===今日のバックグラウンドMUSICはCreye “ Never to late ” がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1===
本日は2022年3月19日土曜日、昨日からの寒い雨が上がり晴れでのスタート。都内の予想最高気温は20度と昨日の7度から一転して春の陽気。昨日の段階では桜の開花は印象としては30本に1本くらいで開花している木があるくらいの ごくわずかな状態でしたが この3連休で一気に開花が進みそうです。桜が咲くとこころもウキウキしてきますね( ^^)
卒業の春ということで、別れのシーズン。人の別れ以外にも物との別れがありますが、最近使わなくなったものをいくつか処分いたしました。ミラーレス一眼レフ、お客さん用フトン、2011年に買った服、そしてロデオボーイ。処分の仕方は単に捨てる以外にメルカリ、ラクウル等の買取再販売系や 買取だけでなく ただで引き取ってもらう方を募ることもできるジモティー。今回処分した お客さん用フトンは1辺が30cmを超えるため大型ごみとなり区の有料大型ごみ引き取り券をコンビニで購入し、スマホで引き取り希望日を入力し回収してもらったのですがミラーレス一眼レフはラクウルで、ロデオボーイはジモティーでとなりました。ラクウルは自分で梱包しスマホで引き取り希望日を入力するとクロネコが引き取りに来てくれます。後日査定額がスマホに届き、価格に納得したらクリックするだけで完了となります。買取マネーに変換すれば割りよくビックカメラで使うことができます。
思い起こすと、ロデオボーイを購入した目的は体幹を鍛えて少しでもダイエットに貢献できないかと考えてamazonで2万円台後半で買ったのですが、約2年朝晩と継続して使い続けたように記憶しております。結果的にダイエットにはならなかったのですが、使ってなかった体幹が刺激され使用開始後はしばらくきつい感じがしましたが、すぐに慣れ無理なく継続でき2年続きました。しかしダイエットには効果がないように感じ、最近は使用頻度が落ちていたのですが ひょんなことから毎日の晩酌を止めたところ見る見るうちに余分な肉が落ちていき。。自分の場合は運動よりもお酒が贅肉の源になっていたんだと気づくことができました。ネットなどでも“ダイエットでマラソンしても無駄!?効率悪すぎ。”とか極端な?ことを発信する方もいるなぁ。。ぐらいに思っていたのですが、確かに運動してダイエットするのは効率がかなり悪い場合もあるのかな?と思わせる体験となりました。
さて本題のジモティーですが、まず自分のIDを登録します。今回はただで引き取ってもらえる方の募集なので「 差し上げます~ロデオボーイ 0円 」をぱっと見でわかるように投稿いたしました。(皆さんがやってるフォームに習って。)
その後、引き渡し日 当日「 こちらに置いたので引き取って下さい。 」的なメッセージと「 急用が入り、引き渡しに立ち会えません。 」的なことをお伝えしたところ、エントリーいただいた方に問題なく引き取っていただき無事取引完了となりました。
コロナ禍もあり、なるべく非接触でと思っていたので うまくいき満足の取引ができました。低い確率ではあるかと思いますが、相手が悪い人とかだとトラブルになる可能性もあるので、特に女性の場合などは こうした非接触の取引が安心かもですね。

Smooth transactions of unwanted items with Zimoti – Non-contact delivery women can also feel at ease.
===Today’s background music is Creye “Never to late” by Sony HDD Audio Player System HAP-S1===.
Today is Saturday, March 19, 2022, a sunny start after the cold rain from yesterday. The forecast high temperature in Tokyo is 20 degrees Celsius, a change from yesterday’s 7 degrees Celsius, and it is spring weather. As of yesterday, my impression of the cherry blossoms was that only about one in every 30 trees was in bloom, but it seems that the blooming will proceed at once during this three-day weekend. When cherry blossoms bloom, it makes my heart happy.
Spring is the season of graduation, which means it is also the season of farewells. In addition to parting with people, we are also parting with things. A mirrorless SLR camera, a futon for a client, some clothes I bought in 2011, and a rodeo boy. In addition to simply throwing things away, we have been using a number of online shopping sites such as Mercari, Rakuul, and Zimoti, where we can not only purchase items but also recruit people to take them back for free. The futon for the customer that I disposed of this time was over 30 cm on a side, so it was considered large-sized garbage, so I bought a paid large-sized garbage pickup ticket from a convenience store, entered the desired pickup date on my smartphone, and had it picked up. The mirrorless SLR was to be handled by Rakuul, while the Rodeo Boy was to be handled by Jimotte. With RaQualu, you pack the items yourself and enter the desired pickup date on your smartphone, and Kuroneko will come and pick them up. You will receive a valuation later on your smartphone, and if you are satisfied with the price, just click on it and you are done. If you convert the money into purchase money, you can use it at Bic Camera at a discount.
This was my first time using Zimoti, and it worked out well as a result. I used it for about 3 years and recently started using it less frequently, so it takes up a lot of space and I had to get rid of it.
I remember that the purpose of purchasing Rodeo Boy was to train my torso and contribute to my weight loss, even if only a little, and I bought it on amazon for around 20,000 yen. As a result, it did not help me lose weight, but it stimulated my trunk, which I had not been using, and I felt it was hard for a while after I started using it, but I soon got used to it and was able to continue using it for two years without any difficulty. However, I felt that it was not effective for weight loss, and recently I have been using it less frequently, but by chance, I stopped drinking every evening, and as I watched, my excess flesh started to fall off. I realized that in my case, alcohol was the source of my excess flesh rather than exercise. I have read on the Internet, “Marathon running on a diet is useless! Too inefficient.” Or is that extreme? I was surprised that there are some people who say such a thing. I thought it was just a matter of time, but it is true that dieting through exercise can be quite inefficient in some cases. This experience made us think.
First of all, I registered my ID. This time, since I was looking for someone who would take it for free, I posted “I’ll give it to you – Rodeo Boy, 0 yen” so that you can see it at a glance. (Following the form that everyone else is doing.)
About a month after posting, we exchanged messages within the app and decided on a pick-up date.
On the day of the pick-up date, I received a message saying, “I left it here, so please pick it up. Please pick it up” and “I can’t be there for the pickup due to an urgent matter. The person who entered the application was able to pick it up without any problem, and the transaction was successfully completed.
I was hoping to make the transaction as non-contact as possible due to the Corona disaster, so it went well and I was satisfied with the transaction. I think it is a low probability, but if the other party is a bad person, there is a possibility of trouble, especially in the case of women, such a non-contact transaction may be safe.