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スマホ ストレージの断捨離~同じ画像何枚もいる?

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに Night Rangerがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫♪72

2023年1月8日 日曜日の朝は晴れて今日も気持ちの良い1月の行楽日和です。今日もよくよく眠れて、二度寝で11時間近く眠れました(笑)。3日間の仕事初めが相当こたえたのでしょうか(^^。。



今回断捨離に利用した「 Files by Google 」はAndroidスマホの場合あらかじめインストールされており、簡単なガイドで楽に余計なファイルを削除できました。

例えば、ぼやけている写真がある場合「 削除しますか? 」との問いに確認して問題なければOKするだけです。同じ画像が何枚もある場合に「 すべて残す必要がありますか? 」の質問があり必要な画像のみ残して削除すればストレージ削減になります。「 Files by Google 」の操作により数Gbの断捨離が行われました。



Cell phone Storage decluttering – How many of the same images are there?

January 8, 2023 Sunday morning is sunny and today is another pleasant January day for a day out. I slept well today and slept for almost 11 hours after sleeping twice, lol. 3 days at the beginning of work must have been quite hard on me, lol.

I have been using a smartphone for a little over a year and the ROM (storage), which is 64 Gb, has become 43 Gb, which is getting quite tight, so I started decluttering the storage with the help of YouTube. It is necessary to discard the data stored to some extent after 80% of the ROM is filled.

Even if there is 64Gb, it does not mean that all of it can be used, and the more you fill it up, the slower it will run. In the worst case, it is said that overstuffing can cause the system to freeze up.

Files by Google,” which I used to declutter this time, is pre-installed on my Android phone, and with a simple guide, I was able to delete unnecessary files with ease.

For example, if there is a photo that is blurry, it asks “Do you want to delete it? and if it is OK, you can simply click OK. If you have multiple copies of the same image, the “Do I need to keep them all? If you have multiple images of the same file, you will be asked “Do you need to keep all of them? Files by Google” operation has resulted in the elimination of several Gb of data.

Next, delete browser history and downloads: After a year of use, there is a considerable amount of past browsing history and downloaded PDFs and images. Deleting all of these will free up a lot of storage space.

In the end, I was able to free up 5GB of storage by performing these actions. The battery is still going strong, so I was able to clean out my current phone so that I can use it comfortably and for many years to come.
