
スマホ水没cell phone submerged in **?

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Rushがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫32 Scroll to bottom for English translation





余談ですが、6月買ったキーボード(MKGA75)を会社のパソコン用に移動し今たたいているキーボードは以前使っていたRazerのBlackWidow Eliteです。1か月ぶりにたたいているのですが、これはこれで~~とってもいキーボードであることを改めて実感できてます。フルサイズのスペックなので多少MKGA75(75%サイズ)とキーボードの間隔が違い感覚が異なりますが、慣れの問題でしょう。どちらが良いのかと問われると・・・「 どちらも良い!」と迷わず言えるレベルにMKGA75もBlackWidow Eliteも気に入ってます。

どちらにも共通しているのはメカニカルキーボードであることと打感が良いことです。あと、打った時の音も重要でシャカシャカした音ではなくマットな感じです。音だけならMKGA75が優位ですがBlackWidow Eliteは爽快感が特徴かと。シャカシャカではなくシャキシャキといった擬音語がふさわしいと思います。

いずれ新しいゲーミングキーボードに挑戦する日が来るまでは会社でMKGA75、自宅でBlackWidow Eliteといった守備で当面はキーボードライフを充実させたいです。












cell phone submerged in water

Saturday morning, July 8, 2023, is cloudy and somewhat breezy and hot and humid, but humidity has managed to stay around 70% in the middle and upper levels of the apartment building.

Today’s polemic

Be very careful where you put your phone while eating…


This week, I didn't have telework, and the half-day vacation I was going to take was cancelled due to work flow, so I had to work 5 full days for the first time in a while. The workload was not so heavy, but it was tiring when I had to rush to follow up on unexpected work or projects that I had inadvertently left out (lol).

I am now using a Razer BlackWidow Elite keyboard, which I bought in June and moved to my office computer. It's a full-size keyboard, so it's a little bit of a MK. The keyboard is a little different from the MKGA75 (75% size) because of the full-size specs, but I guess it's a matter of getting used to it. When asked which is better... "Both are good! I like both MKGA75 and BlackWidow Elite to the level where I can say without hesitation, "Both are good!

What they have in common is that they are both mechanical keyboards and have a good feel. Also, the sound when typing is important, and it is matte rather than crunchy. The MKGA75 has the advantage in terms of sound alone, but the BlackWidow Elite is characterized by its exhilarating feel. I think onomatopoeic words such as "crunchy" and "crunchy" are more appropriate.

Until the day comes when I challenge a new gaming keyboard, I would like to enrich my keyboard life for the time being with the MKGA75 at work and the BlackWidow Elite at home.

Of course, the MKGA75's LED lighting is turned off at work; see the bottom link for a video of it turned on. Please see the link at the bottom for a video of the two units turned on.

Now to the main topic. The other day, I submerged my phone in water. And that too in the house.

There is a smartphone stand on the table, which is clamped to the side of the table and set at a convenient height for watching YouTube, etc. The incident occurred during a meal.

As usual, I was eating with my phone on the phone stand, but what I put under the phone stand seemed to be wrong.

It was already late when I noticed that my phone had fallen, and it dived into the miso soup that happened to be placed under the phone stand (''Д'').

Half of the phone was soaked in the miso soup, and I had to rush to take it out. (I had to rush to take it out.)

Fortunately, it was not the type-C one that charges. It was the one for the earphone plug that I don't use much, so there is no problem so far. I can only hope that the small hole is not filled with miso soup due to the force of surface tension.

I have only been using it for 1 year and 8 months so I would like to keep using it still. I'm curious.

I want to be careful where I put my phone.

box04 title="Today's polemic"]Be very careful where you put your phone while eating…[/box04][/box04]

