasing the number of backups to once more, maybe in March or April.

On a different note, I saw on YouTube yesterday that you can only watch the TV on the HDD that recorded the TV! I was shocked to learn that you can’t watch the recorded HDD if you change the TV set. I was shocked. I knew about “copy once” and “ten,” but I was surprised because copyrights are so severely guarded.

Recently, a music program “Masanori Ito’s ROCK CITY” is on late at night on Saturdays at TV Kanagawa, and I can’t stay awake, so I started to record it with an external HDD (the head of naked family + WD 1Tb HDD I used a long time ago), but I can’t watch this when I change to another TV, so I don’t save it after playing. I will not keep it after playback, but erase it immediately.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

