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本日は2022年8月27日 日曜日で都内は曇りですが雨が日中降る予想。予想最高気温は27度で昨日よりも8度低い秋のレベル。昨日は暑かった。昼間に用事が入り車で外出したのですが普通に?残暑を体感できました。結構重い荷物を(20㎏くらい)をマンションの2階まで持ち上げましたが日当たりの良い外階段で。。
さて、本日のお題は❝ サラリーマンの賃貸マンションの選び方 ❞です。
その方は自炊をされており外食はほとんどされないとのことでガスコンロを必要最低基準にして冷蔵庫を大きめのものが置けるかどうか。スーパーが徒歩圏に何軒かあるといった自炊するための環境を重視して物件を選び、あとはおうち時間(趣味がインドア系)をストレスなく過ごせるように ある程度の日当たりと広さ(南西向き10畳の居室)を確保する物件を選び その私生活よりも大切な会社への通勤は(笑)駅から遠くない距離の物件に。
How to choose a rental apartment for a businessman
Today is Sunday, August 27, 2022 and it is cloudy in Tokyo but rain is expected during the day. The expected high temperature is 27 degrees Celsius, 8 degrees below yesterday’s fall level. Yesterday was hot. I drove out to run an errand during the day and it was normal? I was able to experience the lingering summer heat. I lifted a rather heavy load (about 20 kg) up to the second floor of my apartment, but it was on the sunny outside stairs.
Now, today’s subject is “How to choose a rental apartment for businessmen.
Have you ever lived in a rental apartment due to a job transfer, even if you are currently a homeowner? Can you remember why you chose that apartment?
The layout, the sunlight, the distance from the station, the convenience of shopping, the children’s school, the distance from the workplace, the availability of parking, the rent, etc….
I am sure that you chose the apartment based on a variety of conditions. For example, if the maximum rent for a single person is 90,000 yen in the transfer area, the decision will be made within that amount.
You would not choose an extremely cheap apartment even though the upper limit is 90,000 yen. This is because the amount of personal expenses will not change significantly at any price. This is because the amount of personal expenses (let’s say 10,000 yen) will be almost the same whether the property is 90,000 yen or 50,000 yen, as long as the contents of the property (size, age of the building, etc.) do not change significantly. This means that you should decide on the maximum amount.
Then, what is the next thing to focus on…
I guess that depends on the person.
Once the price has been determined, it is simply a matter of prioritizing individual preferences and making a choice.
People who cook for themselves may prefer a gas stove to an induction stove, people who cherish their time at home may choose a quiet and comfortable space, while those who are busy with work and spend little time at home may choose a property near a station for convenience of transportation or a restaurant nearby. In the case of singles in particular, the family’s wishes are not considered (if they are, it may be that the property has good access to the family’s home, for example…). So, it is 100% of my own preference.
One of our acquaintances chose a property for a single person, and we asked him about his selection criteria.
He said he cooks his own food and rarely eats out, so he chose a gas stove as the minimum requirement and a refrigerator that is large enough to fit his needs. We selected a property with an emphasis on the environment for self-cooking, such as having several supermarkets within walking distance, and also selected a property with a certain amount of sunlight and space (a 10-mat room facing southwest) so that they can spend their time at home (their hobbies are indoor activities) without stress, and then we selected a house with a large refrigerator. Commuting to the company, which is more important than private life (laugh), is to a property not far from the station.
This is how they prioritized.
Surprisingly, once the upper limit of the property price is decided? Maybe we will have less worries.
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