

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに ビリージョエルがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫34 Scroll to bottom for English translation

2023年7月15日 土曜日の朝は曇りで少しじめっとした感じ。すでに26度ありますが、30度程度にまでしか上がらない様子。明日から3日程度また強い夏の気流となり35度越えが続くとの予報。いよいよこのマンションでもクーラーが稼働しそうな感じです。




2月に買った冷蔵庫ですが、4月に冷凍室がきっちり閉まらない為 出張修理をしていただき良い感じだったのですが、ここ2週間また同じ症状が出てしまいお客様相談室に電話したところ、即答で交換となりました。さすがに同じ症状が再発すると「また修理します。」となりにくい症例のご紹介でした。。電化製品が壊れると❝よい方向に向かう前兆❞との説があるのでそれを信じると致します。










Which is the best value for money, including service and warranty?

July 15, 2023 Saturday morning was cloudy and a bit dreary. It is already 26 degrees, but it looks like it will only rise to about 30 degrees. The forecast is for another strong summer air current for about three days starting tomorrow, with temperatures continuing above 35 degrees Celsius. It looks like the air conditioner is finally going to start working in this apartment.

Today’s polemic

Price alone is not enough – which is the best value for money, including service?


I would like to go out today, but I have to deliver a refrigerator in the morning and pick up two delivery services in the evening.

I bought this refrigerator in February, and in April, I had it repaired on site because the freezer didn’t close tightly, which was a good feeling. As expected, when the same symptom recurs, it is difficult to say, “We’ll repair it again. I will repair it again. I believe in the theory that when an electrical appliance breaks, it is an omen that things are going in the right direction.

I bought an original-brand refrigerator from a well-known appliance retailer, and since I am a small owner of the stock, I can get a glimpse of the store’s support system, which I usually cannot experience in the store.

This time the breakdown is free of charge within the warranty period of one year, but I recognize the breakdown and call the toll-free Customer Service Center first.

I think it was after 18:00 at night. The operator confirmed the details of the malfunction, told me that they would replace the refrigerator, and then called me back from the store where I bought the refrigerator. I will call you from the store where I bought the refrigerator.

Soon after, the store called me to arrange a schedule for the replacement work. The earliest they could schedule the work was three days later, but since they only work during the daytime on weekdays, they decided to schedule the work for today, Saturday morning. It will be less than a week from the time I called to report the problem.

This is the kind of service you can’t get from just buying a product at a store. It would be sad if it is just a cheap ******* service in the case of home appliances. Especially, a refrigerator may be used for more than ten years in some cases. I have learned again this time that it is important to have the sense of buying a product with service as well.

In this age when we can easily buy things on the Internet, we tend to buy things just by asking ourselves, “Where is the cheapest? We tend to buy things based solely on the question, “Where is the cheapest?

I want to choose products that I will use for a long time from the viewpoint of “where is the best price including service? I think it is important to choose products from the viewpoint of “Which is the best value for money, including service?
