♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICにHollies がかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫47 Scroll to bottom for English translation
2023年8月12日 土曜日の朝は曇りです。朝から家の家庭菜園(けっこう小さめ)と玄関先のアプローチの草木に水をたっぷり与えて日頃の酷暑を癒したつもりです。日照りが続いているので元気に育つよう気持ちを込めてシャワーで散水です。

こんなことってあるんですね。GOLF7に乗っているのですが日本車でも報告あるのか検索してみたところあるにはあるようです。しかし、VW GOLFでの報告がまずまずの数あるようです。その他の欧州車でもあるようなのでこのミラー落ちは欧州車に多めの現象と認識しました。
ENEOSでコーティングをしてもらって車を引き取りに行ったときに聞いたのですが、先日もほかのお客さんでVW トゥアレグで同じミラー落ちがあったようです。ミラー落ちはVWで一定数ある事例のようです。同じガソリンスタンドで短い期間で2例も重なるなんて。。
それにしてもついてました。なぜなら2日前に長距離で合計400km走る日帰り旅行に行ってきたので、そのさなかにミラー落ちしていたらと思うと。。このタイミングでのミラー落ちに つくづく❝ ついているな ❞と思いました。

ホームセンターで強力な接着剤(ゴリラ 約1700円)を買ってはがれたサイドミラーを台座(黒い部分)に接着して現状回復を試みました。
Do side mirrors ever fall off, GOLF?
August 12, 2023 Saturday morning is cloudy. I started the morning by giving plenty of water to the vegetable garden at home (quite small) and the plants and trees on the approach to the front door to relieve the extreme heat of the day. The sun has been shining for a long time, so I sprinkled water in the shower to make the plants grow vigorously.
Yesterday was also a perfect day for coating, so I left my car at the nearby ENEOS at 8:00 a.m. to have the once-a-year Crystal Keepers applied, and returned home on a cart.
To my surprise, when I started the engine to start the car and casually looked at the driver’s side mirror…
The mirror was out of alignment!
I picked up the mirror and was surprised to find that it came off without a second thought (‘Д’).
↑I went to ENEOS with the mirror like this.
I am driving a GOLF7, but I searched to see if there are any reports of this happening with Japanese cars, and it seems that there are. However, there seems to be a good number of reports on VW GOLF. I have found that this phenomenon is more common in European cars.
I never imagined that the mirror could fall off. Side mirrors play an important role in driving safely, especially when changing lanes or backing up.
According to some posts on the Internet, there have been cases of mirrors falling off while driving and being stepped on by following cars, shattering the mirrors.
When I went to pick up my car after having it coated by ENEOS, I heard that another customer had the same mirror fall off on his VW Touareg the other day. It seems that mirror dropout is a constant occurrence with VWs. I can’t believe there were two cases in a short period of time at the same gas station.
But still, I was lucky. Because two days ago, I went on a day trip for a long distance of 400 km, and I wondered if the mirror would have fallen off during the trip. I thought to myself, “I’m so lucky” when the mirror fell off at this time.
Driving long distance with this black rearview mirror (I can’t see anything) is dangerous.