

♫♪バックグラウンドMUSICに The Shadowsがかかっている中 執筆して おります by Spotify ♪♫♪75

2023年1月15日 日曜日の朝は曇りで11度。4月のころの気温のようです。朝のNEWSによれば東京周辺で一番寒くなるのは1月下旬に冬の最低気温をつけることが多いそうなのであと少しで峠を越えられるんですね。北国ではまだまだ冬は長いですが。

本日は❝ オレオレ詐欺の対策 ❞と題して昨日当ブログで記事にしたオレオレ詐欺の被害をもとに今後の対策を検討いたします。~数百万円の被害経験からの学び









そもそもなんですが、現金がなければオレオレ詐欺の被害にあいません。詐欺犯罪者が「 1か月以内に100万円稼いで来い!」と電話で要求するケースはありませんよね。



子供であっても、なかなかためらわれる部分かと。おそらくたいがいの高齢なご両親はこういうでしょう。「 お金の勘定ができない程、ボケちゃいませんよ!」。。


逆をいうと、ここで子供の言う通り「 そうだね、万が一気が動転してしまうこともあるかもしれないのでお金の管理は〇〇に任せるよ。大きな金額が必要な時は都度相談するよ。」などと言ってくれる親御さんはオレオレ詐欺の被害になんてまず遭わないでしょう。(強めに思います)


実はうちの母親は今回のオレオレ詐欺の被害に遭う前に、何度か危ない目に遭ってきました。2017年ころは わたくしが仕事中のお昼頃に母親から連絡があり。

「 今から振り込むよ。」と電話口で言ってくるではないですか!・・・思わず

「 詐欺だ!!」とわたくしが言って気が付き、寸止めできたことがありました。

その時は事故か何かをわたくしが起こしてしまい、その示談金でお金を振り込んでくれという趣旨のオレオレ詐欺だったと記憶しています。相手の名前が❝ 吉田 ❞と名乗るもので母親がわたくしの卒業名簿を確認したところ・・・確かに❝ 吉田 ❞という名前が載っていて信じてしまったそうです。❝ 吉田 ❞なんてたいがいの卒業名簿に載ってるありふれた名前なのでそんなことに騙されるなんて。。。と思うかもしれませんが気が動転してしまうと判断がつかなくなる事例です。当時は父親と母親の二人暮らしだったのですが父親は病気でかなりメンタルも弱っており、二人で「 またお金がかかるね 」と病気の治療費にプラスして子供のことで大変だと話していたそうです。(後日談)


要するに母親は、詐欺グループにマークされた❝ かもネギ ❞リストに載っているあと少しでお金をとれそうな対象だったのかもしれません。

このようなことが起こるたびに、わたくしは母親に「 忘れたころに必ずまた電話がかかてくるぞ! 」と口を酸っぱくするくらい言っていたのですが、ほとぼり冷めれば同じ繰り返しで結局今回の被害となりました。忠告するたびに母親は「 大丈夫、もう大丈夫。留守電になるまで電話にでないから。。」と言っていたのですが。。

もうすこし人のやさしさを受け入れる素直さがあれば と悔やんでも仕方がないですね。。




そうした観点からも~相談できる親戚と連携する ことは重要かと思います。お金の管理は自分でするにしろ、何か問題が起きた時に近くか電話などで気軽に相談できる相手がいることは重要です。


❝ お金の管理を別の人にしてもらう ❞~にもリンクしますがもし、信頼できる親戚などが見当たらない場合は街の法律家などに相談し(無料相談会などを活用)成年後見人とかをあてがってもらうなどの方法もありますかね。成年後見制度は本人の認知機能が低下した場合ですが、認知機能が低下してない場合は、「 任意後見制度 」というものがあり、将来の認知機能の低下に備えて 本人が元気なうちに「後見人」になっていただく人を選んで契約しておく制度もあります。





そもそもなのですが、一人暮らし高齢者に固定電話は必要なのでしょうか。携帯も使っているケースです。昔からの知り合いに「 固定電は撤去して携帯だけになりました。」と連絡することが面倒な理由でそのままになっているのではないかと類推できます。

携帯の番号はさすがに子供の卒業名簿に記載してませんが、今回の被害で携帯の番号も犯人に知らせてしまったようでこちらも変更の必要性があります。詐欺グループにマークされた❝ かもネギ ❞リストに載ってしまう恐れがあるからです。







How to prevent scams so that you are never a victim again

January 15, 2023 Sunday morning was cloudy and 11 degrees Celsius, which is about the same temperature as in April. According to the morning NEWS, the coldest temperatures around Tokyo are often the lowest of the winter in late January, so we are almost over the pass. In northern Japan, however, winter is still long.

Today’s article is titled “Countermeasures against the Oleore Scam,” and will discuss future countermeasures based on the damage caused by the Oleore Scam, which we wrote about in this blog yesterday.

It is overwhelmingly the elderly who are most likely to become victims of the OLEOLE scam. The reasons are

❶More often than young people, they deposit money – even cash – in a nearby bank account and the amount is quite large.

❷The elderly are concerned about their children, and if something should happen to them, they are willing to pay money to do something about it.

❸There may be a mild decline in cognitive function to the extent that it is not noticeable, and people may become upset in an emergency situation.

❹For elderly people who live alone, there are cases where there is no one they can talk to about their relatives and they are left to suffer alone. When they are urged to act in an emergency situation, they will withdraw cash without telling anyone.

I think these are the reasons why the elderly are more likely to become victims. When I examined the case of my mother’s victimization, the above items came to mind.

Let’s think about countermeasures.

Have someone else manage the money


To begin with, if you don’t have cash, you won’t be a victim of the Oreo scam. There are no cases where scam criminals demand over the phone, “Go earn 1 million yen within a month!” There is no case that a scam criminal demands over the phone, “Go and earn 1 million yen within a month!

Anyway, scammers want to rush their victims to get cash without getting caught. They want to get results in a short period of time, not days, because something like an old-fashioned kidnapping takes time and will be discovered as soon as the cell phone is traced. We don’t want to give the victim time to think. We want to get them upset and get the cash.

So, who will manage the cash and other assets that the elderly parent has? This is the problem.

Even children may be hesitant about this. Most elderly parents are probably like this. “I’m not so old that I can’t handle money! That’s right.

That’s right. Strange? They are too proud to entrust their children with money management. I once said something similar to the above to my mother, and I will never forget what she said. It may be difficult to entrust your children with your money until they are too weak to go to the bank and withdraw money as they wish in the future.

To put it another way, you should say to your child here, “Yes, I will leave the money management to you because you may get upset in case you need to spend a large amount of money. I will consult with you each time I need a large sum of money.” Parents who say things like this are unlikely to be victims of the “oleo” scam. (I think strongly).

Work with relatives you can consult


In fact, my mother had been in danger several times before she became a victim of this type of scam, around 2017, she called me around noon when I was at work and said, “I’m going to transfer the money to your account now.

She said, “I’m going to transfer the money now.” She said over the phone, “I’m going to transfer the money now. I couldn’t help but think

It’s a scam! I realized it and was able to stop the call.

I remember that it was an oleore scam, in which I had caused an accident or something, and they wanted me to transfer money to settle the case. The other person’s name was “Yoshida,” and when my mother checked my graduation list…she found that the name “Yoshida” was indeed on it, so she believed it. Yoshida” is a common name in most graduation lists, so how could she be fooled by such a thing? But this is a case in which a person who is upset is at a loss to make a judgment. At the time, the father and mother lived together, but the father was mentally weak due to illness, and they were talking about how difficult it would be to pay for medical treatment for the illness and for the child. (Later in the story).

I remember that before that, when I was posted to the Koshinetsu region, I received several phone calls from the mother while I was at work, asking me to confirm something like this.

In short, the mother may have been a target on the “may-negi” list marked by the scam group that was very close to getting the money.

Whenever this kind of thing happened, I would tell my mother, “They will call you again when you forget about it! But when the heat dies down, the same thing happens over and over again, and this time, I ended up with the latest victim. Whenever I warned her, she would say, “Don’t worry, it’s all right now. I won’t answer the phone until it goes to voicemail.” But I was not to accept her kindness.

If only I had been a little more open-minded and accepting of other people’s kindness.

What I have learned is

Stubbornness loses money!

I’m done with this kind of learning.

From this point of view – I think it is important to cooperate with relatives with whom you can consult. Even if you manage your money yourself, it is important to have someone nearby or on the phone that you can easily talk to when a problem arises.

It is important to have someone you can trust to talk to on a regular basis, whether it is your children, sisters, brothers, or relatives, so that emergencies can be kept to a minimum.

If you cannot find a reliable relative, you can consult with a lawyer in town (by making use of free consultation meetings) and ask to be assigned an adult guardian. The adult guardianship system is for cases where the person’s cognitive functions have declined, but if the person’s cognitive functions have not declined, there is a “voluntary guardianship system” in which the person chooses and contracts with a “guardian” while he or she is still healthy in preparation for future decline in cognitive functions.

It may be wise to study the various options and make use of them. Let the younger generation take on the role of supporting your elderly parents.

Change the phone number


As mentioned above, there are cases where a child’s graduation list is KEY, so changing the phone number on the list may be a countermeasure. In the case of the mother, since she has already been a victim, it is essential to change the phone number as told by the detective. It was a long time ago when I was troubled by many prank calls and I asked my mother to change her phone number, but she didn’t do it and it took a lot of time and effort. However, this time, since I suffered from this kind of damage and was told to do so by a detective, I am sure that she will honestly change the number.

It is not easy to act unless you are in pain.

To begin with, is a landline phone necessary for an elderly person living alone? This is a case where a cell phone is also used. It is a case where a senior citizen who has been using a cell phone for a long time says to an old acquaintance, “The landline has been removed and I now have only a cell phone.” It is analogous to the case where the elderly person has left the landline phone as it is because it is troublesome to contact his/her old acquaintances saying, “I removed the landline phone and now only use the mobile phone.

Although the cell phone number is not written in the graduation list of the child, it seems that the cell phone number was also given to the perpetrator, so it is necessary to change it as well. The reason for this is that the cell phone number may be on the “may-negi” list marked by the scam group.

To summarize the article, Oreore scam – how to avoid being a victim again.

What you must do

▪ Have someone else manage your money

Connect with a relative you can talk to.

Change your phone number – especially an old landline


Do what you have to do after you’ve been victimized, and don’t ever enrich the perpetrator again!
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

